Transgender track runner wins 2 women's events in which race times would've been last place among men

Ofc it should be easy. You claim men are pretending to be women to shred their competition. So where is the evidence? Back up your claims or stop making them.
Take a break, Huey. Decompress.

Your justification for biological males competing against women is that the numbers are nominal. It’s a ridiculous argument. It would be like a MAGA saying, “Well, Trump probably only grabbed a pussy once or twice, so stop making an issue out of something nonexistent.”

There’s either a justification for a male competing against women or there’s not. Period.
Take a break, Huey. Decompress.

Your justification for biological males competing against women is that the numbers are nominal. It’s a ridiculous argument. It would be like a MAGA saying, “Well, Trump probably only grabbed a pussy once or twice, so stop making an issue out of something nonexistent.”

There’s either a justification for a male competing against women or there’s not. Period.
I've stated my stance. This isn't a real problem. Rs use it as a wedge issues to cover for their inability to govern. And that individual athletic organizers should be the ones to decide how to handle this not state or federal governments.
Prediction -

Future women’s records and championships being broken by men transitioning to women? Eventually all of them.

Future men’s records and championships being broken by women transitioning to men? None.
It isnt bigotry. I am 100% not against trans people. I know one reasonably well. I find her agreeable and have zero issues with her chosen gender role IRL. But I would not find it fair for her to compete against biological women.

That doesn't make one a bigot. Like at all. It also doesn't make one any more of a bigot to be against gender transitioning before age 18 than it is to be anti tattoo to limit them to after age 18. There are permanent effects to gender treatments and requiring one to be an adult before making such decisions only makes sense to me.

To be honest, I find my position to be the position of almost all Americans.
Egad. Commonsense.
So you admit, you are making this political?
You are wildly flailing here, Huey.

At this point, you should probably chill on accusing others of embarrassing themselves and find a mirror.

Again, either it’s acceptable for males to compete against females or it’s not. Until you can come up with a cogent and compelling rebuttal that is actually relevant to that question, your absurd and ridiculous deflections to obfuscate the undermining of Title IX reflect poorly on you and you alone.
Prediction -

Future women’s records and championships being broken by men transitioning to women? Eventually all of them.

Future men’s records and championships being broken by women transitioning to men? None.
More handwringing with zero evidence to back it up.
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I've stated my stance. This isn't a real problem. Rs use it as a wedge issues to cover for their inability to govern. And that individual athletic organizers should be the ones to decide how to handle this not state or federal governments.
There are non-Republicans in this very thread who are against it. The majority of Americans are against biological males competing in women’s sports.
Seventy percent actually…

You are wildly flailing here, Huey.

At this point, you should probably chill on accusing others of embarrassing themselves and find a mirror.

Again, either it’s acceptable for males to compete against females or it’s not. Until you can come up with a cogent and compelling rebuttal that is actually relevant to that question, your absurd and ridiculous deflections to obfuscate the undermining of Title IX reflect poorly on you and you alone.
It's up to each individual organization to set the rules. If you don't like those rules don't compete.
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Nonsense. Dems aren't doing anything here. This is pure Republican horsecrap and you know it.

Now I get it. You are completely detached from reality and want the rest of us to join you in Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood to hop on the trolley to the Land of Make-Believe.

Good night, Huey.
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Now I get it. You are completely detached from reality and want the rest of us to join you in Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood to hop on the trolley to the Land of Make-Believe.

Good night, Huey.
Dems aren't the ones passing laws here. If you can't accept this then you're right. It's pointless to keep arguing with you.
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Dems aren't the ones passing laws here. If you can't accept this then you're right. It's pointless to keep arguing with you.
The Biden administration just made changes to Title IX that go into effect August 1st.

You’re a liar, Huey. And a bad one at that.

You’re right, this is a waste of time. I don’t indulge liars.

Good night.
The Biden administration just made changes to Title IX that go into effect August 1st.

You’re a liar, Huey. And a bad one at that.

You’re right, this is a waste of time. I don’t indulge liars.

Good night.
Please explain what you object to here?

The proposed regulation would recognize that differences in grade and education level, level of competition, and sports must be taken into account for any eligibility criteria that would restrict transgender students from participating on teams consistent with their gender identity.

One-size-fits-all policies that categorically ban transgender students from participating in athletics consistent with their gender identity across all sports, age groups, and levels of competition would not satisfy the proposed regulation. Such bans fail to account for differences among students across grade and education levels. They also fail to account for different levels of competition—including no-cut teams that let all students participate—and different types of sports.

Taking those considerations into account, the Department expects that, under its proposed regulation, elementary school students would generally be able to participate on school sports teams consistent with their gender identity and that it would be particularly difficult for a school to justify excluding students immediately following elementary school from participating consistent with their gender identity. For older students, especially at the high school and college level, the Department expects that sex-related criteria that limit participation of some transgender students may be permitted, in some cases, when they enable the school to achieve an important educational objective, such as fairness in competition, and meet the proposed regulation's other requirements."
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What do polls have to do with the fact that Republican lead states like Iowa are passing one anti trans law after another?
70 percent of Americans are not all Republicans. There are Dems in there too. My original comment in this thread is stating that basically this gives Republicans a point that 70% of Americans agree with. The Republicans are taking it to their advantage…
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70 percent of Americans are not all Republicans. There are Dems in there too. My original comment in this thread is stating that basically this gives Republicans a point that 70% of Americans agree with. The Republicans are taking it to their advantage…
Did you read my above post? Even the Biden administration agrees that athletics has to be fair. That if you can demonstrate unfair advantage those athletes can be prohibited. So what is the exact complaint by the right here? Because it sure seems like it's crying just to cry.
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Did you read my above post? Even the Biden administration agrees that athletics has to be fair. That if you can demonstrate unfair advantage those athletes can be prohibited. So what is the exact complaint by the right here? Because it sure seems like it's crying just to cry.
Doesn’t matter. When 70% of the public agrees, it is an easy political win…
Moral of the story is it is common sense and shouldn't happen once. The Justification game show is hilarious though.

"Based off population the percentage is low but not one individual should experience police brutality period and we need police reform"

Somehow that same person-

"We need more data that biological men shouldn't compete against women. It doesn't happen that often"
What do polls have to do with the fact that Republican lead states like Iowa are passing one anti trans law after another?
Do you consider laws that ensure an 18 year old male cannot shower with a 14 year old female to be "anti-trans law". Because that seems to be the goal of a lot of them.

Also, why does the trans community accept that trans men are not put into men's prisons but fight for trans women to be put in women's prisons? It's pretty obviously what people really believe when they make these arguments.
You are taking about leagues where PEDs are already banned. In the meantime, real women are having victories and accomplishments stolen.
The NCAA has always lagged behind in things. They allowed Semi Pro teams to dominate football and basketball. It’s a clique. Same with the high schools that let trans girls compete. Assume they are from mostly suburban liberal areas.
Eventually it will work its way out. And they’ll move onto something else.
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Most of this list is female to male. Did you even open your own link? I'm curious why you would post this to try proving your claim that men are pretending to be women to set records?
In either case it involves someone participating in a sport of the other sex. Why is one worse than the other?
Oh yeah it’s because women don’t win in male sports competing against males born as males, do they?
All the hand wringing over female NCAA non revenue sports. Honestly this is more attention they have gotten ever. I’m sure the participants that win also are the highest NIL earners correct. This will all pass. Both sides will get tired and move onto something else that excites them.