Midlife crisis.


HR Legend
Mar 22, 2005
As I get older I start thinking about some of these things. Starting to wonder if one of my friends is going through one right now or if he is just losing his shit in general. Any of you middle aged/older folks go through a midlife crisis or know someone that has? If so, what was it like or what happened? By a new red shiny Porsche? Trade in your old wife for a new one? (That’s. What my “friend” is doing) How old were you? Is this even a thing?

As I get older I start thinking about some of these things. Starting to wonder if one of my friends is going through one right now or if he is just losing his shit in general. Any of you middle aged/older folks go through a midlife crisis or know someone that has? If so, what was it like or what happened? By a new red shiny Porsche? Trade in your old wife for a new one? (That’s. What my “friend” is doing) How old were you? Is this even a thing?

I think I've been in one my whole life. Been a pretty free spirited guy.
In June, I’m going on a “once in a lifetime” fishing trip in the NW Territories. No shiny new cars or wives.
I have known people off all ages do things that would be considered midlife crisis behavior.

For sure. As the common phrase goes “he/she must be having a midlife crisis.” Is it really a midlife crisis or just free spirited like sharky said. Did the person go through some depression, self doubt, anything odd like that before they said **** it, I’m buying a motorcycle cycle or taking that once in a lifetime trip?
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Havent had time for a crisis. 2 kids still in college, full time job and 2 side businesses. Wife still gets the checkout by 20 somethings. Who has time?

I did have some struggles with some childhood trauma issues about when it hits most everyone who went thru that.

But not midlife in the traditiomal sense.
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Don't know if was a midlife crisis or just finally becoming empty nesters, but the last 5 years have been focused on knocking things off bucket list, mostly centered around hiking while I'm still able. We no longer just talk about birthday vacations and actually take them now.
I turned 50 last year, but I still feel like I'm in my 30's, so no midlife crisis for me.

My wife and I are totally enjoying empty nesting.

Nice. Curious. How old are your kids? How long have you been emptying the nest? Funny you bring that up as that is part of my reason behind the midlife crisis. My oldest is wrapping up his junior year as we speak. Lots of last times coming up soon. Heck, he is skipping a camping weekend this summer cause he wants to work. I’m having mixed emotions about it.
"Midlife crisis" is so cliche.

Anybody ever stop to think that maybe it's just the fact that by the time you're 50 or so you have your financial affairs in order and can actually spend money on the things you wanted to but couldn't when you were 30.

That being said I got the work from home gig that gives me tons of freedom, I got the hot sports car convertible, all I need is the new trophy wife.

I so wanna be on this game show....

One day I'm going to take a trip to the most secluded gill ponds in America and catch myself a lunker gill. Probably on a buzzbait.
My grandpa grew up in SW Iowa, and knew damn near everyone that owned/farmed land in Ringgold and Union counties. He had access to fish a shit ton of private ponds back in pastures that the public didn't have access to so he took me to those a lot when he'd be too tired to get the boat ready. There was one specifically that we called the "Bluegill pond" and I'll be damned if we never caught anything under 10 inches there. They were all gigantic gills.

We also had a "Crappie pond" that we went to, and you wouldn't catch anything under 12 inches, and a few would be 15-16 inchers. I miss those days/csb
Nice. Curious. How old are your kids? How long have you been emptying the nest? Funny you bring that up as that is part of my reason behind the midlife crisis. My oldest is wrapping up his junior year as we speak. Lots of last times coming up soon. Heck, he is skipping a camping weekend this summer cause he wants to work. I’m having mixed emotions about it.
Our daughter is 26 and our son will be 24 next month. I had my first within months of getting my masters degree, so I was ready to be an empty nester by the time I was in my mid 40s. Our son still lives near us and comes over almost every day, and our daughter lives in Florida but we see her about every other month.
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Certainly had a season not too long ago where I was depressed because life is not looking like how I thought it would. To be honest I'm not sure I'm completely out of that yet.

But I didn't go buy stuff or divorce my wife or anything like that. I could give a shit what strangers think of me and my marriage is one of the things that is going well for me at the moment. Coming home to my wife is the highlight of my day. And spending time just the two of us and just laughing and enjoying each other's company is one of the best things in my life.
Some big decisions coming for me in the next year, but it's all good. I turned 54 in April and have been very fortunate to have learned a ton during the last few years. Bottom line is, if you wait for your life to change on it's own, you're going to be waiting a long time.
My wife has suggested a couple of times that I may be having a mid-life crisis. :) For one thing...if so, it would be happening a little later than "mid-life" :), but what I think she is seeing is that I am definitely thinking more in terms of "what I want to do with the rest of my life" AND I am willing to spend money on things more so than the past.

My thoughts though, now after seeing a significant and growing number of people that I know that are deceased or incapacitated by illness, etc..."Screw it, let's do it (or get one)." So I don't think I am in crisis...just realizing more and more that life is precious and short.

I recently heard someone say that they are determined NOT to be the richest person in the cemetery. (I could have read that here on HORT, I don't remember.) At any rate, I have definitely shifted to be more of a spender, and doer of fun things, than I have historically been...and I am enjoying it. There will be no red sports car, new wife, etc, with me...but I am going to have more fun over my remaining years than what I allowed myself to do to this point.
My grandpa grew up in SW Iowa, and knew damn near everyone that owned/farmed land in Ringgold and Union counties. He had access to fish a shit ton of private ponds back in pastures that the public didn't have access to so he took me to those a lot when he'd be too tired to get the boat ready. There was one specifically that we called the "Bluegill pond" and I'll be damned if we never caught anything under 10 inches there. They were all gigantic gills.

