Biden/Trump to debate in June

That's a very strange comment. It almost seems like you know I'm right but don't like it. What's not to like even?

It's a chess match between the two of them now, and I find it interesting to watch play out.

Let's see what happens next.
Just your usual stuff that gets more than its share of eyerolls.

I would bet a good amount of money that Trump doesn't even know how to play chess. Checkers maybe, but I could see that getting tough for him too with all the kinging going on.
Heard this morning Trump is already planning his escape from the debates…did I hear it correctly that he’ll only debate Biden if Biden takes a drug test? Gutless Donald is so weak and fragile.
No, I think Joe Biden garnering more votes than Obama, Reagan, and Trump (who coincidently would have had the most votes in history had he won) is totally legit. Biden is a rock star, he fills out ice cream shops everywhere he goes.

Or a higher percentage of registered voters actually voted...I hadn't voted since 2000, but I had seen ALL I needed to see concerning Trump and MAGA
Or a higher percentage of registered voters actually voted...I hadn't voted since 2000, but I had seen ALL I needed to see concerning Trump and MAGA
I'd buy that whole cloth if Trump didn't increase his vote total by 14 million votes over 2016.

I'm sure there are people who voted Trump in 2016 that chose not to vote for him in 2020...

I'm also sure that Trump inspired people much like yourself to get back into game after sitting it out for a few cycles.

I have tried googling it, but I can't seem to find any time in history that an incumbent got more votes than the first time around and lost. And not a small uptick, nearly 24% more votes.

Shamu says there's something fishy in SeaWorld
I'd buy that whole cloth if Trump didn't increase his vote total by 14 million votes over 2016.

I'm sure there are people who voted Trump in 2016 that chose not to vote for him in 2020...

I'm also sure that Trump inspired people much like yourself to get back into game after sitting it out for a few cycles.

I have tried googling it, but I can't seem to find any time in history that an incumbent got more votes than the first time around and lost. And not a small uptick, nearly 24% more votes.

Shamu says there's something fishy in SeaWorld

You're in a cult, please seek help
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Question Rs: If Biden is such a vegetable then why is Trump petrified of debating him?
If Joe was so eager, why make so many demands? It has to be during a blood moon on the eve of insanity, with Trump wearing a muzzle and orange jump suit
I'd buy that whole cloth if Trump didn't increase his vote total by 14 million votes over 2016.

I'm sure there are people who voted Trump in 2016 that chose not to vote for him in 2020...

I'm also sure that Trump inspired people much like yourself to get back into game after sitting it out for a few cycles.

I have tried googling it, but I can't seem to find any time in history that an incumbent got more votes than the first time around and lost. And not a small uptick, nearly 24% more votes.

Shamu says there's something fishy in SeaWorld
You're a logician's dream. And it wasn't an additional 24% more votes (liar liar pants on fire). So apparently while Trump's actual 11.2 million additional votes in 2020 are unquestioned and legitimate, Biden's additional 15.4 million votes in 2020 compared to Hillary are "fishy".

Because reasons. Feelings. Because you have an absolute inability to understand the horror that Donald Trump inspired even in people who are normally apolitical and don't vote (particularly young people and minorities).

The 2018 high turnout wave election for the Dems should have been a sign for 2020 (highest midterm turnout since 1914), but in your world I bet that was "fishy" as well.
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You're a logician's dream. And it wasn't an additional 24% more votes (liar liar pants on fire). So apparently while Trump's actual 11.2 million additional votes in 2020 are unquestioned and legitimate, Biden's additional 15.4 million votes in 2020 compared to Hillary are "fishy".

Because reasons. Feelings. Because you have an absolute inability to understand the horror that Donald Trump inspired even in people who are normally apolitical and don't vote (particularly young people and minorities).

The 2018 high turnout wave election for the Dems should have been a sign for 2020 (highest midterm turnout since 1914), but in your world I bet that was "fishy" as well.

Logic doesn't work on MAGA
Trump got 60.3 million votes in 2016... let me know if you have a different figure

Trump got 74.2 million in 2020... let me know if you disagree...

