Wow! I thought Hillary was a bad candidate but Pocahontas is a new level of awful!

Have you looked at what your effective federal tax rate is?
Do you actually add up what you pay in FICA and income taxes and measured that as a percentage of your income to see how your taxes have varied year to year?
I know what you are saying. My point is Trump has said multiple times how amazing these tax cuts are. If I haven't changed anything in how I am having taxes pulled out of my check, and my pay is only going up $50 a month, (due to a raise/step in our pay ladder) - which is only covering the increase in health insurance payout - why aren't I seeing something tangible in my taxes? I mean, shouldn't I be seeing my check go up a couple hundred a month, because of the incredible tax breaks, since billionaires are getting tax cuts worth millions? Trump said they were great tax cuts. Again, he lied.
Teddy Roosevelt once said, "If you've got them by the balls... If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow."

In today's snowflake culture, shirley, you'd want him impeached.

You know how you know you've lost a debate and just need to sit the thread out? When you have to resort to an out of context expression from over 100 years ago that in no way, shape, or form is in the ball park of being relevant to anything being discussed in the thread to try and save your position.
You know how you know you've lost a debate and just need to sit the thread out? When you have to resort to an out of context expression from over 100 years ago that in no way, shape, or form is in the ball park of being relevant to anything being discussed in the thread to try and save your position.
^^^ Been grabbed by the pussy many times
"My people came to me. Dan Coats came to me, and some others," Trump said, referring to the director of national intelligence. "They said they think it's Russia," Trump said. "I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be."

now that is a new level … of awful.
I know what you are saying. My point is Trump has said multiple times how amazing these tax cuts are. If I haven't changed anything in how I am having taxes pulled out of my check, and my pay is only going up $50 a month, (due to a raise/step in our pay ladder) - which is only covering the increase in health insurance payout - why aren't I seeing something tangible in my taxes?

Tons of variables go into tax filing.
What was your effective federal tax rate for last year compared to the year before?
Have you actually checked? Or do you just care about the amount you overpaid?
No ideas, just buying votes with a program that has ZERO chance of working economically or morally, more identity politics and hates police.
I have a better chance of getting the D nomination than her.

What a pathetic field of candidates. Can’t wait for the Trumpsters second term!

She learned it sitting around the campfire with the tribal elders.

Yet you don’t criticize the woman whose career and wealth is based on years of lies claiming to be Native American. Now that’s gold!

No she is a Senator because she lied about her heritage.

She comes across as the crazy aunt at the family reunion who forgot to take her meds. Zero chance for her.

I’m starting to think that Mayor Pete is going to surge to the lead. He checks s lot of boxes for liberals and I’ll admit he has a lot of positive qualities

The fact that these retards are anti-Warren is her biggest endorsement for me there could ever be.

Maybe if any of the above half-wit products of incest would have been informed by someone other than their Orange Death Cult Leader, they'd know how and why Warren has been attacked relentlessly. She has only fought for decades to prevent losers like them and their families (along with all of us) from getting screwed by corporate interests. She scares the SH** out of corporate crooks like the Trump crime family...
Tons of variables go into tax filing.
What was your effective federal tax rate for last year compared to the year before?
Have you actually checked? Or do you just care about the amount you overpaid?

variables? Nearly a fifth of profitable U.S. corporations pay no federal income taxes....that's zero & that was 'before' the 35% corp tax ratebeing lowered when in reality the average effective tax rate for corporations was 14%.

Capitalism has been on a slow death roll for decades...because of corp tax credits, federal tax giveaways called tax subsidies, tax breaks on equipment depreciations, off-shore money, etc.

People pay taxes ..Corporate America not so much. The corporate tax giveaway in 2017 will continue the spiral downward of capitalism. CEO's get richer...and you get a $50.00 tax break. Enjoy.
A.) What’s “Obamagate?”
B.) Elizabeth warren has done more for the middle class than anyone currently in politics. It’s not her fault if you aren’t informed enough to know that.
C.) This is an awesome field with two veterans, candidates of all ages and from numerous backgrounds, with ideas ranging from status quo Wall Street types (Harris, Booker, Gilibrand) to New Dealers like Bernie and Tulsi to pragmatists like Mayor Pete. Which f***ed up media is scaring you guys so much about this field so I can avoid it?
You need another drink, Flick.
The fact that these retards are anti-Warren is her biggest endorsement for me there could ever be.

