Happy Insurrection Day!

4 years ago the Constitution was under attack on this day. For 4 years Americans were lied to by Trump and MAGAs about how the election was stolen from him. Of course, nothing but lies, blather and bullshit but “noise” nonetheless. Today America will witness first hand how a democracy is supposed to work. A peaceful and non-violent transfer of power will take place early this afternoon.
It’s not because Democrats agree with Republicans and Trump in how the country needs to be run. It will happen because Democrats, as a Party, love the concept of our American style of democracy.

We all know what would have happened if Trump had lost the election last November. We have observed how he/they react to adversity almost daily for the past 4 years.

Welp, time to make the loyalty switch from Southwest to Delta....

Hilton just gave me an invitation-only status match to get Delta Silver Medallion, and I got the Gold Delta Amex with a 70,000 point sign-up bonus and no annual fee for the first year.

I've been loyal to Southwest for a few years, but with them switching to assigned seating, they'll be just like everybody else.

And they also have increasingly bad flight options from Orlando to Raleigh, which is where the vast majority of my air travel goes. Delta has much better choices. And the cost is about the same. Southwest isn't a low-fare carrier anymore.

So with this status match incentive, I'm pulling the trigger and will be loyal to Delta this year to see how I like it.

Any Delta fans here who can give me some tips for getting the best experience/value?

BRICS expands with 9 new partner countries. Now it’s half of world population, 41% of global economy

Unicorns, Pixie Dust or Tax Cuts?

Are we more likely in our lifetime to see unicorns, magic pixie dust or tax cuts that pay for themselves?

The new Republican line is to borrow borrow like their is no tomorrow and as long as it from tax cuts we can rest assured they will pay for themselves.

Is this total BS or what?

Time for old school root canal Republicanism and raise the crap out of taxes and cut spending like there is no tomorrow.

We have grown the National Debt $30 Trillion since Clinton was President, $15 Trillion since Obama was President and our adding to it at a rate of $1 Trillion every 90 days. Should we do what Truman, Ike and Clinton did as they each balanced the budget 3 times or just get more in debt and give a big FU to our kids?

Should Canada Be a State? 10 States? 13 States?

Canada is made up of 10 provinces and 3 territories.

I don't imagine Rs would be willing to admit Canada as 10 or 13 states. Most would probably be blue states - you know, the whole universal health care thing, among lefty other issues - since that would hand the Senate to the Dems.


Questions about the end of the first half

I know it didn't matter, but I wasn't sure about a couple of things at the end of the first half tonight. First, when Wisky got the ball with about 37-38 sec left, the game clock ran for maybe 6 or 7 sec, before they started the shot clock. Wisky didn't touch the ball, but should the game clock run if the shot clock isn't?

Second, when Iowa committed a foul, it took away the chance for the last possession. Still, they had several fouls to give with only maybe 12-13 sec left. Wisky went on to get a 3-pt play, but Iowa could have prevented anything except a desperation heave, if we used the fouls. This is not the first time Fran has failed to use available fouls. Can anyone explain why you would not use the fouls to keep an opponent from having a decent scoring opportunity, or is this just lousy coaching?

6 B1G Teams in Top 25; 4 More Receiving Votes

#13 Illinois
#15 Oregon
#16 Michigan State
#20 Purdue
#22 UCLA
#24 Michigan

Receiving Votes:

Nebraska (62)
Wisconsin (31)
Maryland (7)
Indiana (6)

Nebraska is knocking on the door.

No rank/no votes:
Ohio State
Penn State
