Witness testifies that Matt Gaetz paid her for sex: report


HB Legend
Jan 19, 2004
The House Ethics Committee has reportedly obtained testimony from a witness who claims that she was paid for sex by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

ABC News reports that one witness specifically told the committee that Gaetz sent her money through the payment app Venmo that was in exchange for a sexual encounter.

Other witnesses have told the committee that they were "paid to attend parties that Gaetz also attended and that featured drugs and sex," ABC News reports.

Gaetz was long the subject of a Department of Justice probe over potential sex trafficking of an underage girl, although in the end the DOJ declined to bring charges against the Florida congressman.

According to ABC, the House Ethics Committee has now obtained records of Gaetz's Venmo payments, which could be key evidence against him.

Sounds like something is imminent.

Insert the standard: “but as men, we are paying for sex one way or the other…”
Congress investigating a member for … paying for sex?

He must have really pissed off the wrong people.
That's just the tip of the iceberg with this perv/creep.


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