
Yes I will give you Jimbo B or Jimbob whichever it is that Woodbury has developed a pretty decent 15 footer.

That's what it is though is a 15 footer. Just because they are both white and 7 feet tall does not mean they are the same player. Kaminsky is a very versatile player, with a good outside shot.

Jok is not a PG, this has been addressed by others in the thread, but he is better off of catch and shoot or one dribble and shoot. Not running an offense.
Originally posted by paladinhawk:

Originally posted by thirdandpunting:

Originally posted by Lumas Etima:

Originally posted by large19:

lol, and here I thought Kilroy was the only person who put dumb posts up.
This is what is wrong with this board.

Somebody posts an idea, and instead of politely disagreeing and explaining why, the OP is belittled and disparaged.

You can't have an intelligent conversation when posters are falling all over themselves to see who can be the most spiteful.

The premise: Because there is another dude of the same race and similiar height to Adam Woodbury, Adam Woodbury should shoot threes.

Does that premise deserve an intelligent response? IDK

Do you consider the arguement for slavery reasonable?

This post was edited on 2/25 1:27 PM by thirdandpunting
Umm you managed to leave this part of the original post out of your analysis:

When he squares up, he has a nice shot.

I'm fairly certain the premise was that Woodbury could potentially shoot 3s because of his shooting form, and not due to his race and height.

Then why compare him to Kamisky? Is there a breakdown of how Woodbury releases the ball side-by-side with Kamisky? I don't see one.

How about breaking down Klay Thompson, Ray Allen or any other guy who is under 7 feet tall who, when they square up, has a nice shot?

He uses Kasmisky's demo to provide evidence that Woodbury should shoot, which is ignorant.
Originally posted by thirdandpunting:
Originally posted by Hawkeye2222:

Lohaus didn't shoot a 3 till his RSSR year under Dr. Tom. and it saved his career and he ended up in the NBA because of it.
Thanks for the intelligent discourse.

Lohaus had his career saved by not shooting threes early in his time at Iowa. Because his career was saved, he ended up in the NBA.
Lohaus didn't shoot a 3 until his SR year because the NCAA didn't have the 3pt shot until his SR year.
Jordan Egelseder shot a few for UNI on sweet 16 team. I remember him making at least one against Kansas.
The reason to use Kaminsky as an example is because Iowa fans are acquainted with him (Iowa has played Wisc. eight times during Kaminsky's tenure there.) By the way, Kaminsky was 6-3 as a high school freshman, a guard (not sure if he was at the point) and was a 6-10 postman by the time he was a junior. His high school coaches encouraged his ball-handling skills. Someone at Wisky encouraged his three-point shooting. Agree that it might be too late for Woodbury to become a reliable three-point shooter. I think it's worth a shot. Regarding ignorance, thirdandpunting, try a third spelling on Kaminsky.
If we are going to indulge personally held stereotypes...

This is not the first time a guy named Jim Bob has been accused of racism.
I will never forget when we were up big and REGGIE EVANS shot a 3 and actually MADE IT.
Originally posted by jimbob22:
The reason to use Kaminsky as an example is because Iowa fans are acquainted with him (Iowa has played Wisc. eight times during Kaminsky's tenure there.) By the way, Kaminsky was 6-3 as a high school freshman, a guard (not sure if he was at the point) and was a 6-10 postman by the time he was a junior. His high school coaches encouraged his ball-handling skills. Someone at Wisky encouraged his three-point shooting. Agree that it might be too late for Woodbury to become a reliable three-point shooter. I think it's worth a shot. Regarding ignorance, thirdandpunting, try a third spelling on Kaminsky.
So you would like a 7 footer, who is almost done with his junior year to all of a sudden start chucking 3's because it is "worth a shot"

Hell, its worth Gesell trying to shoot 3's lefty because his arm is hurt and he cant shoot righty. It is worth it for JO to become a post player, because ah what the hell its worth a shot and his 3 pt shot isn't falling.

I just do not understand the thinking that Woodbury should start shooting 3's. Not everyone is a 3 point shooter. He has a decent, and fairly reliable 15 footer, stick with that and banging down low.
Originally posted by jimbob22:
The reason to use Kaminsky as an example is because Iowa fans are acquainted with him (Iowa has played Wisc. eight times during Kaminsky's tenure there.) By the way, Kaminsky was 6-3 as a high school freshman, a guard (not sure if he was at the point) and was a 6-10 postman by the time he was a junior. His high school coaches encouraged his ball-handling skills. Someone at Wisky encouraged his three-point shooting. Agree that it might be too late for Woodbury to become a reliable three-point shooter. I think it's worth a shot. Regarding ignorance, thirdandpunting, try a third spelling on Kaminsky.
jimbob22, between this post and my other post about halfway down the page (that you apparently didn't feel like reading) you answer your original question as to why Woody should not start jacking up 3s. Woody has always been a post player and should stick to things he is good at. The reason that Kaminsky is good on the outside is because of his background as a point guard growing up.
The reason Woody might shoot (not 'jack up') a few threes would be to make Iowa a more dangerous team and see if Woody can improve his chances of making the NBA. Aaron White's development as a three-point shooter accomplishes both: makes Iowa better and makes White more attractive to NBA. Cheers and adios. You people need a little time outside the box.
Originally posted by jimbob22:
The reason Woody might shoot (not 'jack up') a few threes would be to make Iowa a more dangerous team and see if Woody can improve his chances of making the NBA. Aaron White's development as a three-point shooter accomplishes both: makes Iowa better and makes White more attractive to NBA. Cheers and adios. You people need a little time outside the box.

