Yet another example of the stupidity of Trump supporters.

That’s some weird comprehension.
I’m actually tired of the piece of shit waste of space just like most corrupt politicians. I don’t get the point of one person starting multiple treads a week about the same person. But I understand the obsession some of you have makes it difficult.
Back to my question though and maybe you can answer for Huey beings you questioned my question. How many threads a week do you think he starts about his fantasy man Trump.

And here you are, being forced to open the thread. lol
Oh I’ll be voting don’t you worry. I’m a non felon American citizen so why would I not be proud to vote. I’m sure you pout though when I vote for someone other than Trump and Biden because in special person world, a vote for someone other than Biden is a vote for Trump.
Stupid is as stupid does, why would I pout about that?
We have progressed the last couple years on inflation. Not sure if Biden was the cause of inflation, thinking more it was inherited. Orange shitbag would make it much worse…
Back tracking I see. You just said grocery prices have gone up making it harder on low income. Now you’re saying it’s getting better and blame the orange man. The same orange man allowed low income people to purchase food at a lower price.
ally mcbeal GIF
Stupid is as stupid does,
You are not wrong there. I’m sure millions of people will be voting from Trump and Biden in November. Unless some miracle happens and one or both of them are replaced on the ballot.
why would I pout about that?
I guess you were like the other democrats on here that cry about any vote for someone other than Biden is a vote for trump.
Back tracking I see. You just said grocery prices have gone up making it harder on low income. Now you’re saying it’s getting better and blame the orange man. The same orange man allowed low income people to purchase food at a lower price.
ally mcbeal GIF
What you mean I am backtracking? Inflation causes were covid and free government money and supply chain issues. All developed under orange. Groceries are higher. Never said they weren’t. Wages are also higher and while things can be tight for people, they are improving…
So about inflation allegedly being transitory though?
It is… if it weren’t golf balls would still cost $12.50/dz…just like they did 60 years ago…prices pretty much always go up and once up, they seldom come down. The only way eggs ever go back to .50/dz is when folks stop eating them. Prices are what they are. You keep paying, prices keep increasing…Housing lots sell for $100k now and 30 yrs ago they sold for $20k….why? Because people kept buying them. That’s why and how the world goes ‘round.
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It is… if it weren’t golf balls would still cost $12.50/dz…just like they did 60 years ago…prices pretty much always go up and once up, they seldom come down. The only way eggs ever go back to .50/dz is when folks stop eating them. Prices are what they are. You keep paying, prices keep increasing…Housing lots sell for $100k now and 30 yrs ago they sold for $20k….why? Because people kept buying them. That’s why and how the world goes ‘round.
Wow for so many reasons lmfao
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I'll still have my money instead of giving it to Trump and a guy currently being sued for commodity manipulations. So I'll probably be better off than most Republicans.
No you won’t. You’ll be locked away in a concentration camp. That’s what you and the jagoff media keeps saying.
Back tracking I see. You just said grocery prices have gone up making it harder on low income. Now you’re saying it’s getting better and blame the orange man. The same orange man allowed low income people to purchase food at a lower price.
ally mcbeal GIF
Do you think prices didn't increase during Trump's presidency?
Yeah groceries cost a bit more so I can see how a minimum wage earner such as yourself could be struggling….I heard a blurb that said no Fortune 500 CEO’s endorse orange shitbag….

That’s not what it says.
It is… if it weren’t golf balls would still cost $12.50/dz…just like they did 60 years ago…prices pretty much always go up and once up, they seldom come down. The only way eggs ever go back to .50/dz is when folks stop eating them. Prices are what they are. You keep paying, prices keep increasing…Housing lots sell for $100k now and 30 yrs ago they sold for $20k….why? Because people kept buying them. That’s why and how the world goes ‘round.
Yep usually a person gets a cost of living boost in pay that is similar. I say usually as that is no longer the case.
Yep usually a person gets a cost of living boost in pay that is similar. I say usually as that is no longer the case.
Yes - people's wages are rising more than inflation, particularly at the lower ends. That's a good thing.

Again, are you under the impression that inflation has been happening only since Biden came into office?
That would be great if you owned multiple houses.
The problem is that most people only own one house and if you sell it you’ll lose that $50k easily buying a new house.

I think he was referring to a "Home Equity Line of Credit",.. no house sold.