Would ya? (Miss America edition)

GIF by TLC Europe
That is a hard no for me, and her winning a "beauty" pageant is absurd.
You can be kind to obese people and encourage them to get in better shape, BUT that does not mean basic standards should be changed to make people feel comfortable.

Blue, white, and pink must have screwed up something

That is a hard no for me, and her winning a "beauty" pageant is absurd.
You can be kind to obese people and encourage them to get in better shape, BUT that does not mean basic standards should be changed to make people feel comfortable.

Blue, white, and pink must have screwed up something

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All of this is ridiculous but you guys all know that neither the Miss Alabama nor the Miss Maryland being cited in this thread were part of the old school "Miss America" pageant goings-on, right?

More punking of idiots by conservative outrage media.
All of this is ridiculous but you guys all know that neither the Miss Alabama nor the Miss Maryland being cited in this thread were part of the old school "Miss America" pageant goings-on, right?

More punking of idiots by conservative outrage media.
No, because who watched that shit anyway? The points still stand. Normalizing weird shit
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You just knew this was the result when they got rid of the swimsuit competition...
Yeah, too bad everyone isn’t straight, white, religious and a fvcking meat head gym rat like you bro. The world would be a much better place.
Not necessarily, but not necessarily any worse. Not really a meathead either. Having a morbidly obese woman and a trans represent the ideal of femininity and womanhood is ridiculous. The pendulum will swing back I’m sure
Not necessarily, but not necessarily any worse. Not really a meathead either. Having a morbidly obese woman and a trans represent the ideal of femininity and womanhood is ridiculous. The pendulum will swing back I’m sure
The comments you’ve been making lately definitely indicate that you’re a meat head, dude. An ignorant and bigoted meat head.
The comments you’ve been making lately definitely indicate that you’re a meat head, dude. An ignorant and bigoted meat head.
Actually very into the science of longevity, which includes increasing muscle mass. Not a trump guy, not a progressive. Blue Dog Democrat is more a fit. Also think DEI is indeed an issue, as is immigration ( I’m more for it than you think) and bringing in refugees who don’t assimilate(very against it). I also just became aware of violent crime stats that show a 40:1 rating of black in white versus white in black violence, which doesn’t fit the narrative from the left or media. Stats aren’t racist, race baiters, they are just facts.
You need some nuance......was it weird to accept AIDs people in 80's, DeLorean drivers in the 80's, sega players when Nintendo was clearly superior?
Uh, I was like 10 in 1987, so the DeLorean was cool, I had both a genesis and Nintendo… hockey was better on the sega
Actually very into the science of longevity, which includes increasing muscle mass. Not a trump guy, not a progressive. Blue Dog Democrat is more a fit. Also think DEI is indeed an issue, as is immigration ( I’m more for it than you think) and bringing in refugees who don’t assimilate(very against it). I also just became aware of violent crime stats that show a 40:1 rating of black in white versus white in black violence, which doesn’t fit the narrative from the left or media. Stats aren’t racist, race baiters, they are just facts.
Thanks for the explanation. You’ve just really come across as a huge bigot lately. Maybe it’s not knew your just being more outspoken about it.
What is “normal” to you?
Thanks for the explanation. You’ve just really come across as a huge bigot lately. Maybe it’s not knew your just being more outspoken about it.
What is “normal” to you?
I’m cool with people being Trans…but it’s a slap in the face to women(biological women) to have former males in competition with them in sports or pageants. I am prejudiced against Muslims moving here, or in Europe. If you look at the stats and the problems we are having, you can’t seriously think bringing more in is a good thing. The new normal isn’t healthy. I’m not a fan of everything Butker said, but I do believe that a two parent household where one income allowed a parent to parent full time was better for America. Small farms were better for America too, but greed and and inflation have ended both.

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