Worst odor you have EVER smelled? (This ought to be good!!)

Port au Prince, Haiti in the days/weeks following January 12, 2010. 200,000+ people died that day. Evenings and nights were the worst as the cool air filtered in and smells settled. Every single item of clothing, bags, footlocker, you name it, was thrown away. No way could I get the smell out of any of it. PaP on a good day isn't exactly a bed of roses as is.
The outhouse at my family's hunting cabin in Maine on the 5th day of a 5 day hunting trip with 7 guys who have consumed nothing but deer meat, moose meat, baked beans and beer over that time period.

Close second place is a Tijuana whore house.'s semi-official. HROT is, if not dead, in exceptionally rapid decline.

There can be no other explanation for how we can have a thread with this title that is approaching FIFTY replies, and not one of them has been "your mom".

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Reactions: 22*43*51's semi-official. HROT is, if not dead, in exceptionally rapid decline.

There can be no other explanation for how we can have a thread with this title that is approaching FIFTY replies, and not one of them has been "your mom".

Could possibly be because I'm not in middle school anymore. ;)
I laugh now when I hear new recruits to healthcare talk about the worst thing they've seen. You ain't seen shit, kid.

tl;dr Don't shoot IV drugs into your taint.
Wow. I was going to submit my meager contribution but maybe not. But shooting drugs in your taint? That alone staggers the imagination. No alcohol swab used I assume. I just... I don't know.
1. Guy coming in overdosing with GI bleed who sh*t the bed from his neck to his feet (still have no idea how this happened)
2. Guy with groin abscess from injecting drugs. Eventually he admitted he did drugs, as if we didn't know.
3. Armpit abscess in some lady. Smelled like Pseudomonas. Horrible.
4. GI bleed vomiting partially digested blood and huge clots. It was also coming out his other end as black diarrhea.
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Well ok, I'm going to put mine in with no idea how it ranks.

Driving down a county road and getting downwind of a farmer who was spraying a field with the liquid crap he's sucked out of his hog confinement pit. It literally blinded me and stopped me breathing.

Just to add to the surgery stuff, back in the 70s I worked at UI hosptial as a pharmacy tech. On 2 or 3 occasions I delivered stuff to the 6th floor surgical suites. Not terrible when I was there, but in the best of circumstances, the smells in surgery are not good.