We also had a "Crappie pond" that we went to, and you wouldn't catch anything under 12 inches, and a few would be 15-16 inchers. I miss those days/csb

I wish I still knew farmers with farm ponds. Absolutely some of the best fishing out there. We had one we called a bass pond, another a catfish pond, and one was like a connected to a stream that was connected to the wapsi so it got pike that were decent size. Eventually I knew two of those as snake ponds as some water snakes moved in and turned into the biggest damn water snakes I have ever seen to this day. I quit going there eventually because I was always on the lookout for the damn snakes.

I effing hate snakes.
Thank you, I might swing up there if I catch the midlife crisis this summer.

🤣 🤣 🤣 So the fish only bite there if you have a 21' Lund with a 200hp Honda, 9.9 Honda kicker (color matched to boat), electric trolling motors on front and back, and 10 G in electronics, with a fully equipped St. Croix fishing rods (at least 10) and matching $300 reels, and it was pulled to the lake in a brand-new GMC Sierra 350 diesel with all the bell and whistles. FYI. So, get started now with your mid-life crisis.
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I’m 47.

About 5 years ago, the idea of getting up, going to work, coming home, repeat indefinitely really, really started getting to me. I realized I needed to drastically re-shape my priorities in life; which is easier said than done. I’ve realized time is my biggest motivator. Obviously money is a factor and everyone needs a base amount (which is personal and different to everyone). I’ve basically hit my base (on a monthly basis). I’m now trying to build my base for life.

I’m doing all I can to FIRE. My job is my job and it’s fixed and can’t be modified. All I can do is be money smart and spend whatever time I currently have with my family; which I try to do. But the goal is to completely retire in 6 years. And that is how I’m handling my mid-life crisis.
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🤣 🤣 🤣 So the fish only bite there if you have a 21' Lund with a 200hp Honda, 9.9 Honda kicker (color matched to boat), electric trolling motors on front and back, and 10 G in electronics, with a fully equipped St. Croix fishing rods (at least 10) and matching $300 reels, and it was pulled to the lake in a brand-new GMC Sierra 350 diesel with all the bell and whistles. FYI. So, get started now with your mid-life crisis.

Dammit, all I have is a CRV dragging a kayak with a rope.
My grandpa grew up in SW Iowa, and knew damn near everyone that owned/farmed land in Ringgold and Union counties. He had access to fish a shit ton of private ponds back in pastures that the public didn't have access to so he took me to those a lot when he'd be too tired to get the boat ready. There was one specifically that we called the "Bluegill pond" and I'll be damned if we never caught anything under 10 inches there. They were all gigantic gills.

We also had a "Crappie pond" that we went to, and you wouldn't catch anything under 12 inches, and a few would be 15-16 inchers. I miss those days/csb

God damn those are some good size fish. A day like that would bring anyone out of a midlife funk.
I wish I still knew farmers with farm ponds. Absolutely some of the best fishing out there. We had one we called a bass pond, another a catfish pond, and one was like a connected to a stream that was connected to the wapsi so it got pike that were decent size. Eventually I knew two of those as snake ponds as some water snakes moved in and turned into the biggest damn water snakes I have ever seen to this day. I quit going there eventually because I was always on the lookout for the damn snakes.

I effing hate snakes.
I also effing hate snakes. But yes, the farm ponds are the way to do it if you can. I dated a chick no pics roughly 4 years ago and her dad was a farmer and had a good pond about a mile back in their pasture. She told me it was good bass fishing so we went. I hadn't fished a farm pond since I was a kid. No exaggeration, you'd catch a bass damn near 1 out of every 3 casts. Mostly they were all around 12 or so inches, so fun ones to catch. And then I thought I got snagged, until the fish started to move. I got it in, and it was a 8.5lb 23 inch largemouth. Personal best for me. Caught on a $1 spinner from the discount Wal Mart bin.
I wish I still knew farmers with farm ponds. Absolutely some of the best fishing out there. We had one we called a bass pond, another a catfish pond, and one was like a connected to a stream that was connected to the wapsi so it got pike that were decent size. Eventually I knew two of those as snake ponds as some water snakes moved in and turned into the biggest damn water snakes I have ever seen to this day. I quit going there eventually because I was always on the lookout for the damn snakes.

I effing hate snakes.
I am with you on the beauty of a nice pond...I have one now and will be building another soon. But many ponds in Iowa are now impacted by otters than what was true 10-20+ years now. There is a lot that goes into managing a pond, but otters can wreck a good one fast these days. There are simply too many of them IMO.
Mine was divorce and after effects. Didn't take care of myself. Didn't want to be around people. Not happy with the work I was doing (I took care of my clients more than myself). Made a lot of bad choices. Finally realized I had some shit that built up from my deployment to Iraq that I was ignoring. A lot of bad things happening at once. I'm out of it now and am happy.

I encourage anyone that is going through this, or if you have friend that is going through this, to get some individual counseling. I was completely against it starting out because it made me feel vulnerable. Men are the worst about this. But if you find the right counselor, it can be a game changer.
Who's got time for a midlife crisis these days? I can't recall anything approaching a crisis level in my life in the past two decades. Life is easy and life is good for me these days, why would I want to upset that apple cart by doing something rash now? I'm looking forward to retirement in the next 5 years and then I'll start banging my no pics wife in every corner of the globe we want to travel to until I'm dead or my weenus falls off.
For sure. As the common phrase goes “he/she must be having a midlife crisis.” Is it really a midlife crisis or just free spirited like sharky said. Did the person go through some depression, self doubt, anything odd like that before they said **** it, I’m buying a motorcycle cycle or taking that once in a lifetime trip?
Could be midlife crisis, could be this is what always wanted, was having issues in marriage this was always a no go so, once the relationship ended is doing what he wants.