Supreme Court waves off Kari Lake lawsuit over electronic voting

every single voting cycle we have reports here in texas of people going to vote for an R and the D's show up. on the ballot.
What is the actual proof of this? Is there documented proof you can share? I ask because its known that people have been lying about voter fraud/irregularities on the regular.
That is a recent phenomena, KF. The SC got politicized beginning with Reagan’s nomination of Bork to the Court despite the Dems opposition to Bork because of his role in Watergate. Reagan stubbornly nominated Bork and Dems successfully blocked his nomination. Reagan should have been smarter, but this event really changed the way the Court was chosen. With Bork, from that point forward, ABORTION has become the litmus test for SC membership.
Reagan was 40+ years ago...
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What is the actual proof of this? Is there documented proof you can share? I ask because it’s known that people have been lying about voter fraud/irregularities on the regular.
I’ve read of some minor glitches at a local level but it seems to have blown up to outsized proportions. And the issues were corrected too.

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