Worst movie sequel ever


Apr 11, 2008
The Army of Darkness thread got me thinking... what's the WORST movie sequel ever? What say you, HROT?

For me, it's got to be "Grease 2." Not that the original was a great movie, but the sequel is unwatchable.

I would watch Caddyshack 2 once a week over watching Major League II once a year.
The Army of Darkness thread got me thinking... what's the WORST movie sequel ever? What say you, HROT?

For me, it's got to be "Grease 2." Not that the original was a great movie, but the sequel is unwatchable.
Highlander: The Final Dimension. It was so bad, my buddies and I asked for our money back at the old Plaza Theater in CR. The ticket lady laughed at us.

Teenwolf II was also a major turd.
Highlander: The Final Dimension. It was so bad, my buddies and I asked for our money back at the old Plaza Theater in CR. The ticket lady laughed at us.

Teenwolf II was also a major turd.

Final Dimension makes me angry for how they had to retcon the origin story in. Basically destroyed the entire mythos of the original movie.
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Final Dimension makes me angry for how they had to retcon the origin story in. Basically destroyed the entire mythos of the original movie.
Mythos or Methos? Wasn't he the oldest immortal in the Highlander television series?
Mythos or Methos? Wasn't he the oldest immortal in the Highlander television series?

I don't recall much about the TV show, I only ever watched a few episodes, but that show focused on his cousin Duncan I believe. Connor only appeared in a handful as far as I know.

In the 1st movie though, we know Sean Connery and the bad guy from that one obviously were older than him.
Major League 2 was too bad, IMO, but part 3 was like a bad Hallmark film. Oofff

Is it bad that I don't totally hate Major League 3? I essentially treat it as a comedy on it's own. It almost completely dropped all of the elements that made the 1st one so good.

In junior high, a buddy and me got our hands on a VHS prono. Keep in mind this was early-mid 90's. Nervous that it would be found, we labeled the tape 'Major League 2' knowing nobody was going to pop that into the VCR and it would go unnoticed for years, maybe decades. Unfortunately it did get found out, and confiscated, when buddy got caught fapping to it in the act! LOL!!! I will always break out laughing to the memory of the shame on his face when he told me his mom caught him. Ahhh memories, and childhood traumas- he's still bitter about it. ... csb

In my mind, it was the best sequel ever!
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