
I should have put a smiley face after the "?" I was half joking. I somewhat agree that I do not want to talk about weed on a wrestling board, but these conversations have life of their own and are al to of fun to follow.

I would not say it triggers me. Mostly because that is another of those new catch phrases that I do not use. It is right up there with "reach out". I call people or ask them questions. I don't reach out. I also do not get triggered. (If only Still could say that). The you say triggered, I am thinking Roy Rogers is looking for his horse.
My main point was, I do not feel like I am or have missed anything. I smoked weed when I was younger and it is a part of my distant past. All this new talk etc, does not in any way interest me. I think that was my point. I guess you could say on this Thanksgiving I am thankful that I don't want, need, or care to have weed in my life.
I should have written more clearly. I meant being stoned by itself - not with the help of other substances. You smoke and get high and you might be a giggling idiot or slam 12 donuts, but you’re not headbutting a guy or kicking someone’s ass. On the other hand, you hang out at any place with tons of bars and watch the drunk idiots at closing time causing havoc.

The only reason alcohol is legal in this country and weed is not is because alcohol had a much better lobbying group throughout historical times. Alcohol causes far more pernicious impacts than weed.

All that said, legality is coming to most of this country. Only a matter of time.
Making 3 Stooges re-runs great again.Visine and pizza delivery sales up 600%
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The truth is, it was a lover spat. Stoll fell in love with Lee and told the little guy to get loss. Little guy couldn't handle it and bought a gun to the re union. I heard it from AzChief, who is my third cousin!

Making 3 Stooges re-runs great again.Visine and pizza delivery sales up 600%[/QUOTE]

Who needs visine in the legal age of cannabis?

Anyway, my uncle taught me decades ago that if’n your eyes are red 100% of the time, folks think that’s your natural state.
Guess Cael feels he can win a championship without him which is probably true. If he "needed" him he would use him. Just ask the ones that got a little frisky and one that drove into a Taco Bell.
Cael is not going to wait around for Teske to maybe mature and blossom or to sign a Howard type to fill this spot 2 years down the road. With the new transfer rules he and his goons will be in full poaching mode.
Its unfortunate what is happening with Teasdale, almost Karma.
He is buds with Spencer, commits to Iowa and life is happy.
He then flips to PSU and since then it's been a rocky slide for the young man.
Wherever Howard goes, my hope is he realizes things are not what they seam in Happy valley, no matter what posters from the kitty box would have people believe.

Well, this poster from the kitty box thinks the 7 titles in 8 years in Happy Valley are exactly what they seem. :)

But before I get cursed at, I'd like to wish all of you at HR a very Happy Thanksgiving!
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Interesting how not a whit of criticism toward Hawkeye alum and king of the poachers, Tom Ryan. There’s a bit of a soft spot for the Buckeye Carnival Barker

Bias runs rampant. I hear PSU say "Coe College Larry Lee"... I hear "slush fund promises to families" from HR.

I don't hear a peep for John Smith about Fix's dad running the RTC.

Its competitive nature. Iowa doesn't put tOSU in its club yet. tOSU has made a lot of noise coming in as a runner up.
Interesting how not a whit of criticism toward Hawkeye alum and king of the poachers, Tom Ryan. There’s a bit of a soft spot for the Buckeye Carnival Barker
I guess I haven't heard of him approaching guys on other teams at in-season tournaments about how he would fit in better on his team and or walking a guy who has signed a letter of intent at another school through ways that he could get out of it, but yeah I am sure he is slimy too.
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Sorry, I jumped ahead so forgive me if this has already been mentioned. Word is, after a surgery etc. Gavin got a little dependent on painkillers. Tough break for the kid (shoot, the same thing happened to Favre). I guess the plan is, go to rehab, clean up and be back second semester. I wish the kid well. I want to see how he does in college.
Its unfortunate what is happening with Teasdale, almost Karma.
He is buds with Spencer, commits to Iowa and life is happy.
He then flips to PSU and since then it's been a rocky slide for the young man.
Wherever Howard goes, my hope is he realizes things are not what they seam in Happy valley, no matter what posters from the kitty box would have people believe.
Back in the day, it was difficult to find cannabis flowers in Europe. Hash was readily available but would give a person bronchitis if habitually smoked alone. (I’m guessing extraction technique was to blame.) So folks in Europe began mixing buds with tobacco once it became available.

I was offered cannabis flowers only one time while living in Spain in the mid 80’s and that ended up being leaf shake with NO buds. Cannabis flowers are relatively new to Europe. They really have no history of smoking just plain weed.

Damn, I bet half the guys that sell the stuff don't know as much as you!;)
Its unfortunate what is happening with Teasdale, almost Karma.
He is buds with Spencer, commits to Iowa and life is happy.
He then flips to PSU and since then it's been a rocky slide for the young man.
Wherever Howard goes, my hope is he realizes things are not what they seam in Happy valley, no matter what posters from the kitty box would have people believe.

How’s the boy looking?? Saw he’s ranked. Hope he has a good and healthy season!
Cael is not going to wait around for Teske to maybe mature and blossom or to sign a Howard type to fill this spot 2 years down the road. With the new transfer rules he and his goons will be in full poaching mode.

Cael's style is not to seek some talented transfer, that's only a last resort.

Cael prefers to just recruit the very elite coming out of HS... Cadet and Jr World champs/medalists, consensus #1 at their weight, and top 10 p4p guys. Many are AA caliber or even championship contenders right out of HS.

And somehow, there is never a problem with funds.
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Cael's style is not to seek some talented transfer, that's only a last resort.

Cael prefers to just recruit the very elite coming out of HS... Cadet and Jr World champs/medalists, consensus #1 at their weight, and top 10 p4p guys. Many are AA caliber or even championship contenders right out of HS.

And somehow, there is never a problem with funds.
Sounds a lot like the ohio st. rooster.Might need another binder.
The booster laundered camp money, guaranteed club cash after graduation on your recruiting trip, made up scholarships don't hurt either.
From "heeeeeeeeeessss stttttaaaaaallllllin" to "heeeeeeeeeessss cheeeeeaaaaaatttin".
Come on. I would think something new is possible. Maybe not.
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Thanks, I think the wrestling community shedding light on what was going on has made Cael and his brother slow their roll a little. Hence the recent misses on guys like Kirkvliet and forcing him to grey shirt all these guys to make the money actually work. Expect them to start missing on more of these guys. We can make a difference.
Come on. Original thoughts are OK. Parroting the same silly stuff, then someone with direct knowledge tells you you are full of baloney, so you take the same ingredients and rationalize them into more silliness.
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Your post is a poor attempt at redirect away from the issue at hand. I dont care what you think. (none of us do) I am not accountable to PSU fans or anyone on this board. If you really wanted to know the truth you would look where you have been told the evidence is. Dont want to do that huh? Maybe your mom wont let you use the phone without supervision so its easier to try and redirect the conversation towards.......LOOK A SQUIRREL!
Armpit? Come on, just change the name already.
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Damn, I bet half the guys that sell the stuff don't know as much as you!;)
If you're a legit seller. Then you know the cannabis culture inside an out. And if you are a successful grower/seller then I applaud you. Getting a healthy substantial yield is tough to do. So much goes into the process. If you can do it. I feel you can grow any kind of plant. @el dub @Gobblin @jammenz. Keep talking the talk as I'm glad I'm not the only one here that enjoys earth's greatest creation
Hey, have I told you that over the last 20 years Penn State has more NCAA team championships than Iowa. Just thought I would mention that.
You needed an ? after Iowa not a period. Thought I’d help ya out before the police jump over to this thread.

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