Pink Locker Rooms on Meet the Press


HR Legend
Sep 1, 2004
Referenced by Chuck Todd as one of the examples of sports cheating related to Deflategate.

Odd. I have never heard it suggested that the pink locker rooms was "cheating".
You've never heard it suggested because nobody has been insane enough to suggest that it is. Unreal.
I hear the Nebraska football team is indifferent to the pink locker rooms. Next trip they request all pink M & M's for each player.
The ball has a direct impact on the game every play, not sure how the color of a locker room has any impact whatsoever. That's a reach.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Relax people. I saw it. Chuck didn't call it cheating. It seemed to me he was using it as an example of teams trying to do whatever they can to get a possible advantage.
Ok, pink locker rooms is trying to gain an advantage within the rules, deflating balls is trying to gain an advantage outside of the rules. Thus one is cheating and one isn't. So how is it comparable?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by GPRHAWK:
Relax people. I saw it. Chuck didn't call it cheating. It seemed to me he was using it as an example of teams trying to do whatever they can to get a possible advantage.
See the video at the link (transcript not up yet), but Chuck led into the piece by saying Deflategate wasn't the first time teams "bent the rules", then went through several examples where, in his view, teams "bent the rules", ending with our pink locker rooms.

I am not aware of a rule that dictates locker room colors.

"Bent the Rules"
F. Chuck Todd is a total moron. The knowledge he displayed with this comment pretty much falls in line with his knowledge on pretty much everything: little to none.