Let’s be clear- Stormy isn’t being called for the salaciousness of her “interaction” with Trump.

She can provide further context & corroboration to the testimony of her former attorney, Keith Davidson.

Recall: Trump (through Michael Cohen) slow-rolled paying Stormy. He tried to delay giving her the money until after the Nov. 2016 election.

Stormy became impatient (understandably so) after Trump blew the deadlines. Once Davidson made it clear that Stormy was going to talk, Cohen scrambled to create Essential Consultants LLC to wire her the money.

All within days of Election Day.

Why? So that Trump’s Campaign would not be negatively impacted by the news of Trump’s affair with Stormy.

And....POOF!....goes the claim he was just trying to protect Melania from his porn-star excursions...
"I have just recently been told who the witness is today," Trump posted on Truth Social but deleted the post less than 10 minutes later. "This is unprecedented, no time for lawyers to prepare. No Judge has ever run a trial in such a biased and partisan way. He is CROOKED & HIGHLY CONFLICTED, even taking away my First Amendment Rights. Now he’s threatening me with JAIL, & THEY HAVE NO CASE - This according to virtually all Legal Scholars & Experts! Why isn’t the Fake News Media reporting his Conflict?"

Pretty much every sentence in Trumps rage tweet is false. Don't people get tired of hearing the same tired, "poor Donald the victim" story every day from him?

Stormy Picks Out Trump's junk out of a line-up in Judge Merchan's courtroom....
Pretty much every sentence in Trumps rage tweet is false. Don't people get tired of hearing the same tired, "poor Donald the victim" story every day from him?

You'd think but most of the people I know worship him and would lay on the railroad tracks to defend him
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Suuurrree. Biden had the benefit of mostly staying hidden during the last election, presumably due to Covid. He’ll try to hide again this ejection cycle. The American public will see through his tactics.
Where he won't be hiding is in a courtroom, in one of his four civil and Criminal trials. Like Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser
Stormy Daniels' testimony today provides a clear explanation as to why DT Barnum was rage posting last night/this morning. Just like the Wizard of Oz, he doesn't like the curtain being pulled aside. Brutal portrayal. Absolutely brutal.
Trump hired his attorneys not to defend him in court. He hired them to delay. They already failed in his eyes. Its funny that for all the criminal trials upcoming, this was to be the lesser/weaker ones. Not great either for DT now that jail-time comes if his rage posts again. This testimony is just dangling the carrot in front of him.
Stormy Daniels' testimony today provides a clear explanation as to why DT Barnum was rage posting last night/this morning. Just like the Wizard of Oz, he doesn't like the curtain being pulled aside. Brutal portrayal. Absolutely brutal.
What’s the portrayal that he’s a horn dog. That doesn’t give two shits about his family. We already know that. And so does his followers.
The cross examination should be fascinating.

Trump claims he barely knew her and didn’t sleep with her so what line of questioning can the defense take to counter her testimony?

Defense counsel would be wise to simply take the hits from her testimony and conduct limited cross-examination. Whether he fooled around with her is not the key legal issue. There's very little, if any, to be gained through contentious cross-examination. I could be wrong (and it wouldn't be the first nor will it be the last) but I think that a vigorous cross-examination of her could truly blow up in their faces.

Only rare trials goes 100% in favor of one party. This is a witness who was going to be a problem for DT Barnum. Take the hit and move on. But, oh what a hit it is. Ouch.