Search results for query: pence

  1. Whiskeydeltadeltatango

    George Orwell - Prophetic

    Except he didn't, they had to pass off the remainder that he hadn't turned in as him being too dumb to know. That's what I'm saying. Remember the whole "they found them in a corvette" thing?
  2. S

    What are the chances the Trump/Epstein child rape stuff is true?

    Why? Aside from not being super-impressive as VP; which again, most aren’t, what specifically scares you about her resume? She has been the SF DA, then CA attorney general before becoming senator, where she sat on powerful judiciary/intelligence committees. I admittedly don’t have a firm...
  3. cigaretteman

    Pence finds a backbone. Will NOT endorse Donald Trump

    Pence’s stated reasoning is also notable. It’s not that he views Trump as dangerous to democracy, or even so much that he’s upset over Trump’s attacking him for his refusal to try to overturn the 2020 election on Jan. 6, 2021. (Some rioters chanted “Hang Mike Pence,” and Trump attacked Pence on...
  4. MichaelKeller99

    Why is America so divided?

    The only difference between Trump and Biden is in your mind. They follow the script they’re given.
  5. C

    Will Biden be the Democratic candidate come election day?

    ...hopefully a trial will shed some more light on it. He may be compromised, we don't know yet. It doesn't keep me up at night. And the Biden/Pence situations are in a different universe than what Trump has reportedly done and everyone knows it. Trump would pimp out his own kids if he could...
  6. Hoosierhawkeye

    George Orwell - Prophetic

    Same issue, one gave them back when he found out he had them, the other refused and the FBI had to come get them by force. For the record Pence also had documents but since he gave them back there are no major calls to charge him with any crimes.
  7. Tom Paris

    Gee those communist liberals so tolerant

    You rarely see things correctly. If they had gotten their hands on Pence you’d excuse the beating. No doubt in my mind. They smeared their shit on the walls of the Capitol. You vote with those lunatics.
  8. Huey Grey

    Who could be Trump's vice president?

    Scott has zero chance.
  9. A

    Pence finds a backbone. Will NOT endorse Donald Trump

    Exactly no one was waiting to see who Pence endorsed.
  10. Joes Place

    The Biden admin is considering bringing Palestinians to the US as refugees...

    Not what the Op Ed stated. And this exact same thing would occur in MAGA-country, USA, if someone they didn't like visited. Like Mike Pence...
  11. nelly02

    Trump unlimited terms….

    Unfortunately there is no point in arguing with them. They are morons who will just continue down the road with the death cult. They either refuse to or don't have the ability to critically think. They can't put two and two together so they just believe what they want to believe. And then...
  12. J

    Who could be Trump's vice president?

    ...trump supporter AND its only a matter of time before that person gets thrown under the bus to protect trump in someway, incurring the wrath of the trump supporters look at mike pence...what are his prospects for being an influential political figure moving forward? literally no one likes him
  13. Joes Place

    Bad News For The CIA

    Uh, no. Biden didn't know he had documents. Nor did Pence. Both volunteered for FBI to search. Trump actively prevented recovery of documents. Lied about it. MOVED THEM AROUND to keep FBI from getting them.
  14. Scruddy

    Bad News For The CIA

    You're so grossly ignorant lmfao
  15. Z

    Trump unlimited terms….

    What coup? Where was the military backing? You aren’t speaking of the unarmed riot at the Capitol are you? Jane 6 is the new 4th of July for wokers, it’s a celebration for them
  16. binsfeldcyhawk2

    Who could be Trump's vice president?

    They most likely see it as a pathway to the presidency in 2028. I think they're mistaken :) Whoever wins in 2024 the opposing party will in all likelihood win in 2028. Lots of chickens coming home to roost in the next term. Trump tax cuts expiring. Social security/Medicare needing to...
  17. Joes Place

    Bad News For The CIA

    I'm explaining he did not "hide" them (nor did Pence) and both parties allowed voluntary searches for documents that were found. In Trump's case, he HID them, he KNEW he had them, and he tried to prevent the FBI from accessing them. Not remotely the same thing.
  18. S


    Hey stop that... there were lots of good people on both sides... right Donnie? And my own personal opinion is that any of those J6 criminals that committed crimes, pleaded guilty, or were tried and convicted, are just "losers and suckers". Right Donnie?
  19. RollingBallofButcherKnives


    So January 6th was just a church picnic? Hang Mike Pence? Total Immunity? The only pre-requisite for a cabinet position is to kiss the ring. Wtf. Get your head out of your ass.
  20. NewVicHawkeye

    Supreme Court reverses CO

    Let the people decide elections. Not Mike Pence, seriously?