White has shot fewer 3s this year than he did his FR year and has shot them worse (.279 FR year vs .268 this year). Can you please explain how his 3-pt shot has developed?
Here's some food for thought:

I bet that if White and Woodbury each took 10 3 point shots, I would put my money on Woody making more of them.

This post was edited on 2/25 7:20 PM by hansenhawk
Personally, if Woody was hitting 90% of his freethrows, I'd entertain the idea of letting him try a few threes during a game. Until then, stick to what he does best and hope the team / guards remember to throw it inside!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I am not sure which part made me laugh the most, Woody shooting 3s or Jok running the point. Hopefully this post was just a joke to draw some reactions.
I immediately thought of this thread when on Woody's first touch of the game he had no one on his side of the court and instead of going in for a lay up or dunk he took a jumper and bricked it.

Then when Jok made a couple of terrible decisions with the ball, notably at the end of the first half. I again though of this thread.

They are playing where they need to be.
My, Curt Furence, aren't we smug. And you sure are cute with that moniker. I'm happy you are so smug and cute. By way, who suggested that Woodbury change positions? I was suggesting it would be smart to see if he can shoot the three. Any more queries about White's development as a three-point shooter?
The good thing about Woodbury launching up 3 balls is with his forward lean he would be under the basket ready to rebound by the time the ball hit the rim so there is that.
I'm amazed that there are some posters who actually agree with the OP. Really? Some of you are still trying to suggest he shoots it better than White? That's not true either. Woody has a range of about 5-8 feet. Would it be good for the hawks if he could step out and hit a 3? Sure. But he can't. FYI, there's only 1 Frank Kaminski and that's why he's a 1st team all American. Also, there's nothing wrong with people on this board telling a poster he's a moron when he deserves it. Sorry.
Originally posted by jimbob22:
My, Curt Furence, aren't we smug. And you sure are cute with that moniker. I'm happy you are so smug and cute. By way, who suggested that Woodbury change positions? I was suggesting it would be smart to see if he can shoot the three. Any more queries about White's development as a three-point shooter?
Thank's Jimbob,

Couple things...Um, I never said that he needed to switch positions. I think I said they are playing where they need to be. Him floating at the 3 point line as a center would not be beneficial. (yes, for some teams that works. Not for Adam Woodbury and Iowa though)

And trust me I love seeing White shoot confidently and making some threes but up until the last 2 games he was shooting below 30% from 3. 2 games of shooting the ball well does not show development.

Thanks for tuning in for the last few games of the season. I am sure the team loves grabbing some new fans no matter how late to the party they are. I am just unable to comprehend how anyone who has watched any Iowa basketball thinks Aaron White has turned into Ray Allen and Adam Woodbury is suddenly Dirk Nowitzki.

Sincerely Curt
Originally posted by lonewolf52:
I will never forget when we were up big and REGGIE EVANS shot a 3 and actually MADE IT.
Remember that one well! In the interview after the game, he was asked if he would ever try another 3 attempt and he said very likely not!
Originally posted by jimbob22:
Has Woodbury shot a three? When he squares up, he has a nice shot. If Kaminsky can shoot a three, Woody certainly can.

Another thought: Jok at the point. His shot from the top of the key would be impossible to stop.
Woody is a great team player, but the only thing he has in common with Kaminsky is that they are both 7 feet tall.
Originally posted by redman21:
Dirk is 7 foot and can shoot threes, so why can't every 7 footer do it. Jok should never, ever play point. We can get him a 3 from the top of the key without putting him at point guard.
Peter Jok would arguably be the worst Point Guard in the history of organized basketball.

He is 1/10th the Point Guard that John Lickliter was, and I would argue Woody would be just as effective at the Point as Peter Jok. In other words, if you can't dribble, Point Guard is not for you.
My fear would be Woodbury making one and giving him the confidence to take more. Then you have Sean Sonderleiter firing away at a 21% clip and you've got guys out of position to defend in transition
If Woody could knock down a consistent 3, he would be shooting 3's. But he can't, therefore he isn't shooting 3's.

I always find it pretty hilarious when people see a guy like Kaminsky and assume their 7 footer should be able to do the same. Kaminsky is rare talent, and that's why he's a 1st team All American and a lottery pick in the NBA.

Woody and Kaminsky have completely polar opposite games (obvious statement is obvious).

Woody does what works within Iowa's team concept, no more no less.

His shot isn't quick and has doesn't have a lot of legs to it. Disaster combination at the 3 point line.
I'm hoping that at the end of the game today, when Iowa is up 25 and the final substitutes are coming in, Woody lets one fly from the 3-point line (although I suspect that may be interpreted as rubbing it in. Who cares?).