Thank you for your patriotism. You sir are a fine American. Can you show me where it is that I bashed those people who died for our county, their memory or their service? I don't go to Starbucks because I don't drink coffee. Also I have a great deal of my family who have served and are currently serving in the military.
This conversation has nothing to do with the military, although you clearly don't know the history of the military, because for a majority of our history people who were not white either couldn't join, or they weren't assigned to active fighting. Currently 30% of the military are minorities which is higher then the rate of actual minorities in this country. Read a little, get of Fox News and chill.
As for the topic previous it has to do with the previous poster saying that the Spirit of America is about who is the most qualified for the job. That has very rarely been the case for why people have been hired. Who you know, your sex, race and education have often been the determination for much of the history of this country, which was the point.
It could be that a man is the best suited for this job. However just because they may appear to be the most qualified doesn't mean they are. They may have just had more opportunity. There is an argument to be made here as others have to let a woman be the 1st choice, not because we need some token to coach, but because if given an opportunity they may well just be the best candidate. I don't have an issue with the best candidate getting the job, I have a problem with hiring the person you think is the most qualified, because they in fact might not be the right person for that job. If Terry Steiner is the pick I think that would be a great pick, but if there is a woman out there who they think would be a great coach, how does she become qualified if not given a chance? There have not really been a lot of chances as of yet to be given to women in the sport.