Worst good movie you ever saw

I think of movies that were good but have bad endings that ruin it.

Brothers was that way. Great story, great acting, dumb ending.
Wow, I would not have expected the last sentence to follow what came before.

To me, that reads like:

"The best steakhouse in the world is Peter Luger, which combines the best aspect of St. Elmo, Jess and Jims, and Keens. Arbys is the most underrated."

Hmm, okay. You proved my point. I guess “of all time” was a little over the the top, but Unforgiven is a masterpiece.
I am proud to say I have never seen this movie!
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I don't know that it technically qualifies as worst, but The Godfather might be the most boring movie I've ever seen. I've seen the whole movie, but I'm not sure I've ever been able to watch it straight through.

Casino and Goodfellas are both WAY better gangster movies.
Nope, The Godfather holds up better to multiple watchings, as does Godfather II. Casino is in a class with, maybe Once Upon A Time In America. Goodfellas is a very good movie but falls apart at the end, kind of like Scarface.

Most underrated is Donnie Brasco.
The Deer Hunter and Taxi Driver. I've tried about four times each. I just don't get the legacy they both have. The Deer Hunter is sooooo boring. Except for the Russian Roulette/escape scene, it's worthless.

Another one that fell flat for me is The Last Picture Show. I don't get the appeal at all.

Cool Hand Luke is another dated, boring flick that people love. I never understood the appeal.
The Deer Hunter and Taxi Driver. I've tried about four times each. I just don't get the legacy they both have. The Deer Hunter is sooooo boring. Except for the Russian Roulette/escape scene, it's worthless.

Another one that fell flat for me is The Last Picture Show. I don't get the appeal at all.

Cool Hand Luke is another dated, boring flick that people love. I never understood the appeal.
you sir, are a terrible judge of movies
Not -- repeat, NOT -- talking about simply bad movies. There are too many of them to pick a least-favorite. I'm talking about movies that should, on paper, have been not only decent, but good.

My nominee is "Reflections in a Golden Eye." Opening scene is a naked man kissing a horse, and it's the most normal relationship in the film. It came out in 1967. It was the first time I ever took the now-Mrs. LC to a movie. We actually got carded because they weren't admitting anybody under 18...only time that's ever happened to me.

Story by Carson McCullers.
Directed by John Huston
Cast included Marlon Brando, Elizabeth Taylor, Brian Keith, Julie Harris and Robert Forster.

Some others that come immediately to mind, but aren't nearly as bad, would be "The Way We Were" and "The Great Gatsby" (Redford version, not Alan Ladd's).

I was looking forward to Rocket man.
Unable to watch more than 10 mins and that was on a flight to japan. What a POS.
Loved Sideways. Seems many either loved it or hated it.
I think it was the way they tried to sell it. It's NOT a comedy when one of the "jokes" is that Giamatti's character talks about how much he hates Merlots then names a Merlot blend as one of his favorite wines. Ha Ha Ha Ha
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I thought the idea of The Purge was interesting. Finally a new idea in the thriller/horror genre. But man, it was bad.