Chris Quomo says hes vaccine injured


HR Legend
Jul 3, 2003
(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, who was one of the country’s leading coronavirus propagandists in 2020, now says he’s been injured by the COVID-19 vaccine.

Cuomo, now a host for News Nation, revealed his alleged injury during a segment discussing a New York Times article about the COVID-19 vaccine. According to that article, more than 13,000 vaccine-injury compensation claims have been filed with the federal government as of April—to little avail.

“Only 19 percent have been reviewed. Only 47 of those were deemed eligible for compensation, and only 12 have been paid out, at an average of about $3,600,” the Times reported.

Reacting to that article, Cuomo interviewed Shaun Barcavage, a New York nurse who was also allegedly injured by the vaccine.

During the interview, Barcavage told Cuomo about how he felt tingling in his face after taking the first vaccine dose. Against his better judgement, he took a second dose—leading to a total health breakdown, he said.

“As a research nurse practitioner, I thought after if I was injured people would be there to help me. I got no answers, no one wanted to discuss it,” he said.

“I sent my blood work to Germany, where scientists were more interested in helping than the ones in my own country. The testing showed I developed autoantibodies … it looked like I had long COVID, even though I never had COVID.”

Barcavage said he believes his problems were ignored because the New York medical community didn’t want to make people afraid of taking the vaccine. But the ensuing censorship and propaganda has backfired, making the public even more hesitant of vaccines as a result, he said.

“They’re afraid by showing my face they’ll drive vaccine hesitancy. But the censorship of it is fueling vaccine hesitancy. If government admitted these were novel vaccines … the citizens would have appreciated that. Instead, they suppressed me,” he said.

Cuomo then told Barcavage about his own struggles.

“I’m sick myself, but I’m working with people who ware working on this. You may be ahead of me. I’ll hook you up with my clinicians,” he said. “But I will never stop reporting on this. I’m beating the drum on: You need a 9/11-style commission on what worked and what didn’t, because it’s not over.”

Cuomo’s claims, of course, should be taken with a grain of salt. The disgraced news anchor infamously claimed that he defeated COVID-19 in mid-2020 through willpower and breathing exercises.

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at
So he got long covid from the vaccine if I'm reading right.

Doesnt sound too implausible. You're tweaking the immune system to respond to the virus. We know immune responses can go haywire.

That said, same thing happens when you get the virus. And everyone gets it.
unimpressed michael keaton GIF
I was injured too!! My normal 8 inches was only 7 after the first jab and 6 after the second. I've had another 4 jabs since and now the wife says she's leaving me for a real man instead of a "shrunken head". I demand restitution!!
Cuomo was the one complaining the vaccines gave him Long Covid, per the OP.
You’re reading is off. He was interviewing the nurse practitioner. The nurse practitioner is the one who said it looked like he had long covid, even though he never had it. Is that you Brandon?
The nurse practitioner is the one who said it looked like he had long covid, even though he never had it.
Cuomo said "he staved it off" in 2020, meaning "he had it".

And I recall that he actually was sick with it back then.
Cuomo did.
Do you understand what "Long Covid" is, and the actual risks for it AFTER you've had "actual Covid"?

Cuomo has stated he has had Covid. Not sure what your argument here is. The nurse said "he never had it", when he did?
Do you understand what "Long Covid" is, and the actual risks for it AFTER you've had "actual Covid"?

Cuomo has stated he has had Covid. Not sure what your argument here is. The nurse said "he never had it", when he did?
You are full fvcking retard. The article in the OP is about 2 people. The guest who was a nurse practictitioner, as well as Cuomo. You either didn’t read it, or are literally a dumb ****
You are loony

The OP is referring to Cuomo.
That is who I am referring to, dickwad.
Listen dumb shit, the nurse practitioner stated the Germans told him it looked like he had long covid, even though he never had it, only the vaccine. That is the part you were referring to and assigning to Cuomo, because you didn’t read it, or didn’t read it correctly. Cuomo wasn’t claiming long covid
Listen dumb shit, the nurse practitioner stated the Germans told him it looked like he had long covid, even though he never had it, only the vaccine.

A: Not talking about any "nurse practitioner", and it's highly unlikely the nurse "never got Covid", because nearly everyone has had it at least once now.

And every time you get it, you increase your risks for Long Covid sequelae.
That is NOT the part I was referring to. I was referring to the OP's claim in the title.
No you weren’t, you specifically quoted the person saying, so if I’m reading this right he got long covid from the vaccine. That was directly quoting Barcavage in the OP. Stick to your guns Brandon
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No you weren’t, you specifically quoted the person saying, so if I’m reading this right he got long covid from the vaccine.

READ THE DAMN THREAD TITLE: chris-quomo-says-hes-vaccine-injured

Any "nurse" claiming they never got Covid, is lying.
Research nurse practitioner. Notorious liars.

Some of them are truly idiots.
Like our Resident Murse that is a patient advocate murse and knows very little actual medicine.

Meanwhile, Covid sequelae rates increase dramatically with Covid infections/exposures.
And anyone seeing patients, directly, is much more likely to have had multiple infections, Cletus.
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Some of them are truly idiots.
Like our Resident Murse that is a patient advocate murse and knows very little actual medicine.

Meanwhile, Covid sequelae rates increase dramatically with Covid infections/exposures.
And anyone seeing patients, directly, is much more likely to have had multiple infections, Cletus.
That’s where the research part comes in, but you can deny what he’s saying, that’s fine, but you were confused earlier.
Don’t argue with Joe. Joe knows everything no matter the subject as he is an expert on everything.
I certainly know far more about this topic than you do.

Here's a nugget for you:


Now, you learned something NEW today about Covid!!!!
That’s where the research part comes in, but you can deny what he’s saying
I can inform you that the nurse is not telling you the truth here, and probably has had multiple Covid infections/exposures. Your risks for long Covid are 2.5x-3x higher at 3x infections than with the first one.