What are your thoughts on life in the 70s and 80s?


HR Legend
Jun 27, 2018
Remember talking at school with your friends about plans for after school? Or for the weekend? And trying to get things worked out by the end of the day to avoid confusion? Remember calling your girlfriend on her landline and having a parent of hers pick up another home phone and ask her to say goodnight? While saying hello to you. Do you remember reading the paper for the most immediate sports statistics? Yada, yada, yada. Keep adding to this post.
Everybody watched basically the same TV shows ever night. So in school you would discuss what happened on Gilligan’s Island last night.

Monday Night Football packed the bars, and we waited for Howard Cossell to do the highlights of other games at halftime; because that was the only chance you got to see actual video of games other than the two that played on TV Sunday.
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In Elementary school, it was a big deal to be the one selected that day to rewind the projector reel after watching a film .

And a bad thing to have to clap erasers! :)

MUCH better music. Fewer college games on TV and Monday Night Football with Howard Cosell, Frank Gifford and Don Meredith with halftime highlights of Sunday Games.
Fun places you went to with friends like TGIFridays, Chili’s and Bennigans. Standing in line to buy tickets to Star Wars. Animal House and SNL was actually funny them.
70’s an 8 track in your car - but in the 80’s cassette tapes. First time there were real car seats and safety belts for the kids.
Talk radio started up and got big.
Having my kids and then doing Jane Fonda workouts to get back in shape.
Got the car phone in the late 80’s if your company paid for it. Roaming charges.
Was married in 71 but no kids for us until Fall 77. Second one in 81. We had a lot of fun before we had babies.
My daughter and I were talking just today and she said she and her older brother were lucky to have grown up when they did - 80’s and 90’s.
April 1st, completed 4 yrs in the AF, started working 4/7, married 5/11, in 68,. 1st girl 1970 and # 2 came along 14 months later. No grass growing under my feet.
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I remember running home after school to catch the final couple of innings of the Cubs game because all games were day games.

Watching videos on MTV…still have a thing for Tabitha Soren

It was a great day when you got Sports Illustrated or The Sporting News in the mail

Playing outside in the summer and having to come home when the street lights came on
Calling the radio station to request your favorite song and then waiting for them to finally play it so you could record it on your cassette player. When it finally is played, your stupid sister walks into the room and talks and ruins it. Rinse and repeat all day long.
Saturday morning cartoons, reading the comics in the paper...playing nintendo...using command prompt to load games from a floppy on my commodore 64.
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A couple years of “be around the neighborhood by the time the street lights come on”. Then play kick the can. Ride bikes all over hell until that time. Parents don’t have a clue what you were doing or where you were.

Saturday matinees of Godzilla and Inferman
That reminds me of watching Kung Fu Theater on the USA network on Saturday mornings.