WTF was that?


Gold Member
Sep 23, 2021
I just got done watching the game. Are you ****ing kidding me? I feel like I was just ripped off on a street corner, spending time watching that game for the refs to decide the ending with that bullshit foul. Not to mention the total **** up at the end of the first half. The **** is wrong with these morons?
I just got done watching the game. Are you ****ing kidding me? I feel like I was just ripped off on a street corner, spending time watching that game for the refs to decide the ending with that bullshit foul. Not to mention the total **** up at the end of the first half. The **** is wrong with these morons?
It was a gutsy ballsy call that shouldn’t of taken place I was there at the game and no doubt the Rutgers faithful knew they got away with one - I usually don’t like to get into the ref stuff but damn that was a ghost foul as his hairs on his arm maybe graced Harper JR’s arm, I think it was him at least
I just got done watching the game. Are you ****ing kidding me? I feel like I was just ripped off on a street corner, spending time watching that game for the refs to decide the ending with that bullshit foul. Not to mention the total **** up at the end of the first half. The **** is wrong with these morons?
The ref that made that call has always screwed over Iowa. He ultimately made the call at the end of the first half as well.
No one call decides a game.
With everything that happened up to that point in the rear view mirror, the game was tied with 2 seconds left. He makes that call and we have about an 8% to win the game. He doesn't make that call, and he have about a 45% chance to win the game. One call may not determine the game, but that one comes pretty damn close.
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With everything that happened up to that point in the rear view mirror, the game was tied with 2 seconds left. He makes that call and we have about an 8% to win the game. He doesn't make that call, and he have about a 45% chance to win the game. One call may not determine the game, but that one comes pretty damn close.
Yes, context matters. Of course as others pointed out that there are other plays during the game that impact play in a 2-point game. But that one terrible, terrible call was the biggest impact moment of the game. Not even close. As you pointed out, it changed the win percentage by nearly 40% in one fell swoop.

That loss could mean the difference between making the NCAA tournament and not making it.
two calls definately helps, but it also helps if you play and coach well which iowa didn't do
Good grief, just stop. Iowa's offense sucked, so did Rutgers. Rutgers likes to play grab and hold at home, which the refs allowed them to do. Good for them, if you can get the game played the way you want, you do that. Iowa played hard on D also. It made for a low-scoring game but no one really would complain about that. It was consistent, both teams were allowed to be physical. I actually liked how Iowa competed, typically in rock fights like the Rutgers game Iowa loses by 10 or more. But they were down 3 with under a minute to go, came back to tie and played great D on a final possession. Harper was dribbling closely guarded by 2 seconds to go at the 3-point line, just dribbling aimlessly toward the corner. Yes, it's possible he throws in a contested shot (<25% chances it goes in). He got to shoot free throws, game over.

Of course in a 2-point game any of the previous 60+ possessions could have gone differently. But at that point in the game, it was tied. So making that call ended the game. It was a big deal.