I'm the liberal elite. What is Trump going to give you cons? Convince me he's good for you.
I voted for Harris and am disappointed in the outcome, but as I look at the Trump win and I know I'll come out ahead. So chalk one up on owning the libs!
I put 5K down on GEO, a private prison company. It's up 84%. I can see how this is going to go.
1. Illegals- what are they really doing? They aren't taking your jobs. You don't want to dig ditches, clean hotel rooms, be a maid, work in ameat packing plant, and work in a restarant kitchen. Deporting them will simply raise costs of the foods and goods you buy: Bad for you.
2. Tarrifs- These get passed to the consumer. If a Samsung washer that costs 650 now goes to 800, do you really think Maytag isn't going to raise the prices of their 650 washer to 775 to match the rest of the washing machine market? Do you think they are going to pass on the profit in the form of increased wages to their workers or are they going to profit the stock holders. Raises the costs of goods for you and casues inflation: Bad for you.
3. Universal healthcare- Democrats often support universal Healthcare. You voted against it. That makes me likely take a pay cut but but gives you free health care for your family: bad for me and good for you.
4. Corporate taxes- likely cut by Trump again. Last time he did this the majority of cuts went into company share holders and didn't trickle down to wages. Prices weren't reduced. This increases national debt. At some point the lone sharks will come for our kids: May not do much for you, likely screws our kids.
5. Income cuts for rich: Increases national debt. See above. Doesn't effect you other than keeps you making less with no benefits. Worsening wealth distribution. Trickle down didn't work for Reagan. It didn't work when Brownbeck did it for Kansas. The poorest 50% don't pay much anyway. Certainly helps me. Doesn't help you.
6. I want universal education and trade schools. I can pay for private school and my kids college. Trump wants to cut federal education programs: Hurts you.
So after all of this all I can conclude is that I'm crazy for not wanting to benefit from Trumps policies and generally favor taking a pay cut, and paying more taxes.
How is this helping the non college educated, low wage worker do better in this country?
Yes, you may be upset about diminishing religion, abortion, culture wars, dems calling you dumb, etc. Well, I guess you showed us.
I put 5K down on GEO, a private prison company. It's up 84%. I can see how this is going to go.
1. Illegals- what are they really doing? They aren't taking your jobs. You don't want to dig ditches, clean hotel rooms, be a maid, work in ameat packing plant, and work in a restarant kitchen. Deporting them will simply raise costs of the foods and goods you buy: Bad for you.
2. Tarrifs- These get passed to the consumer. If a Samsung washer that costs 650 now goes to 800, do you really think Maytag isn't going to raise the prices of their 650 washer to 775 to match the rest of the washing machine market? Do you think they are going to pass on the profit in the form of increased wages to their workers or are they going to profit the stock holders. Raises the costs of goods for you and casues inflation: Bad for you.
3. Universal healthcare- Democrats often support universal Healthcare. You voted against it. That makes me likely take a pay cut but but gives you free health care for your family: bad for me and good for you.
4. Corporate taxes- likely cut by Trump again. Last time he did this the majority of cuts went into company share holders and didn't trickle down to wages. Prices weren't reduced. This increases national debt. At some point the lone sharks will come for our kids: May not do much for you, likely screws our kids.
5. Income cuts for rich: Increases national debt. See above. Doesn't effect you other than keeps you making less with no benefits. Worsening wealth distribution. Trickle down didn't work for Reagan. It didn't work when Brownbeck did it for Kansas. The poorest 50% don't pay much anyway. Certainly helps me. Doesn't help you.
6. I want universal education and trade schools. I can pay for private school and my kids college. Trump wants to cut federal education programs: Hurts you.
So after all of this all I can conclude is that I'm crazy for not wanting to benefit from Trumps policies and generally favor taking a pay cut, and paying more taxes.
How is this helping the non college educated, low wage worker do better in this country?
Yes, you may be upset about diminishing religion, abortion, culture wars, dems calling you dumb, etc. Well, I guess you showed us.