Okay folks heres the plan.
First of all, somebody tell Murin to stop eating to he can make 133 in 2019 and 2020, and we don't have one of Murin/Turk riding the pine at 141.
I think we need to only target a 149 lber in 2019 then save for big 2020/2021 recruiting classes. 2020 is especially big.
Recruits Still Needed (Will be bolded in lineups down below):
2018: #15 Trent Hidlay(184) - #23 Anthony Cassioppi(285) - #73 Nelson Brands(157)
2019: 149 lb Recruit: #10 Robison/#12 Davenport/#14 Weber/#18 Vulakh/#32 Dover (I'll be using #18 Vulakh for the purposes of this exercise)
2020: #2 Robert Howard(133) - #7 Patrick Kennedy(174) - #28 Cullan Schriever(125)
2021: #3 Alex Facundo(165) - 141 lb Recruit - 197 lb Recruit (Possibly #11 Brandon Hoselton - IL)
2018 Lineup
125: Spencer Lee - TR FR
133: Phil Laux - RS SR
141: Vince Turk - RS SO
149: Brandon Sorensen - RS SR
157: Michael Kemerer - RS SO
165: Alex Marinelli - RS FR
174: Kaleb Young - RS FR
184: Pat Downey - RS SR
197: Cash Wilcke - RS SO
285: Sam Stoll - RS JR
2019 Lineup
125: Spencer Lee - SO
133: Max Murin - RS FR
141: Vince Turk - RS JR
149: Pat Lugo - RS JR
157: Michael Kemerer - RS JR
165: Alex Marinelli - RS SO
174: Kaleb Young - RS SO
184: Cash Wilcke - RS JR
197: Jacob Warner - RS FR
285: Sam Stoll - RS SR
2020 Lineup
125: Spencer Lee - JR
133: Max Murin - RS SO
141: Vince Turk - RS SR
149: Pat Lugo - RS SR
157: Michael kemerer - RS SR
165: Alex Marinelli - RS JR
174: Kaleb Young - RS JR
184: Trent Hidlay - RS FR
197: Jacob Warner - RS SO
285: Anthony Cassioppi - RS FR
2021 Lineup
125: Spencer Lee - SR
133: Robbie Howard - TR FR
141: Max Murin - RS JR
149: Ryan Vulakh - RS FR
157: Nelson Brands - RS SO
165: Alex Marinelli - RS SR
174: Kaleb Young - RS SR
184: Trent Hidlay - RS SO
197: Jacob Warner - RS JR
285: Anthony Cassioppi - RS SO
2022 Lineup
125: Cullan Schriever - RS FR
133: Robbie Howard - SO
141: Max Murin - RS SR
149: Ryan Vulakh - RS SO
157: Nelson Brands - RS JR
165: Alex Facundo - TR FR
174: Patrick Kennedy - RS FR
184: Trent Hidlay - RS JR
197: Jacob Warner - RS SR
285: Anthony Cassioppi - RS JR
2023 Lineup
125: Cullan Schriever - RS SO
133: Robbie Howard - JR
141: 2021 141 lb Recruit - RS FR
149: Ryan Vulakh - RS JR
157: Nelson Brands - RS SR
165: Alex Facundo - SO
174: Patrick Kennedy - RS SO
184: Trent Hidlay - RS SR
197: 2021 197 lb Recruit (Possibly Brandon Hoselton) - RS FR
285: Anthony Cassioppi - RS SR
Some notes:
In 2020 we need to find replacements for Young & Marinelli. I had Kennedy(2020) replacing Young and Facundo(2021) going as a True FR replacing Marinelli. Facundo wrestled 145 at Fargo this summer going into his FR year so I was projecting him around 165. He is a real talent, and I believe M* is already initiating the connection with the Facundo family.
Not sure if Kennedy is a 174, but he wrestled 170 as a Freshman, and this summer and going again this year. Could be a lifer around that weight, but maybe not, in which case we'll have to find someone else.
Howard is going to be a beast, and I think he'll be good enough to go as a true frosh for us at 133. I believe there is interest in Howard from Iowa's end, hopefully it ends up mutual. Was also the youngest guy on the WNO card this year, as a SO, everyone else was a SR with 1 JR. I also think that Howard is better than any of the 133 lb prospects in 2019 so I think its worth waiting the extra year. I think the Schriever would fit perfectly at 125 for Iowa if Lee never shirts and goes 4 straight.
Just having a bit of f***, I'd like to hear your thoughts and proposals for the future. Maybe I'm missing some obvious guys that we should be targeting instead, or would fit the plan better.
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