Why is America so divided?

Fox News and MSNBC
2 Timothy 3:1-5-"But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away"

If there was ever a scripture that describes the time period we live in it is this one.

The second one is simple: 1 John 5:19-"We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."
So vague it can apply to many generations and eras.
Stupid people used to know their place.
Absolutely. Dumb **** rednecks used to be stuck on hating nonwhites and loving NASCAR from the privacy of their trailer parks. Now they believe the uppity, know-it-all yankee from New York has given them a voice and a platform. Go figure.

College kids have always been stupid and naive. And never shy about flaunting it. Then, at some point, some of them start working and paying taxes.
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100%. Just for laughs I once said on here if Kim Reynolds personally handed every Iowa citizen $20 some would complain it wasn't $25. I then proceeded to get bombarded with comments on why she wouldn't instead of why they would be appreciative.

The Neanderthal/Tribal way of thinking has bled rhough politics into everyday life.
Nah, they would accuse her of reckless spending, or trying to buy votes. And these would be the same people who were ok with giving out free Obama phones, and Biden forgiving student loans. It's ok as long as the politician is on Team Blue.
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There’s are a lot more “poors” now than there were 40 years ago, And many of these “poors” are working poor, which is really frustrating. The number of hungry in America is shocking…it’s as bad as it ever has been, I dare say. Poverty/hunger really motivate folks to hate.
And your response (Laugh emoji) is a reason why you cannot be taken seriously.
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Elect a bafoon like Trump……..why wouldn’t the world look at America that way? Sometimes Ferentz, other folks are correct.
I am talking about the state of the country now fool. See what I mean? Make sure you write that down.
I did my own research since you took a while. and was saddened to read about her plagiarism.

That said, you seem to be confused about what plagiarism means. It does not mean that what someone said is false.

Your effort to discredit the content of her current comments because she committed plagiarism a quarter of a century ago makes no sense.

Her books remain brilliant, even if an early book lacked adequate attribution.

I strongly recommend this one, should you break out of your echo chamber long enough.

Lol. I know what plagiarism is: it’s stealing someone else’s work and passing it off as your own.

Thanks for the recommendation but I’ll pass. I wouldn’t waste my time reading the (possibly stolen) words of a hack like Goodwin, especially not if they’re singing the praises of imperialists like Roosevelt and Taft (or any other useless American president, for that matter).

It’s kind of funny and ironic that she chose the phrase ‘Golden Age of Journalism’ for her book cover when journalism’s first obligation is truth (Kovach & Rosenstiel). A point that has clearly escaped the ‘brilliant’ mind of Ms. Goodwin. 🤣
There’s are a lot more “poors” now than there were 40 years ago,
True. Because the people that actually pay to provide for their kids are having fewer for multiple reasons.

Who are the only people that get a raise when they have a kid?
And many of these “poors” are working poor, which is really frustrating.
And many aren’t. And the many that do work don’t family plan accordingly.
The number of hungry in America is shocking…
Yes, the parenting that allows it, and the excuse making for those losers is truly shocking. What are they doing with the money and food stamps/cards/whatever the form is that they are provided? Add in the free breakfast/lunches at school, not to mention the places that provide even more.
True. Because the people that actually pay to provide for their kids are having fewer for multiple reasons.

Who are the only people that get a raise when they have a kid?

And many aren’t. And the many that do work don’t family plan accordingly.

Yes, the parenting that allows it, and the excuse making for those losers is truly shocking. What are they doing with the money and food stamps/cards/whatever the form is that they are provided? Add in the free breakfast/lunches at school, not to mention the places that provide even more.
And all those freebies still are not enough. You are worried about the symptoms…I am more concerned about the problem…. Hungry kids.
I see that this handle is getting itchy.
It’s always the same with all of your handles. But, you don’t seem to care, or you just aren’t terribly clever.
I’d say multi handle attention divas on the internet are helping to fuel divisions in America. All over the world, actually.
And the foreign actors and their bots spreading misinformation to the easily manipulated.
I heard famed historian Doris Kearns Goodwin say that America hasn't been this divided since the Civil War. That makes sense to me. Americans don't really agree on anything. It's almost like two different countries.

It's very pronounced.

What's the reason for this? Social media? Trump?
Way more divided in ‘68. Leftists, anarchists, summer of rage, cities burning, lefties bombing the Pentagon, National Guard killing student protesters, bombings on college campuses. Assassinations of MLK and RFK, Manson family and Hells Angels murdering Stones concert goers. It all led to the landslide of Richard Nixon, silent majority and law and order vote…
Way more divided in ‘68. Leftists, anarchists, summer of rage, cities burning, lefties bombing the Pentagon, National Guard killing student protesters, bombings on college campuses. Assassinations of MLK and RFK, Manson family and Hells Angels murdering Stones concert goers. It all led to the landslide of Richard Nixon, silent majority and law and order vote…
Well, maybe history will repeat itself and America will elect a repugnant criminal like Donald Trump. He's so totally of the cops, unless they are stopping his goons from hanging Mike Pence. Trump loves cops so much he'll let them get smashed in the face to save America...
When Trump won the election, one of my teachers had to take the rest of the week off and was never the same afterwards. I learned right then how fragile some people are. It's always seems to be the left that is so unhinged.
That was a totally different event, but thank for confirming that snow flakes were melting on the spot when that election was called. Others on this forum had no clue people were afraid to go to class and work. I have come to find that you think you know more than most when actually you are the dumbest, Sir.
It’s replies like this…
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Well, maybe history will repeat itself and America will elect a repugnant criminal like Donald Trump. He's so totally of the cops, unless they are stopping his goons from hanging Mike Pence. Trump loves cops so much he'll let them get smashed in the face to save America...
The only difference between Trump and Biden is in your mind. They follow the script they’re given.
And all those freebies still are not enough.
That’s a matter of opinion and probably fits better in another thread. Unless that qualifies as a big divider.
You are worried about the symptoms…I am more concerned about the problem…. Hungry kids.
We will disagree on the problem. If the real problem refuses to make the situation better, there are a few solutions some would deem unacceptable. Again, probably best for another thread.

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