Maybe if any of the above half-wit products of incest would have been informed by someone other than their Orange Death Cult Leader, they'd know how and why Warren has been attacked relentlessly. She has only fought for decades to prevent losers like them and their families (along with all of us) from getting screwed by corporate interests. She scares the SH** out of corporate crooks like the Trump crime family...
Yep. This is the perfect example of idiots trashing the one sure candidate who will fight for their best interests. They are hopeless.
I think you're probably right.
If that's the case, do the Bernie-ites feel like thy got screwed again and vote for the Trumpster or just stay home instead of checking the box for creepy Joe?
Teddy Roosevelt once said, "If you've got them by the balls... If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow."

In today's snowflake culture, shirley, you'd want him impeached.

One was said and the other one was acted on, you shirley? know the difference.
She comes across as the crazy aunt at the family reunion who forgot to take her meds. Zero chance for her.

I’m starting to think that Mayor Pete is going to surge to the lead. He checks s lot of boxes for liberals and I’ll admit he has a lot of positive qualities
Very good depth of thought. Kudos.
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variables? Nearly a fifth of profitable U.S. corporations pay no federal income taxes....that's zero & that was 'before' the 35% corp tax ratebeing lowered when in reality the average effective tax rate for corporations was 14%.


Capitalism has been on a slow death roll for decades...because of corp tax credits, federal tax giveaways called tax subsidies, tax breaks on equipment depreciations, off-shore money, etc.

I’d be happy to ditch all corporate welfare and social engineering via the tax code. I don’t have much hope politicans will go along with that because it is one of the most powerful things they have to sell.

People pay taxes ..Corporate America not so much.

Sophistry. People pay all the taxes.

The corporate tax giveaway in 2017 will continue the spiral downward of capitalism. CEO's get richer...and you get a $50.00 tax break. Enjoy.

Rates were lowered for all brackets. Income levels for all brackets were raised. Marriage penalty was eliminated and child tax credit was doubled from $1000 to $2000 per kid. Standard deduction was raised.

If you’re only seeing a $50 tax cut I have to wonder how much you’re making, Are you in the bottom 50% that pays almost no income tax? Because if that’s the case your tax reduction on a little paid is going to be a little amount.

Have you compared your taxes paid (FICA plus income taxes) and compared them year over year to see what your effective tax rate was?
I know what you are saying. My point is Trump has said multiple times how amazing these tax cuts are. If I haven't changed anything in how I am having taxes pulled out of my check, and my pay is only going up $50 a month, (due to a raise/step in our pay ladder) - which is only covering the increase in health insurance payout - why aren't I seeing something tangible in my taxes? I mean, shouldn't I be seeing my check go up a couple hundred a month, because of the incredible tax breaks, since billionaires are getting tax cuts worth millions? Trump said they were great tax cuts. Again, he lied.
It depends. You needed to redo the W4 and have more held out. I made this mistake as well as my wife. (no pic) I claimed 0 married. She claimed 1 married, I still paid $2997 to IRS and getting a lousy $200 back from Iowa. I now am putting 20% in my 401k. And now changing W4's. Sucked but my own fault. Not Trumps.
You want to know how I know that you don't really know our tax code?

Nobody ‘really knows’ the tax code.
It’s an absurdity;

“I just wanted to speak to you about something from the Internal Revenue Code. It is the last sentence of section 509A of the code and it reads: 'For purposes of paragraph 3, an organization described in paragraph 2 shall be deemed to include an organization described in section 501C-4, 5, or 6, which would be described in paragraph 2 if it were an organization described in section 501C-3.' And that's just one sentence out of those fifty-seven feet of books.” -Ronald Reagan

But if you’re confused I’m referring specifically to the change so that, with the exception of the 35% and 37% brackets, the ranges have been modified to be twice the amount for married couples vs filing single.
I’ve read there are still some gotchas for very high income couples itemizing, but I was responding to someone claiming a $50 a month tax change, so I think I safely presumed he’s not taking home over $500k.

Still curious what his effective fed tax rate is, but I guess he has no idea.

