With Rudock, Iowa loses....

What I am saying Warner is that I supported the coaches in the decisions of the past two years to play Rudock as the starter. If you disagree, fine. We all have different opinions.They based their decisions on what they saw day in day out in practice. Are you trying to say you know more than them?

Did you ever consider the fact that maybe, just maybe, Beathard has developed into a better QB this year than he was in any of his previous three years at Iowa?
perhaps we are forgetting one thing. Maybe early last year, Rudock WAS better than CJ???? Maybe... and we will never know. He could have gotten better at reading the defenses, etc and by years end WAS better.
Ooops. I was about 10 seconds late!
perhaps we are forgetting one thing. Maybe early last year, Rudock WAS better than CJ???? Maybe... and we will never know. He could have gotten better at reading the defenses, etc and by years end WAS better.
Ooops. I was about 10 seconds late!

Correct. Its fans like Warner that think everything today is the exact way things were in the past with a player too. Players never get better in the minds of people like Warner.
You're grumpy today :confused:

No, I just take remarks that people make that are quite silly and reply to them.

For you to just assume Beathard would have been our better QB a year ago despite never seeing him or Rudock in practice as the coaches did is laughable--that's what I am saying. Fans like you is why the saying "the most popular man on campus is the back up QB" exists.

And as I addressed you before--you think there's any chance whatsoever that Beathard maybe is a much better QB this year than he was last year or the two years before that?
Damn, you did? Gee we would have won all our remaining games then last season had you been on our coaching staff.

We would have won more games had CJ been starting.
No, I just take remarks that people make that are quite silly and reply to them.

For you to just assume Beathard would have been our better QB a year ago despite never seeing him or Rudock in practice as the coaches did is laughable--that's what I am saying. Fans like you is why the saying "the most popular man on campus is the back up QB" exists.

And as I addressed you before--you think there's any chance whatsoever that Beathard maybe is a much better QB this year than he was last year or the two years before that?

You make it sound like Beathard never saw any significant playing time last year. I didn't need to see them in practice. I saw all I needed to see against Pitt. They both played and Beathard was head and shoulders better.
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We would have won more games had CJ been starting.

You make it sound like Beathard never saw any significant playing time last year. I didn't need to see them in practice. I saw all I needed to see against Pitt. They both played and Beathard was head and shoulders better.

Like I said, if you were that remarkable in your Pitt game evaluation from last year, then you missed your calling bud--you should be in coaching and on the Iowa staff.

You truly think if the Iowa staff last year felt Beathard gave them a better chance to win than did Rudock, they wouldn't have played Beathard instead?
Im sorry to rain on your parade but cj is and always has been the better qb and we would have had more wins if he had been starting. Even someone who doesn't know a football from a golf ball should be able to see it.
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Im sorry to rain on your parade but cj is and always has been the better qb and we would have had more wins if he had been starting. Even someone who doesn't know a football from a golf ball should be able to see it.

Then you missed your calling and you should be in coaching and on the Iowa staff. You saw something that Ferentz and Greg Davis didn't I guess.
Peace frydaze, that's the good thing about America, we are both in titled to our own opinion. Dang, sounds like something the great american stanzi would say huh
yes we are better than Michigan wished we played them.

Too early for both teams to determine which is better. A case could be made either way. I suspect they will both be roughly similar teams in terms of quality by the end of the year. Iowa should end up with a better conference record, however, since they don't have to play Ohio State or Michigan State who are clearly the 2 best teams in the conference.
Like I said, if you were that remarkable in your Pitt game evaluation from last year, then you missed your calling bud--you should be in coaching and on the Iowa staff.

You truly think if the Iowa staff last year felt Beathard gave them a better chance to win than did Rudock, they wouldn't have played Beathard instead?
I think you're missing the point here. Over and over you're missing the point. The opinions that say CJ is and was better (myself included) are pointing out the flaws of the coaching staff and the conservative that has ruled and lead to an upheaval of our program and malcontent of our fanbase prior to January. This isn't rocket science, more get out of your old ways and adapt. Which is exactly what we've seen from the team, the chemistry they've spoke of and the difference it's displaying on the field.
I think you're missing the point here. Over and over you're missing the point. The opinions that say CJ is and was better (myself included) are pointing out the flaws of the coaching staff and the conservative that has ruled and lead to an upheaval of our program and malcontent of our fanbase prior to January. This isn't rocket science, more get out of your old ways and adapt. Which is exactly what we've seen from the team, the chemistry they've spoke of and the difference it's displaying on the field.

I disagree. With a healthy Daniels, Iowa piles on the points in the second half. We need both healthy, rotating, and doing what they do best.
Unless I missed it during the broadcast, they only showed Daniels on the sideline, didn't give any hint to an injury or why he wasn't playing. Seemed pretty odd to not have him in there late in the 1st half when we needed a first down with 2nd or 3rd and short, plenty of time on the clock, driving to score, 2 timeouts, etc.

I assumed if he wasn't injured, The Captain and Davis were just saving him for the fateful 4th quarter bringing in the battering ram with a presumable tired Cyclone Defense. Assuming I didn't miss anything, it's pretty shoddy reporting not having an injury status update on a starting running back.
Here's a different angle. Could last years CJB have made the plays this years CJB made? From what I've been hearing it was more maturity issues than talent for CJ. That said, I think he is now a better QB than Jake and I am glad he's on our side. BTW, yesterdays QBR's, CJB 86 Jake 34, for what it's worth.
What I am saying Warner is that I supported the coaches in the decisions of the past two years to play Rudock as the starter. If you disagree, fine. We all have different opinions.They based their decisions on what they saw day in day out in practice. Are you trying to say you know more than them?

Did you ever consider the fact that maybe, just maybe, Beathard has developed into a better QB this year than he was in any of his previous three years at Iowa?
You are seriously reaching on this one. Big Time.

As for the 1st part of the equation, yes, I know more than Ferentz and Davis, and so did several hundred thousand other Hawk fans with eyes and brains. When it's obvious, just believe it. They didn't, and that's on them.
Where do you get Michigan is better than Iowa? There is no basis for that.

CJ is better than Jake and was last year. Iowa wins 9 games if he starts the rest of the season after the Pitt game.

I agree. Not because the Hawks are world-beaters, by any means, but Michigan hasn't been all that impressive. Yes, they beat Oregon State convincingly at home, but the first half was quite even and they did get a huge boost from the 95-yard field position swing when OSU's long snapper sent the ball to their own 3. I think our win at ISU was about as good a win, considering the hostile environment.

Also agree with others that it's time to put this to bed. I think it's pretty clear that CJ deserved the starting spot and is the better QB. Best of luck to Jake -- seems like a great kid. And, of course, continued good luck to CJ.
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That is precisely what he is saying and the both games this season prove he's correct. You were wrong, KF and staff were wrong and that's why they made the changes they've made. If anyone needs to "get over it" it's the people that need to "get over" the fact that YOU WERE WRONG! KF WAS WRONG! "GET OVER IT!"
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