Transgender track runner wins 2 women's events in which race times would've been last place among men

lol. I never said thousands. But you said there was only 4.

I thought you were smarter than this.
So you can't do thousands. Give me a list of hundreds then. For a national problem should be easy. I can easily do a list of hundreds for the scumbags who invaded the capitol.

So you can't do thousands. Give me a list of hundreds then. For a national problem should be easy. I can easily do a list of hundreds for the scumbags who invaded the capitol.

Man you’re dense.

You said this had only happened 4x.

That is a flat out lie.

You’re a liar.
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Name them. Should be easy to compile a list thousands long.

Why should it be easy to compile a list thousands long? Privacy laws make it extremely difficult to identify, and not a soul has suggested there are thousands. You would make a better case if you tried to be more logical than emotional. Use facts instead of hyperbole.

One trans advocate estimates about 100 college athletes. Would you disagree? Which would suggest a couple thousand high school. Who knows?

The argument here is principle. As a matter of principle, should biological males be allowed to compete against biological females? The fact that you consistently ignore the matter of principle and instead minimize the numbers makes it pretty obvious to anyone reading your posts that you know you lack a good argument on the subject.
Why should it be easy to compile a list thousands long? Privacy laws make it extremely difficult to identity, and not a soul has suggested there are thousands. You would make a better case if you tried to be more logical than emotional. Use facts instead of hyperbole.

One trans advocate estimates about 100 college athletes. Would you disagree? Which would suggest a couple thousand high school. Who knows?

The argument here is principle. As a matter of principle, should biological males be allowed to compete against biological females? The fact that you consistently ignore the matter of principle and instead minimize the numbers makes it pretty obvious to anyone reading your posts that you know you lack a good argument on the subject.
Ofc it should be easy. You claim men are pretending to be women to shred their competition. So where is the evidence? Back up your claims or stop making them.
Pure projection. Right wingers are the ones crying about victimization. That's the crux of your whole crappy argument here. Women nationwide are being victimized. But when asked for actual proof, all you've got is four cases nationwide in the last 7 years. You're lame.
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Here is a list of 40. Weird considering you said it’s only happened 4x.

Most of this list is female to male. Did you even open your own link? I'm curious why you would post this to try proving your claim that men are pretending to be women to set records?
Ofc it should be easy. You claim men are pretending to be women to shred their competition. So where is the evidence? Back up your claims or stop making them.

Again, your insistence on lying hurts your argument.
Most of this list is female to male. Did you even open your own link? I'm curious why you would post this to try proving your claim that men are pretending to be women to set records?

The only thing I’m proving is that you’re a liar.

You made the claim that only 4 men have transitioned to women that are playing sports.

On that list is significantly more than 4.
You been provided such information before and you just dismiss it. Everyone is on to your act.
Let the leagues handle it. This is their business. We’ve been here before with unfair advantages. Astros, Patriots, PED Users, Lance Armstrong, Sosa, Clemens, etc etc.
In the long run it will work its way out and will all be better for it. An equilibrium will be reached.
You are taking about leagues where PEDs are already banned. In the meantime, real women are having victories and accomplishments stolen.
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Another bald faced lie. We have the two Connecticut runners, who no longer compete, Lia Thomas, who no longer competes, and now this trackster. And that is in the last several years. Four athletes in nearly a decade. You're embarrassing yourself here.
You claim there have been only four trans women in the last decade compete in women’s sports and have the gumption to say I’m lying and embarrassing myself?

Lol 😂 GTFO
You claim there have been only four trans women in the last decade compete in women’s sports and have the gumption to say I’m lying and embarrassing myself?

Lol 😂 GTFO
So where's the list of the countless other trans women shredding women's records? If you can't conjure one up, you should abandon your lousy claims.
You are taking about leagues where PEDs are already banned. In the meantime, real women are having victories and accomplishments stolen.
No they're not. Real women will very likely never face a trans competitor in their lifetimes. Are you ever going to start basing any of this in reality?
You mouthed off about liberals. If you can't stand by your words, don't use them.

Do you really think conservatives are pushing acceptance of males competing in women’s sports?

Even a couple liberals in this thread have openly stated their opposition to this. The only liberal coming to your rescue is Chishawk—one of the biggest nuts on this board. Let that sink in.

I think it’s you who needs to step into reality here.
Not crying, most people think it’s common sense, then push back pushes people towards conservative politicians. If Dems would focus on the economy, and not defend this weird shit, it would literally benefit the party
Oh, you're crying. All of you petrified about these fictional trans women destroying women's sports are definitely crying. Otherwise why all the handwringing?
No they're not. Real women will very likely never face a trans competitor in their lifetimes. Are you ever going to start basing any of this in reality?
Do you think one trans athlete only effects one opponent? Did you see 5 girls got banned for refusing to compete against a trans athlete?

Do you really think conservatives are pushing acceptance of males competing in women’s sports?

Even a couple liberals in this thread have openly stated their opposition to this. The only liberal coming to your rescue is Chishawk—one of the biggest nuts on this board. Let that sink in.

I think it’s you who needs to step into reality here.
So you admit, you are making this political?
Oh, you're crying. All of you petrified about these fictional trans women destroying women's sports are definitely crying. Otherwise why all the handwriting?
Not crying bro. Just think the push back is ridiculous and it’s ridiculous it was allowed in the first place.
Do you think one trans athlete only effects one opponent? Did you see 5 girls got banned for refusing to compete against a trans athlete?
Four trans athletes who are actually competitive nationwide is not a national problem. Millions of athletes, yet all you can find is four to bitch about. You prove my point for me.
Four trans athletes who are actually competitive nationwide is not a national problem. Millions of athletes, yet all you can find is four to bitch about. You prove my point for me.
If you add them up from middle school through higher levels, do you treat ****ing think it’s 4?