Search results for query: pence

  1. cigaretteman

    Trump chooses a vice president who would do what Mike Pence wouldn’t

    ...Perhaps more importantly, though, Vance has passed the central test Trump posed to his last vice-presidential pick, former Indiana governor Mike Pence: If asked, Vance has said that he would have tried to throw the 2020 election to Trump. You will recall Trump demanding that Pence on Jan...
  2. Joes Place

    Absolutely disgusted by this board tonight.

    No one, bro. They just carried a gallows to the Capitol and chanted "Hang Mike Pence" before actually storming the Capitol to try and get him....
  3. ottumwan in tx

    We might end up with no Vice President for a period of time

    after kammy hairy and pence and dan quayle, I'm thinking ending up without a VP might be good for america. although pence was ok for 3.9 years
  4. MichaelKeller99

    So who is going to be the VP pick?

    Someone not on the radar, like a Pence or a Quayle.
  5. ottumwan in tx

    January 6th Trespassing Not Insurrection

    tried killing pence? that's a good one
  6. BDE420

    January 6th Trespassing Not Insurrection

    You got that right about Portland. And Pence deserves it for how he ignored/mistreated the geh in Indiana when an HIV epidemic was happening. Thought that was you side of the isle? Don’t take you for a Pence fan
  7. CarolinaHawkeye

    So who is going to be the VP pick?

    Judge Cannon?
  8. Bulldogs1974

    Absolutely disgusted by this board tonight.

    Didn’t they even have gallows
  9. Hawked

    We might end up with no Vice President for a period of time

    Just not quite 'ok' enough to overthrow democracy. You are sick.
  10. Colonoscopy

    RNC panel approves new Trump-backed platform softening abortion and same-sex marriage language
  11. Joes Place

    Absolutely disgusted by this board tonight.

    "HANG MIKE PENCE!!!!" That count?
  12. SA_Hawk

    Biden Speech 8PM. Will he renounce his own extremist inflammatory rhetoric?

    I must have missed the part where Pence was shot.
  13. S

    SCOTUS gives Trump most of what he wants, helps him run the clock out on the rest.

    Wrong, find that quote in any speech. Hearsay and conjecture.
  14. TJ8869

    Why isn’t Kamala electable?

    I wouldn’t count on that happening. She got wrecked by Tulsi Gabbard. And she didn’t do much better against Mike Pence. Any competent politician would have destroyed Pence, but it was actually close with her. The main thing people remembered after that debate was the fly that kept landing on...
  15. joelbc1

    OiT decides to read through the heritage foundation 2025 idiocy

    Can anyone account for where Mike Pence was this afternoon?
  16. T

    What are the chances the Trump/Epstein child rape stuff is true?

    Hey moron...where in the heck did I say I would have wanted Pence to EVER take over the Presidency? Provide proof. He sucked too. LOL! Good grief....I know you live on here with 57000+ post (Do you ever leave your basement?), but can you ever make a coherent argument?
  17. Scott559

    January 6th Trespassing Not Insurrection

    “Hang Mike Pence” seems to align perfectly with simple trespassing, Along with attacking law enforcement officers. Today’s law and order GOP.

    SCOTUS gives Trump most of what he wants, helps him run the clock out on the rest.

    Trump expressed support for hanging Pence during Capitol riot, Jan. 6 panel told
  19. ButtersHawk

    Why isn’t Kamala electable?

    Picking her is probably the smartest thing Joe has done. Anytime someone questions him he can just point at her and ask if we really want that woman in charge.