Supreme Court reverses CO

You know how often racism IS thrown out there by people who actually don’t have an argument? Let’s ask Fani Willis, shall we?

If you were 20 I stand by my argument that you were still a college age kid more interested in getting laid and drinking beer.
The hearing room was full of racism pulled by the likes of Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden who tried to use it because they had nothing else. I mean we all know black men are sexual cretins right? Thomas completely dismantled those disgraceful white men (who weren’t from the South BTW)
I support women who are truly victims of harassment and that would include those who have their legit claims cheapened by women with an altogether different agenda. As a woman I’ve seen it and can smell BS as a result.
Misogynist? I’ve seen and experienced misogyny first hand. I’ll venture you have not.

I’m not calling you a racist or a misogynist, Goldy. Merely throwing it back in your face.

You suggested in your first sentence that “racism” is thrown out by people you don’t have an argument. You were the first to offer it up. Thus: I rest my case, your honor.
Olberman doesn't speak for me. He is nearly as nuts as Trump.

I knew this would be the decision. I'm somewhat fine with it.

But I find it deeply hypocritical for the Court saying it's rulings should lower the temperature not raise the temperatures.

Handing the responsibility back to Congress to determine fitness is a joke. Has there ever been a more wasteful institution than our current Congress? I think no.
i wouldn't say it's hypocritical, but i'd definitely say it's naiive. Barrett comes across as Rodney King saying "cant we all just get along?"
Oh I don’t know. This is hardly the first time scotus has used flowery aspirational language.

They certainly think highly of themselves.

Pre story CSB. I had a dream last night in which I was watch J. Thomas speaking somewhere. I stood up and called him out for all his hypocrisies. He tried to debate me. He eventually got booed off the stage. CSB

I love the law. I hate seeing it abused.
You don't believe that initiating Chesebro's fraudulent electors scheme was a coup d'etat? Interesting...
Not remotely the point so I'll break it down for you... Someone posted "just need to beat him fair and square again". Well.... clearly that feeling isn't being shared by the Dems hence more efforts being launched to keep him off the ballot.
Not remotely the point so I'll break it down for you... Someone posted "just need to beat him fair and square again". Well.... clearly that feeling isn't being shared by the Dems hence more efforts being launched to keep him off the ballot.
The Supreme Court told Congress that it's the only one that has the power to enforce disqualification under the 14th. Certain members of the House believe that Trumps actions in enlisting fraudulent electors and inciting his followers to interrupt the certification was tantamount to insurrection, so they plan on filing a bill--that will never reach the floor for a vote. This process can occur while, at the same time, recognizing the reality that the Biden needs to garner more electoral votes to win a second terms.
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Deal. I am a man of my word - unlike @Scruddy.

Again, I don't care about the decision as I expected it. But how does SCOTUS interpret that only Congress can make that decision?
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They certainly think highly of themselves.

Pre story CSB. I had a dream last night in which I was watch J. Thomas speaking somewhere. I stood up and called him out for all his hypocrisies. He tried to debate me. He eventually got booed off the stage. CSB

I love the law. I hate seeing it abused.
Dreams are strange. I appreciate your love for the law, though a 9-0 decision does give some clues as to which parties were abusive
I’m not calling you a racist or a misogynist, Goldy. Merely throwing it back in your face.

You suggested in your first sentence that “racism” is thrown out by people you don’t have an argument. You were the first to offer it up. Thus: I rest my case, your honor.
It’s not fun when someone on the “right”
throws it back at you amirite?
Good lord. Just when I didn’t think it possible to think less of stern, he does something like this. You’ve caught them now mark!!! Can’t wait to hear how justice Thomas secretly hacked the system.

The simple fact is, the caption in the published opinion is 100% correct in light of the opinion. Soto et Al concurred in the result. They did not dissent. Rather, they stated they simply would not have addressed the section 5 issue at all.
It’s not fun when someone on the “right”
throws it back at you amirite?

I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s never been a part of my “gotcha”.

Again: you seem like a relatively sane Trump voter. It’s okay to decide that Thomas is compromised and not ruling objectively. No points lost.
I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s never been a part of my “gotcha”.

Again: you seem like a relatively sane Trump voter. It’s okay to decide that Thomas is compromised and not ruling objectively. No points lost.
I’m NOT a trump voter.
And I do not believe Justice Thomas is compromised.
And the two things are separate issues.
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I’m NOT a trump voter.
And I do not believe Justice Thomas is compromised.
And the two things are separate issues.
You voted for Trump twice…right?

