Transgender track runner wins 2 women's events in which race times would've been last place among men

It's bigotry to pretend that this is anything more than a local issue that the governing athletic association should handle.

Now if you agree that this is an overblown issue and that the governing association should set the rules, ban or no ban, then fair enough.

But if someone thinks that this is a national crisis requiring government action, then you're a bigot.

As far as transitioning goes, that's up to the person and their doctor. You should have no say in it.

Assuming you are a male, or were at least born a male, I bet your mom and sister (if you have any) and female friends (if you have any) sure are proud that you don’t care that their gender doesn’t matter and is slowly being erased. But you do support the party that can’t define what a woman is, so as you say this isn’t an issue…nothing to see here.
Tell that to then girls that used to be guys, they were the ones who chose to transition. Fvck you with that bullshit
Let the leagues handle it. This is their business. We’ve been here before with unfair advantages. Astros, Patriots, PED Users, Lance Armstrong, Sosa, Clemens, etc etc.
In the long run it will work its way out and will all be better for it. An equilibrium will be reached.
Interestingly, I would say there is a flavor of conservativism in the view. Sex is a biological term not subject to feelings and opinions. Your sex is determined your reproductive organs, so this competitor is objectively male. Gender, on the other hand, is a social construct that is based on traditional roles of men versus women. Conservatives are usually the ones who support the legitimacy of gender and gender roles. But the entire concept that some people are “women in a man’s body” (or vice versa) is meaningless unless you first consider traditional gender roles as predominant. Traditional liberals deny the legitimacy of traditional gender roles. So this subject has really turned this topsy turvy.

I think conservatives has a knee jerk reaction to be opposed (and even disgusted) by people are sexually “different” and thus oppose transgenders. Liberals view most trans folks as underdogs, and the victim of bigotry, and so they support them even to the extent it opposes their usual principles.

So it seems emotion is driving the conversation rather than normal political principles.
I can only speak for me.

It’s about fidelity to women’s sports and nothing more.

How people identify as male or female is no more my concern than what a woman chooses to do with her reproductive healthcare.
Assuming you are a male, or were at least born a male, I bet your mom and sister (if you have any) and female friends (if you have any) sure are proud that you don’t care that their gender doesn’t matter and is slowly being erased. But you do support the party that can’t define what a woman is, so as you say this isn’t an issue…nothing to see here.
What a stupid post for a made up issue.
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Interestingly, I would say there is a flavor of conservativism in the view. Sex is a biological term not subject to feelings and opinions. Your sex is determined your reproductive organs, so this competitor is objectively male. Gender, on the other hand, is a social construct that is based on traditional roles of men versus women. Conservatives are usually the ones who support the legitimacy of gender and gender roles. But the entire concept that some people are “women in a man’s body” (or vice versa) is meaningless unless you first consider traditional gender roles as predominant. Traditional liberals deny the legitimacy of traditional gender roles. So this subject has really turned this topsy turvy.

I think conservatives has a knee jerk reaction to be opposed (and even disgusted) by people are sexually “different” and thus oppose transgenders. Liberals view most trans folks as underdogs, and the victim of bigotry, and so they support them even to the extent it opposes their usual principles.

So it seems emotion is driving the conversation rather than normal political principles.
You make several good points about the larger points of discussion.
“Traditional” gender roles are evolving largely on their own and regardless of politics.
Men are enjoying any interest they may have in cooking - not just “grilling out” but really being in the kitchen with zero stigmas attached. Sending the kids upstairs to bath time. Checking homework. Dual parenting and dual management of the household. No laws were passed and individual decisions rule the day.
You can count the number of high end trans athletes on one hand. To buy into this political Boogeyman is absurdly dumb. Be smarter.
As I said, even 1 female athlete that is disenfranchised is too many. Especially if it is a female that wanted to compete in an event but didn't due to a male to trans-female competing.

You're on the wrong side of this.

Defend it from the position you took above. You disagree with the enforcement/remedy but agree with the premise that trans-women shouldnt compete against biological women.

