***** OFFICIAL IOWA vs. Penn State Game Thread *****

Chew on that you foul mouthed, inbred, pathetic excuse for human beings for all your leveraging of child abuse for laughs and supposed holier than thou posturing. PSU’s value to society will always exceed anything that’s ever come out of Iowa.

That’s real life, but as far as the far less important football field, even with the refs trying to do everything they could to cheat for you, Franklin still owns Ferentz. 6-0, now crawl back into your holes, glad we don’t have to deal with you low life’s any more.
What a pompous ass. Pennsylvania is such a backwards culture, it's pathetic.
And Iowa will always be know as a state where the women and men **** pigs. Sooie... Bitch!
Yeah, Pennsylvania is made up of rocket scientists. Lol
Your cities are shit holes of filth and trash. Your back country is made up of some of the most stupid rednecks in the country.
Guards can’t block, LB’s can’t cover, and we lack depth. We pretty much knew all of this before the season began. I thought we’d be
8-4 before the season and not much has changed. The middle of the D line has been better then I expected.
I disgree, it's not on the D. I think our D is one of the best in college fb. Can you imagine if they actually got some rest?
Our offense is so shitty they rarely get a rest.
Fire the Ferentz clowns, promote Parker to head coach. No freaking way the offense could be any worse.
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Chew on that you foul mouthed, inbred, pathetic excuse for human beings for all your leveraging of child abuse for laughs and supposed holier than thou posturing. PSU’s value to society will always exceed anything that’s ever come out of Iowa.

That’s real life, but as far as the far less important football field, even with the refs trying to do everything they could to cheat for you, Franklin still owns Ferentz. 6-0, now crawl back into your holes, glad we don’t have to deal with you low life’s any more.[/

Congrats on the win. Tell me more about PSUs value to society, after all its real life.
Chew on that you foul mouthed, inbred, pathetic excuse for human beings for all your leveraging of child abuse for laughs and supposed holier than thou posturing. PSU’s value to society will always exceed anything that’s ever come out of Iowa.

That’s real life, but as far as the far less important football field, even with the refs trying to do everything they could to cheat for you, Franklin still owns Ferentz. 6-0, now crawl back into your holes, glad we don’t have to deal with you low life’s any more.
Stay classy.
Yeah, Pennsylvania is made up of rocket scientists. Lol
Your cities are shit holes of filth and trash. Your back country is made up of some of the most stupid rednecks in the country.
Annnnnnd... You guys **** pigs.
For all the PSU fans here talking shit... Says a lot about you as human beings. YOU didn’t win the game ... your team won the game. You must be pretty miserable people overall to come here to talk smack. You are the downside of our connected world.
For all the PSU fans here talking shit... Says a lot about you as human beings. YOU didn’t win the game ... your team won the game. You must be pretty miserable people overall to come here to talk smack. You are the downside of our connected world.

To be fair, I've been banned from BWI

Then again, I didn't rape a bunch of kids or cover it up. So I got that going for me.
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For all the PSU fans here talking shit... Says a lot about you as human beings. YOU didn’t win the game ... your team won the game. You must be pretty miserable people overall to come here to talk smack. You are the downside of our connected world.
I know I didn't win shit... As I also know I didn't rape little kids... But if you pig ****ers are lumping everyone together..... Sooie bitch!
Lol. Tarnished history. One f*cking individual doing his creepy sh!t that for many years no one knew about, then yeah, lets just blame the whole university for enabling.

There's a reason why the sanctions were nixed before they were supposed to expire. Sleep on that one folks. Have a good night! #6-0
I know I didn't win shit... As I also know I didn't rape little kids... But if you pig ****ers are lumping everyone together..... Sooie bitch!

