I checked it’s like a 2 1/2 hour flight and that doesn’t include the getting to the plane and getting to the social club\document storage unit. So he got off of criminal trial at like 4:30 yesterday, had to make it past cameras and mics, without all of the whining that’s still some time. If he doesn’t go back to New York tonight he’s got to be moving by 430 to make sure he gets to trial on time. It just sounds like terrible efficiency.

Must not be enough people to lick his ass in New York
Well, the taxpayers pick up the tab to keep his motorcade from getting stuck in traffic to and from the airport.
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'Member that time Trump claimed he was going to completely "step aside" from the Trump Org and let his sons run it, to avoid any personal conflict of interest while he was in the WH?

Well.....they were sending checks from Trump Org for him to sign, to his bodyguard's PERSONAL ADDRESS in D.C., who then brought them into the WH for Trump to sign and return to the Trump Org.

Doesn't sound like we "divested" our interest in the company, at all....
Damn, this did not go well for Trump. Not only did they do nothing to help Trump, they made him look like a massive piece of crap allowing Stormy to air all of this.
Colorful witness but, really, Stormy is there to prove that they did the nasty deed. Humiliate, sure but not so much progression in the case. Great for the memes though.

It'll get really interesting once Cohen takes the stand. That's where the business-side comes in.
Defense counsel would be wise to simply take the hits from her testimony and conduct limited cross-examination. Whether he fooled around with her is not the key legal issue. There's very little, if any, to be gained through contentious cross-examination. I could be wrong (and it wouldn't be the first nor will it be the last) but I think that a vigorous cross-examination of her could truly blow up in their faces.

Only rare trials goes 100% in favor of one party. This is a witness who was going to be a problem for DT Barnum. Take the hit and move on. But, oh what a hit it is. Ouch.

Based upon reading several reviews of Stormy Daniel's less-than-limited cross-examination by DT Barnum's legal counsel, it would appear that a limited cross would have been more effective.

Good trial lawyers know when to fight back hard and when to absorb the hits.
Trump knows more about law than anyone, which is why I fully expect him to go against his attorney's wishes and make them put him on the stand. There's no way he doesn't think he can convince this jury that he is innocent, much less make them doubt that he is guilty.
Based upon reading several reviews of Stormy Daniel's less-than-limited cross-examination by DT Barnum's legal counsel, it would appear that a limited cross would have been more effective.

Good trial lawyers know when to fight back hard and when to absorb the hits.
How much of Cohen's social media dumbshittery can be a positive to the defense? Doing tiktok lives with Trump in an orange jumpsuit in the back has to make the prosecution pissed.
Trump knows more about law than anyone, which is why I fully expect him to go against his attorney's wishes and make them put him on the stand. There's no way he doesn't think he can convince this jury that he is innocent, much less make them doubt that he is guilty.

It’s malpractice to let him testify. I think his main attorney, who is a pro, will quit if he insists on testifying.
You don't mean malpractice in the legal sense right? Doesn't he have the right to testify if he wants?

Essentially. He has the Constitutional right to testify.

But IIRC, if you think a client will perjure themselves, you have some hoops to jump through w/ the Court and can basically only ask an open ended question and let him just go with it.

His guy won’t let him testify though.
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The prosecution's response of "he can directly address Stormy Daniels' testimony right here in this courtroom" was the perfect response to the defense's demand to lift the gag order pertaining to her testimony.

It will never cease to amaze me that a significant number of his supporters buy his victim stories "hook, line, and sinker" but never seem to question why he's unwilling to go under oath and say the same things.
Based upon reading several reviews of Stormy Daniel's less-than-limited cross-examination by DT Barnum's legal counsel, it would appear that a limited cross would have been more effective.

Good trial lawyers know when to fight back hard and when to absorb the hits.
It is being reported that Trump laid into his team and told them they weren't fighting hard enough for him.
I'd also lean towards he is a misogynist and he wants to destroy Daniels. That's why his legal team once again had the vapors today demanding a mistrial, and demanding the gag order be lifted to let him trash Daniels in public while not having to testify. He is being driven insane by a woman that he cannot control talking about him. His lawyers didn't go after Hope Hicks, and she was quite damning on the stand. The business officer who testified after Daniels was damning, but they didn't go after her. Neither did they go after Madeleine Westerhout as she explained the process of who had access to Trump in the WH and what kind of things came to him from Trump Org, and what he did with them.
It was old school 1990s lawyering to send the only woman lawyer on the team to go all "Nuts and sluts", on her as MSNBC's Lisa Rubin said today. Today was probably the last we will see of Susan Necheles, and she seems fine with that. It was slightly amusing to see Necheles try and shame Daniels for doing dirty things for money today. A lot of 1990s class warfare when it comes to the women who have testified as I have said. Daniels, slut. Hope Hicks, the nice girl from CT who cried on the stand and we were all supposed to feel bad for her.
The prosecution's response of "he can directly address Stormy Daniels' testimony right here in this courtroom" was the perfect response to the defense's demand to lift the gag order pertaining to her testimony.

It will never cease to amaze me that a significant number of his supporters buy his victim stories "hook, line, and sinker" but never seem to question why he's unwilling to go under oath and say the same things.
Exactly! I was at a bar the other day and this guy was saying it was totally unfair that trump had a gag order and couldn't defend himself. When I told him he had the constitutional right to get on the stand and say his side of the story under oath and that was the time to say his piece not on truth social... he shut up real fast. It's like they forget reality just to believe his bullshit and need someone to constantly remind them of how things logically work
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