You cant disagree with the opponents remedy if you cant even agree there is a problem.
Quite the lazy defense of your position. Even one injustice should be enough for change. It seems every other week there's a new story about this shit.
Trans athletes are already banned in Iowa. Yet here we are. People like you still demand more. This is a Boogeyman to distract from the fact that Rs can't handle real problems like poor schools, crappy water, healthcare, infrastructure, and basically everything else. Open you eyes. You're being duped.
As I said, even 1 female athlete that is disenfranchised is too many. Especially if it is a female that wanted to compete in an event but didn't due to a male to trans-female competing.

You're on the wrong side of this.

Defend it from the position you took above. You disagree with the enforcement/remedy but agree with the premise that trans-women shouldnt compete against biological women.

You cant disagree with the opponents remedy if you cant even agree there is a problem.
No problem can be reduced to zero occurrences. You're being completely unreasonable in pretending otherwise. And no, this isn't a national level problem. You claiming it is is ridiculous.
Trans athletes are already banned in Iowa. Yet here we are. People like you still demand more. This is a Boogeyman to distract from the fact that Rs can't handle real problems like poor schools, crappy water, healthcare, infrastructure, and basically everything else. Open you eyes. You're being duped.
If you can step back and look at the issue critically, this is not political. People like you who are hyper focused on politics may think it is, but it's really not. It's about right and wrong. It's wrong to let males compete against women in competitive sports. If you can't grasp that logic, then you are either mentally deficient or just an obtuse asshole.
If you can step back and look at the issue critically, this is not political. People like you who are hyper focused on politics may think it is, but it's really not. It's about right and wrong. It's wrong to let males compete against women in competitive sports. If you can't grasp that logic, then you are either mentally deficient or just an obtuse asshole.
the joker laugh GIF
How often does that happen? Stats?
I’d be willing to wager in the last five years there have been more high school and college males competing in women’s sports than anyone, regardless of race, who has been unjustifiably shot by the police.
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If you can step back and look at the issue critically, this is not political. People like you who are hyper focused on politics may think it is, but it's really not. It's about right and wrong. It's wrong to let males compete against women in competitive sports. If you can't grasp that logic, then you are either mentally deficient or just an obtuse asshole.
Get over yourself. This entire thread has been politicizing it and blaming the left. Your dishonesty here is staggering.
I’d be willing to wager in the last five years there have been more high school and college males competing in women’s sports than anyone, regardless of race, who has been unjustifiably shot by the police.
Another bald faced lie. We have the two Connecticut runners, who no longer compete, Lia Thomas, who no longer competes, and now this trackster. And that is in the last several years. Four athletes in nearly a decade. You're embarrassing yourself here.
Outside of the contributions you and Huey have made, I am not seeing much stupid.

This is common sense, Chishawk. No one who isn’t already voting for Trump is changing their vote because of this, so relax.
Common sense not at all supported by reality is not common sense.
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Another bald faced lie. We have the two Connecticut runners, who no longer compete, Lia Thomas, who no longer competes, and now this trackster. And that is in the last several years. Four athletes in nearly a decade. You're embarrassing yourself here.

You can’t honestly be dumb enough to believe that there has only been 4 instances of this happening in College and High School.
What a waste of time. That's the point of these non issues RW trash spews to mask their Fascist, terrorist ways.
Rs can't govern so they invent wedge issues like this and pea brains like Ragno eats the wedges up. Four gd trans athletes nationwide since at least 2017 yet we're all supposed to be freaking out. It's embarrassing how easily some posters in here allow themselves to be duped.
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Take your penis and throw it out the window. Biological sex doesn't matter anymore. Unless you catch the penis, then you're a trans and get to run in track meets... on the tax payers dime.
Take your penis and throw it out the window. Biological sex doesn't matter anymore. Unless you catch the penis, then you're a trans and get run in track meets... on the tax payers dime.
So now they're throwing their penises around on the taxpayer dime? You dupes have jumped the shark.
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