I know I didn't win shit... As I also know I didn't rape little kids... But if you pig ****ers are lumping everyone together..... Sooie bitch!
Why the need to come here and gloat? Isn’t it more fun to celebrate with your own fans on your own message board? Sorry your life is unhappy....
Why the need to come here and gloat? Isn’t it more fun to celebrate with your own fans on your own message board? Sorry your life is unhappy....
Didn't come here to gloat. As you can see I did not mention anything about the score in any of my posts. I'm just responding to the pig ****ers that think child rape is hilarious and a way to "punk" a university. Like I said before.... I'm pretty sure you guys actively root for kids to get molested.
Didn't come here to gloat. As you can see I did not mention anything about the score in any of my posts. I'm just responding to the pig ****ers that think child rape is hilarious and a way to "punk" a university. Like I said before.... I'm pretty sure you guys actively root for kids to get molested.
Oh okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
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Didn't come here to gloat. As you can see I did not mention anything about the score in any of my posts. I'm just responding to the pig ****ers that think child rape is hilarious and a way to "punk" a university. Like I said before.... I'm pretty sure you guys actively root for kids to get molested.
Lucky you got a win. Good D and a HELL of a lot of good calls tonight.

Good luck going forward.
Oh man was that disappointing! Thought we had their number going into this one. Not anymore I guess. I said before the game if we lose its a good sign that this is not the 10+ win team we were hoping for. The offense, specifically the OL is such a liability. Just can't get the big wins and I'm thinking we lose 4 again this year. Not the end of the world just have to wait for another year to be great.
So now that all the "special season" nonsense is dead and buried, what does this team do with the second half of the schedule?
My pre-season thoughts were this would be a 7 or 8 win type year. I'm still there as I think outside of getting their heads kicked in when they go to Madison there isn't anyone special in the rest of the B1G West. But can they win one at minny? Do they stumble at jnw?
Where does a good defense with some holes and a sub par offense take them?

I think this is spot-on. I said 7-5 before the season, then allowed myself to get pulled in again. It will take an absolute miracle to beat Wiscy with this offense and they will attack the middle of the defense. The rest of the west is in shambles. Minny has beaten NOBODY yet. NW has been bad but that will end up a tossup game. Same with Purdue. If Nubby gets Martinez back healthy, that will be a hard game to win on the road. Anywhere from 6-6 to 9-3 is a possibility.
You have your mind made up, nothing I say will change your mind. Nate does make bad decisions, bad throws and bad reads at times. So does every other QB in the country. When you mix in bad RB play, bad receiver play and bad OLine play, a rational fan doesn't pick the guy he doesn't like and spend an entire two weeks posting about how awful the guy is. They would look at the whole picture. You are very specific and seem to have a bone to pick with a kid who is doing the best he can in a not so great situation and not making excuses or blaming his teammates. He is trying to lead this team through adversity and doing it while getting pounded for two weeks straight. Maybe I am tired of guys like you who probably have no idea what it is like to play high level football and the work that goes into it, making blanket statements about a guy that is much better than you make it sound. Rant finished....

That slant he missed by three feet at the end of the first half was the difference in the game. That is a throw that literally every other post-HS QB can make every time. But it is now just one of at least a dozen inexcplicable throws he has made in key moments of big games since he has been the starter: missed TJH by at least 5 yards in the 4th Q against Wisconsin last year, missed him again worse in the PSU game on fourth down (before he hurt his thumb, btw). He is literally the difference between this team being 7-5/8-4 and being a legitimate contender for the West.
That slant he missed by three feet at the end of the first half was the difference in the game. That is a throw that literally every other post-HS QB can make every time. But it is now just one of at least a dozen inexcplicable throws he has made in key moments of big games since he has been the starter: missed TJH by at least 5 yards in the 4th Q against Wisconsin last year, missed him again worse in the PSU game on fourth down (before he hurt his thumb, btw). He is literally the difference between this team being 7-5/8-4 and being a legitimate contender for the West.
Yeah that slant was a sure td if it hits him in the hands. Stan had time and a relatively clean pocket. Maybe they rattled him a bit.

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