Ukraine and EU need to go at it alone.
This is correct. We can sell them arms and ammo. Im totally fine with that. We can advise them. Fine. But to give away American dollars with no chance of getting it back, supposedly, I am against that.
Russia, IMO, doesnt have eyes on further aggression. Just my guess.
The only good that has come of this is that Russia has been depleted of their own arms and material.
Our country is going broke, so is Europe. If Europe cant find the money, maybe Ukraine isn't worth defending.
Why didn't Ukraine have defense in place to prevent this? With Russia on their border and having just taken Crimea. Every country in the world needs to act like they are on their own. We cannot be the worlds police force for minor stuff like this. I do consider this minor. To be fair, Ukraine did an amazing job with their situation on their own with the help they had, but its time for this WW1 style stalemate to end. And no, that doesn't include Ukraine getting all of Ukraine back. Sorry it doesn't. I leave in realville. The rest of you live in a place where you want to throw American money to a guy leading a countries defense that has shown he is in a weak position.
Quite simply, if you all are not willing to risk real American lives and real American money on this and actually winning this, with our boots on the ground, we need this to be over and that involves telling Zalenskyy what's up. And Putin too.