And c’mon…Justice Thomas ain’t ruling based on constitutional textualism. These guys are making shit up as they go - to please their masters

Mark me down as a racist for that thought - but these guys are bought and sold. You think they’re working for you? Me?
I’m NOT a trump voter.
And I do not believe Justice Thomas is compromised.
And the two things are separate issues.
Now you’re fibbing . Ouch. You voted for Trump twice and everyone here knows it. Thomas’ wife helped plan a coup. He takes bribes from billionaires…but he’s clean. Logic and common sense.
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Answer me this... if someone was working for Russia what would that person do? Does that differ from trumps actions? I mean there isn't a way for me to prove he's actually a Russian stooge but I can judge his actions and if someone was a stooge they would be doing a lot of the same things the orange dipshit is doing
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You voted for Trump twice…right?

And c’mon…Justice Thomas ain’t ruling based on constitutional textualism. These guys are making shit up as they go - to please their masters

Mark me down as a racist for that thought - but these guys are bought and sold. You think they’re working for you? Me?
It’s pointless to discuss with a cynic.
Yeah everybody’s a crook. They don’t care. They’re elites and you and I are expendable. Deplorable too. Now all we need to do is get mad and we will sound like MAGAS. 😵‍💫
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Answer me this... if someone was working for Russia what would that person do? Does that differ from trumps actions? I mean there isn't a way for me to prove he's actually a Russian stooge but I can judge his actions and if someone was a stooge they would be doing a lot of the same things the orange dipshit is doing
But Russia? You sound young and emotional and illogical.
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It’s pointless to discuss with a cynic.
Yeah everybody’s a crook. They don’t care. They’re elites and you and I are expendable. Deplorable too. Now all we need to do is get mad and we will sound like MAGAS. 😵‍💫

I just want you to admit that you were duped. And you’re unwilling to do so. You voted (twice) for a chump. And now you reap what you sow.
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I just want you to admit that you were duped. And you’re unwilling to do so. You voted (twice) for a chump. And now you reap what you sow.
I voted Republican twice - once in 2016 and once in 2020. Yes. I did.
It’s 2024. I won’t vote R OR D this time.
I was NEVER going to vote for Hillary under any circumstances, nor was I going to vote for the old coot in the basement in 2020.
It turns out ALL of us were duped in 2020. We got an infirm elderly unfit man who doesn’t belong in office any more than Trump does.
You think you’re making a point but you’re not. I agree with the decision. It doesn’t mean that, if you use your brain, there’s a lot of smoke around Thomas, because of his seditionist wife and the bribes he’s taken for years. You trust him to follow the Constitution or do what he’s told by the billionaires who pay him?
I voted Republican twice - once in 2016 and once in 2020. Yes. I did.
It’s 2024. I won’t vote R OR D this time.
I was NEVER going to vote for Hillary under any circumstances, nor was I going to vote for the old coot in the basement in 2020.
It turns out ALL of us were duped in 2020. We got an infirm elderly unfit man who doesn’t belong in office any more than Trump does.
Both sides!!!
I voted Republican twice - once in 2016 and once in 2020. Yes. I did.
It’s 2024. I won’t vote R OR D this time.
I was NEVER going to vote for Hillary under any circumstances, nor was I going to vote for the old coot in the basement in 2020.
It turns out ALL of us were duped in 2020. We got an infirm elderly unfit man who doesn’t belong in office any more than Trump does.

You. Were. Duped.


You won’t admit it.

Biden is infinitely bette than Trump. But take your loss of a woman being able to control her reproductive rights. And the selling out of US foreign policy to adverseries. And tax cuts to the wealthy. And destruction of environmental protections.

But. Yeah. They’re both the same, Goldy. Sleep well
I voted Republican twice - once in 2016 and once in 2020. Yes. I did.
It’s 2024. I won’t vote R OR D this time.
I was NEVER going to vote for Hillary under any circumstances, nor was I going to vote for the old coot in the basement in 2020.
It turns out ALL of us were duped in 2020. We got an infirm elderly unfit man who doesn’t belong in office any more than Trump does.
Voted for the rapist conman twice but totally not a Trump voter.
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