Nobody ‘really knows’ the tax code.
It’s an absurdity;

“I just wanted to speak to you about something from the Internal Revenue Code. It is the last sentence of section 509A of the code and it reads: 'For purposes of paragraph 3, an organization described in paragraph 2 shall be deemed to include an organization described in section 501C-4, 5, or 6, which would be described in paragraph 2 if it were an organization described in section 501C-3.' And that's just one sentence out of those fifty-seven feet of books.” -Ronald Reagan

But if you’re confused I’m referring specifically to the change so that, with the exception of the 35% and 37% brackets, the ranges have been modified to be twice the amount for married couples vs filing single.
I’ve read there are still some gotchas for very high income couples itemizing, but I was responding to someone claiming a $50 a month tax change, so I think I safely presumed he’s not taking home over $500k.

Still curious what his effective fed tax rate is, but I guess he has no idea.

The Tax Code contains many provisions that have "marriage penalties" and "marriage bonuses." Whether you fall within these often depends on your income level and the relative earnings between spouses. What you were doing was what a lot of partisan folks do and just spout off stuff that almost sounds right. I was just commenting on that fact.There is no monolithic "marriage penalty" that the TCJA eliminated.
A.) What’s “Obamagate?”
B.) Elizabeth warren has done more for the middle class than anyone currently in politics. It’s not her fault if you aren’t informed enough to know that.
C.) This is an awesome field with two veterans, candidates of all ages and from numerous backgrounds, with ideas ranging from status quo Wall Street types (Harris, Booker, Gilibrand) to New Dealers like Bernie and Tulsi to pragmatists like Mayor Pete. Which f***ed up media is scaring you guys so much about this field so I can avoid it?
its Really an embarrassing field. I’d gladly not vote for Trump again if a true moderate would appear. But when the candidates are worse than Hillary it looks like MAGA.
What you were doing was what a lot of partisan folks do and just spout off stuff that almost sounds right. I was just commenting on that fact.There is no monolithic "marriage penalty" that the TCJA eliminated.

If you can find a media reference to something besides the bracket disparity of single and married couples being referred to when there is discussion of the ‘marriage penalty’ it’ll be the first time I’ve seen one.

You're not considering anyone other than Trump. Stop lying.
Sure I would. A true moderate Democrat but the left have run them all off. To be honest I’d probably prefer a moderate republican now. Mentioned in another post I always preferred Evan Bayh or Harold Ford Jr.
The Tax Code contains many provisions that have "marriage penalties" and "marriage bonuses." Whether you fall within these often depends on your income level and the relative earnings between spouses. What you were doing was what a lot of partisan folks do and just spout off stuff that almost sounds right. I was just commenting on that fact.There is no monolithic "marriage penalty" that the TCJA eliminated.
The "marriage penalty" is usually a reference to the fact that filing jointly can put a married couple in a higher marginal tax bracket than they would be paying if they were single.

The Iowa income tax addresses this in what I think is a fair, logical manner. Not sure what the precise term is, but it used to be "married filing separately on this joint return." The tax is calculated for each earner and added together to get the sum the couple owes. Joint earnings and/or deductions are divided allocated in the same ratio as income.

If both parties make roughly the same amount of money, it saves quite a bit.
The fact that these retards are anti-Warren is her biggest endorsement for me there could ever be.

Maybe if any of the above half-wit products of incest would have been informed by someone other than their Orange Death Cult Leader, they'd know how and why Warren has been attacked relentlessly. She has only fought for decades to prevent losers like them and their families (along with all of us) from getting screwed by corporate interests. She scares the SH** out of corporate crooks like the Trump crime family...
Maybe she should organize a powwow and you and her can hug it out.
Sure I would. A true moderate Democrat but the left have run them all off. To be honest I’d probably prefer a moderate republican now. Mentioned in another post I always preferred Evan Bayh or Harold Ford Jr.

The "moderate" establishment Democrats have firm control of the party, and there are very few outliers on the social Democrat side. The "left" with current notoriety and position consist of Sanders, Ilhan Omar, AOC, and Ro Khanna. That leaves an enormous list of "moderates" to stack against that list.

Most of the Democrats running for 2020 are "moderate" neoliberals.
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I am not onboard with Warren's politics, but she seems to be, by far, the most prepared candidate running. She appears to have policy paper posted on almost all issues.

She used to be a calm rational person. Not sure if Trump got to her but she seems like a mess now. Its early and she is already seeming desperate and willing to say anything. I know funding is a major issue for her right now but dang she is chopping off her feet before the gates even open. She lost the race before it even fully began. Too bad.
Completely not true. I'm waiting to experience this wealth you are talking about. My health insurance costs go up. My tax returns bring back less every year. Where's the wealth other than for the nation's billionaires because the middle class isn't enjoying it?