That's a difference of about 14 million.

14 million is roughly 23.33333% of 60 million.

So Trump's 2020 results are roughly 23% higher than 2016.
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Counter point, this allows Biden to include his preferred requirements and make the offer a power move. If trump had challenged Biden, Im sure it would be catered to Trump's stronger attributes, e.g. riffing, playing to an audience, and rambling as long as he sees fit. With no fact checking. So by being the one to throw down the gauntlet, he can goad trump into a more balanced event. IMO.

But I expect this will result just like the last one. Both will have moments they look strong, they look weak, both will be parsed into showing how much the other guy lies and then both sides will go to their corners and declare victory. IMO Trump cannot find a way to pull in more votes. Biden has a legit shot at pulling some fo the 13-19% of GOP voters still voting for Haley.
I would think that it’s very unlikely that potential Haley voters would vote for Biden. They would rather just not vote for either presidential candidate.
Trump got 60.3 million votes in 2016... let me know if you have a different figure

Trump got 74.2 million in 2020... let me know if you disagree...

That's a difference of about 14 million.

14 million is roughly 23.33333% of 60 million.

So Trump's 2020 results are roughly 23% higher than 2016.
FFS. Do a little research. Trump got 62,984,828 votes in 2016, rounded it's 63.0 million votes.

And if you want to be absolutely precise, Trump got 11,239,147 more votes in 2020 than 2016. 74,223,975 - 62,984,828.

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instead of these boring and completely predictable debates that both sides will claim as victory regardless of what happens...

let's do a american history/civics quiz, live

i think that would be WAY more entertaining (and that's all we're really doing with presidential politics at this point - entertainment)
How about a cage match! Trump would just pummel Joe. 😜
You're a logician's dream. And it wasn't an additional 24% more votes (liar liar pants on fire). So apparently while Trump's actual 11.2 million additional votes in 2020 are unquestioned and legitimate, Biden's additional 15.4 million votes in 2020 compared to Hillary are "fishy".

Because reasons. Feelings. Because you have an absolute inability to understand the horror that Donald Trump inspired even in people who are normally apolitical and don't vote (particularly young people and minorities).

The 2018 high turnout wave election for the Dems should have been a sign for 2020 (highest midterm turnout since 1914), but in your world I bet that was "fishy" as well.
Joe can thank Filthy Don and the SCOTUS for all those votes, educated white women and all the usual black women just couldn't wait to get to the polls. All those marches and signing up those that don't vote, DID VOTE.
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Don't care if pepsi.

Might this debate actually happen?

Great move by the Biden campaign IMO. In theory they could still replace Joe before the convention, so if he stumbles here, there's a) plenty of time to recover, and b) enough time to swap in Gavin Newsome or someone more exciting. It's a good test run of sorts for the viability of a Biden re-election run.

For Trump, the upside is limited in a June debate, as is the downside. It'll just sort of be something people talk about for a week or so...
Newsome is a snake oils salesman. I would rather see Whitmer.
FFS. Do a little research. Trump got 62,984,828 votes in 2016, rounded it's 63.0 million votes.

And if you want to be absolutely precise, Trump got 11,239,147 more votes in 2020 than 2016. 74,223,975 - 62,984,828.

Wait when did Wikipedia become an acceptable source of information? Why not just use a fox News link if you're gonna bottom feed from the web
Wait when did Wikipedia become an acceptable source of information? Why not just use a fox News link if you're gonna bottom feed from the web
Idiots like you just keep digging. Hit the link at Wikipedia, it's to the official results from 2016 and 2020. But that's probably unreliable as well right, you've probably got a link from Truth Social or Stormfront with the correct numbers?
Idiots like you just keep digging. Hit the link at Wikipedia, it's to the official results from 2016 and 2020. But that's probably unreliable as well right, you've probably got a link from Truth Social or Stormfront with the correct numbers?
I don't make the rules, don't hate the Playa hate tha game