NEW: Judge Merchan addresses Trump directly regarding his continued violations of the gag order-“It appears that the 1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent.”

“The last thing I want to do is to put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States, and possibly the next president as well.”

“There are many reasons why incarceration is truly a last resort for you.”

“To take that step would be disruptive to the proceedings”

“But at the end of the day, I have a job to do”

“The magnitude of such a decision is not lost on me.”
Because the offensive statement was made prior to this Court's Decision of April 30 and because the People are seeking only a monetary fine, the Court will, once again, fine Defendant $1,000. However, because this is now the tenth time that this Court has found Defendant in criminal contempt, spanning three separate motions, it is apparent that monetary fines have not, and will not, suffice to deter Defendant from violating this Court's lawful orders

Yep; before.

Next one is gonna leave a mark.

Take a moment and consider the below testimony and evidence. Donald Trump, while in the OVAL OFFICE, is signing checks (drawn on his personal checking account) intended to reimburse Michael Cohen for the hush money payment Cohen made to adult film star, Stormy Daniels, who had an affair with that Trump could protect his 2016 presidential campaign.
Name one.

  • Passing the Infrastructure Bill, which most GOP representatives and state governors are trying to take credit for the work in their states
  • Passing the Inflation Reduction Act, which will lower energy costs for Main St middle class folks
  • Passing the Medicare drug negotiation ability vs Big Pharma
  • Capping insulin costs
  • Maintaining higher GDP growth than most other Western nations
  • Maintaining lower inflation rates than most other Western nations

Your buddy Trump blabbered about "Infrastructure Week" for 4 full years and delivered nothing.

What Sleepy Trump Dreams About at Trial​

Mashed-potato nightmares! Kafka in the Oval Office! And other things going through the mind of the nap-happy ex-President in court.
By Barry Blitt
May 6, 2024

Image may contain Book Publication Comics Baby Person Text Face and Head

Take a moment and consider the below testimony and evidence. Donald Trump, while in the OVAL OFFICE, is signing checks (drawn on his personal checking account) intended to reimburse Michael Cohen for the hush money payment Cohen made to adult film star, Stormy Daniels, who had an affair with that Trump could protect his 2016 presidential campaign.
Team Trump has been pummeled today from what I can see. The prosecution is building a case piece by piece.
Blanche is just sputtering and blustering.
Good question on Lib TV this afternoon, will Trump be able to control himself if Stormy or Karen are called to the stand? One person speculated yes with Karen, but he'll lose his s*** if Stormy takes the stand, and he'll attempt to disrupt the trial to the point of being held in contempt, and confined. It's all he has left. Unless there is a MAGA stooge on the jury, he's going to be convicted. Will the charges translate to felonies versus misdemeanors? Unknown, but he's guilty AF.
Final charges will have to be felonies,.. misdemeanor options have long sensed lapsed statute of limitation...
The worse and worse it gets for Trump the more likely I think it is that he feels like he can save the day by testifying. Trump on the stand will be a disaster, so, fingers crossed.
Maybe this question has been addressed already but do you think his lawyers told him he couldn’t testify because he was under a gag order instead of telling him it is just a bad idea in general?
Maybe this question has been addressed already but do you think his lawyers told him he couldn’t testify because he was under a gag order instead of telling him it is just a bad idea in general?
No, I think it's the stuff you say out loud to the morons and mouth breathers in order to get them to donate more money. Trump has been sued lots of times, he knows the rules.
Final charges will have to be felonies,.. misdemeanor options have long sensed lapsed statute of limitation...
True, but we are getting closer and closer to the prosection being able to prove felony charges.
Donny Deutsch said on Lib TV today that he thinks Trump will be able to control himself, even when Cohen takes the stand. That will be a trigger point, but as someone who has known Trump for decades he made the case that Trump is so vain he won't risk incarceration because he won't have access to a hair stylist or make up artist if he violates the gag order again, or acts up in court.
Donny Deutsch said on Lib TV today that he thinks Trump will be able to control himself, even when Cohen takes the stand. That will be a trigger point, but as someone who has known Trump for decades he made the case that Trump is so vain he won't risk incarceration because he won't have access to a hair stylist or make up artist if he violates the gag order again, or acts up in court.
He should fire the ones he has because he looks like a douche.
He should fire the ones he has because he looks like a douche.
He knows he looks ridiculous, but it's his brand.
Many people reporting from the trial have noted that his hair is noticeably thinning, and his bald spot is getting harder and harder to cover. People who have been covering him for years are saying this.
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Problem is, most of them are not college kids and Biden won on razor thin margins in swing states. Biden is going to win easily the regular vote. But the EC is really screwed up right now. I hope to be wrong but there are easily enough folks to get scared / turned off into voting for Trump over the pro Palestine protests coupled with a ton of young votes that may vote for a Green Party type or RFK Jr.
What do you base your comment “Biden is going to win easily the regular vote” on?
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Ok, Spicey.
Why the name calling? I’m just stating what’s happening. And now today I see the Biden administration strategy is to limit the length of time that Joe speaks at his campaign events. What’s that all about?
I see the Biden administration strategy is to limit the length of time that Joe speaks at his campaign events. What’s that all about?

He's got Presidenting things to do.

Something neither you, nor Trump, know anything about.
He knows he looks ridiculous, but it's his brand.
Many people reporting from the trial have noted that his hair is noticeably thinning, and his bald spot is getting harder and harder to cover. People who have been covering him for years are saying this.
Oh my goodness…an aging man is losing some hair! Stop the presses.
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I would fall asleep too in a kangaroo court.
No doubt YOU would. Cept this is a real charge, a real court, a real trial, a real judge, a real jury, a real criminal charge, for a real criminal activity. With real jail time possibily forthcoming... thankfully. Can you spell jail time for criminal activities? Accountability is a bitch son. 🤣🤣
No doubt YOU would. Cept this is a real charge, a real court, a real trial, a real judge, a real jury, a real criminal charge, for a real criminal activity. With real jail time possibily forthcoming... thankfully. Can you spell jail time for criminal activities? Accountability is a bitch son. 🤣🤣
Yep, it’s a real Democrat judge, with a real Democrat prosecutor, with a real Democrat jury…. I’m not too concerned about the outcome.

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