WTB - North Texas cheap seats


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2003
I'd like to get my two daughters (4 and 6) out to a game while the weather is warm. This game seems like the best bet. I live in Iowa City, let me know if you are planning on skipping this game.

step 1. walk up melrose 45 min before game
step 2. find a guy holding 2 tickets in the air
step 3. say "how much?"
step 4. hand him $20
step 5. enjoy game
I'd like to get my two daughters (4 and 6) out to a game while the weather is warm. This game seems like the best bet. I live in Iowa City, let me know if you are planning on skipping this game.


Erik - Rethink taking children that young to any Iowa game. It won't be a good experience for them, you or those sitting near you.
Erik - Rethink taking children that young to any Iowa game. It won't be a good experience for them, you or those sitting near you.

Depends on the maturity level of the child. Some kids are OK. While others are not.
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Huh, weird how my simple question brought out so many with so little to say. Sorry to bother you fine folks.
Huh, weird how my simple question brought out so many with so little to say. Sorry to bother you fine folks.

Sorry, most message board denizens are jerks.

Good luck getting reasonably priced tickets. There should be plenty available. Just show up on gameday and look around.
It probably will be a bad experience for them. I don't care if your kids are behaved or not your kids are going to see a bunch of drunk idiots. My daughter (13) and me had a guy behind us last year that called every play before it happened and he was wrong 90% of the time. "Oh shit let me guess here comes Weisman left. Hey what do you know we didn't run left, way to mix it up Ferentz you cock sucker." I bet we heard that line 50 times during the game. Now we just made fun of him the whole game and said "wrong again" every time. But at 4 and 6 your kids won't understand that the people around them are complete tools.
Why the hell didn't you get security and get his ass tossed?
Hey I told my daughter she was going to see drunk idiots all day. I think parents should tell there kids what to expect instead of expecting drunk idiots to be decent. They paid their money and if he wanted to do that the whole game it was his business. His GF looked annoyed with him but whatever. We just made it fun by yelling wrong again every time he was wrong. My sister at some point asked what we were doing that for. It was funny.

The biggest problem I had all day wasn't with a drunk idiot it was with an old man. 30 minutes before the game started, I was showing my daughter my favorite player warming up Brandon Scherff. I get poked in the back of the leg by a cane. It's a guy that has to be 80 years old telling me to sit down. I started laughing and said it's 30 minutes until kickoff sir. He said I don't care, sit down. I said I will sit down when I am ready if you don't like that call security. He didn't. During Back in Black I stood up and accidentally stepped on his toes. He almost hit me with the cane. I said I was sorry and it was an accident. He said Just sit down and stay there along with several other harsh words. I looked him in the eye and said :"look I said I was sorry and I meant it, now you can either accept my apology or it's going to be a long F'N day for you and me. Your call. I never heard another peep out of him the whole game.

I just think a guy bringing a 4 and a 6 year old should expect his kids are going to see behavior that may make their experience awful. It's a fair assumption I think,.
I feel sorry for your kids.

Most kids under 10 get bored and tired before halftime. I have heard dozens of parents tell me how their 6 or 7 year old is capable of following the game and staying interested, but they always start whining long before the game is over...sometimes barely before kickoff. I took Bean Jr. when he was 9 and it was way too young. I waited again until he was 12 and it worked much better.
I'd like to get my two daughters (4 and 6) out to a game while the weather is warm. This game seems like the best bet. I live in Iowa City, let me know if you are planning on skipping this game.


Hope they enjoy the game. Try to find tickets in the south end zone (away from the student, of course), make your way down to the field level and get their picture taken with Herky. I did that with my daughter when she was that age. It was a big thrill for her and I still have the picture.
I'll be attending that game also, so I will be there looking for a single ticket.
Hope they enjoy the game. Try to find tickets in the south end zone (away from the student, of course), make your way down to the field level and get their picture taken with Herky. I did that with my daughter when she was that age. It was a big thrill for her and I still have the picture.
Herky also shows up in the pep rally before the game. Kids will probably find that fun. band in there playing, cheerleaders and dance team as well. My daughter got her picture with Herky there.
I didn't see any scalpers with tickets last game, all were looking to buy. Not sure what some fans wanted for their tickets