Dems need to abandoned this crap. Seriously its hurting th party. I'm over 43 middle class employees at my job. This year they all got between $2,000 - $4,500 more because of the tax break. Very little of that was in actual tax returns but a small chunk was a part of every check throughout the year. Guess what they all knew it too. They are Dems, Repubs and Independents but they all knew. They are storing that money for retirement or paying off their debts, house payments or kids college. Nancy Pelosi calling it crumbs made her sound out of touch with middle class families. I actually just helped one of my staff see this small amount per check yesterday to help him set aside money for outside expenses in his life. Even the New York Times admitted 78% of Americans got more of their money back this year.

Oh and I voted for Obama his first go around. Obamacare raised healthcare costs. I lost my family Dr. when it was signed in. Been a pain in the ass ever since trying to find as good of doctor for my family.
No ideas, just buying votes with a program that has ZERO chance of working economically or morally, more identity politics and hates police.
I have a better chance of getting the D nomination than her.

What a pathetic field of candidates. Can’t wait for the Trumpsters second term!
Democratic Party actually has to make sure that the Women and minority candidates get destroyed, becasue they are all to liberal to get elected. They are desparately trying to eliminate everyone in there party that is not named Biden, becasue they know only Biden has a chance of beating Trump. The rest of the party is not in the center, they are left and extremely far left. All the women that are democrats, you should be incredibly pissed off that some ancient white guy is FAR preferable to your party than you ladies are. Part of the reason is all the ladies running are dogs. Me the deplorable, would easily vote for Ivanka, and her politics don't matter to me. LOL.
Dems need to abandoned this crap. Seriously its hurting th party. I'm over 43 middle class employees at my job. This year they all got between $2,000 - $4,500 more because of the tax break. Very little of that was in actual tax returns but a small chunk was a part of every check throughout the year. Guess what they all knew it too. They are Dems, Repubs and Independents but they all knew. They are storing that money for retirement or paying off their debts, house payments or kids college. Nancy Pelosi calling it crumbs made her sound out of touch with middle class families. I actually just helped one of my staff see this small amount per check yesterday to help him set aside money for outside expenses in his life. Even the New York Times admitted 78% of Americans got more of their money back this year.

Oh and I voted for Obama his first go around. Obamacare raised healthcare costs. I lost my family Dr. when it was signed in. Been a pain in the ass ever since trying to find as good of doctor for my family.
She used to be a calm rational person. Not sure if Trump got to her but she seems like a mess now. Its early and she is already seeming desperate and willing to say anything. I know funding is a major issue for her right now but dang she is chopping off her feet before the gates even open. She lost the race before it even fully began. Too bad.

Um, she’s running 4th and built up a huge fundraising head start. Take a deep breath.
If you can find a media reference to something besides the bracket disparity of single and married couples being referred to when there is discussion of the ‘marriage penalty’ it’ll be the first time I’ve seen one.


That's my point. That's how I knew you don't actually know the tax code. Someone who actually knows the tax code world not rely on a media- level understanding or discussion. No worries. The internet is full of that stuff. I just like to point it out when I see it.
That's my point. That's how I knew you don't actually know the tax code.

Never claimed to ‘know the tax code’.
But I do know what everyone means when discussing the ‘marriage penalty’ in the way brackets were set for single vs married

Someone who actually knows the tax code world

Is someone I’d feel legit sorry for. ;)

Dude I helped yesterday makes about $42,500 a year. After the tax cuts he started getting about $38 back per check. His wife was getting $42 back per check combined about $80. Total for the year was around $2,100. They also got about $500 more in state and federal in their returns. My wife and I got about $3,200 extra back in total. Im no Republican but I'll be honest and informed about how politics affects my family. Using it for college fund and early payoff on house every year.
You're not considering anyone other than Trump. Stop lying.

Sure I would. A true moderate Democrat but the left have run them all off. To be honest I’d probably prefer a moderate republican now. Mentioned in another post I always preferred Evan Bayh or Harold Ford Jr.

Flick is right. If Buttiegig, Yang, or Biden are too “far left” for you, the problem is that you are way to the right of where you pretend you are.
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