SCOTUS gives Trump most of what he wants, helps him run the clock out on the rest.

Whelp, trying to be a glass half full guy, one could argue that the terribleness of the Supreme Court the last three years as reinforced by last three days could be exactly what pushes Biden to victory still. I would be going all in on them and the threat they are if Trump gets in now.
The Dems are idiotic if they don't take out prominent ads to list the major decisions that have seemingly been decided on ideological grounds due to Trump appointees. Dems are fighting apathy (among other things), but these decisions stoke emotions and should help drive voters to the polls.
Ummmm….that’s exactly what the U.S. Senate did.


Today’s ruling just confirmed that there is a two-tiered system of justice. It’s just not the way the Cons want us to believe.
I really hoped they would have rules the other way. It would be epic to watch it backfire
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He really isn't. All crimes are now legal as long as they are done under the guise of an official act. It's the courts ridiculous ruling, not anybody else's.
The Court today, royalized the President. Nixon will be back shortly to finish out his term. There is no room for a constitutional republic such as outs to exist any more as long as this ruling is valid. Today we have reached the Orwellian, “All animals are created equal, except some animals are more equal than others” moment from “Animal Farm”……..
Sotomayor is an idiot.

She should be writing for Cosmopolitan and not on the highest court.

The whole Seal Team 6 thing is ridiculously stupid. She should be embarrassed.
How is Sotomayor's analysis ridiculously stupid? Are you claiming that a 2nd term Donald Trump (or future wannabe dictator) just wouldn't do that stuff? Because of course they wouldn't or something? Even though legally they could?
How is Sotomayor's analysis ridiculously stupid? Are you claiming that a 2nd term Donald Trump (or future wannabe dictator) just wouldn't do that stuff? Because of course they wouldn't or something? Even though legally they could?
Because the SCOTUS, which said these decisions should be decided by the lower courts, overturned one of those decisions.
Hate to say it but our democracy is fvcked. Democracies only survive so long as the vast majority agree by it's rules. Rs are no longer interested in living under these rules. Even if the Dems win in November it won't matter. 40 percent of the country wants to live under Kings and make Trump supreme ruler. They'll just keep pushing to erode checks and balances every judicial session.
How is Sotomayor's analysis ridiculously stupid? Are you claiming that a 2nd term Donald Trump (or future wannabe dictator) just wouldn't do that stuff? Because of course they wouldn't or something? Even though legally they could?
Sotos analysis has some very solid pieces to it, which she undercuts by resort to straw man rhetoric.
Sotos analysis has some very solid pieces to it, which she undercuts by resort to straw man rhetoric.
"Straw man rhetoric"?

Oh yeah, that's right, God Bless The USA is a different place, couldn't happen here. American Exceptionalism. LOL's.
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How is Sotomayor's analysis ridiculously stupid? Are you claiming that a 2nd term Donald Trump (or future wannabe dictator) just wouldn't do that stuff? Because of course they wouldn't or something? Even though legally they could?
So for all who agree with Sotomayers dissent, Barrack Obama and Eric Holder should be in prison for their actions admittedly killing American citizens with the "Disposition Matrix".

"Not only does the administration claim to have sweeping power to target and kill U.S. citizens anywhere in the world, but it makes the extraordinary claim that the court has no role in reviewing that power or the legal standards that apply,” said CCR Staff Attorney Pardiss Kebriaei, who presented arguments in the case. “The Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected the government’s claim to an unchecked system of global detention, and the district court should similarly reject the administration’s claim here to an unchecked system of global targeted killing." Brookings institute credit.

Kamal Derwish from New York killed in a missile strike, Samir Kahn, Anwar Awlaki's 16 year old son, Jude Mohammad all killed in a drone strike and of course Anwar Awlaki a propagandist very vocal about Obamas policies and the Obama "white paper". The administration killed American citizens abroad with no due process.

Eric Holder openly talking about the "kill list". If Sotomayers dissent is to be taken seriously she would have locked up Obama and Holder. Feel free to foolishly keep talking about how this supreme court decision only benefits Trump.
He really isn't. All crimes are now legal as long as they are done under the guise of an official act. It's the courts ridiculous ruling, not anybody else's.
However. committing a crime is not an “official act” of a president, so this ruling is a big nothing burger.
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Then why is immunity necessary if there is no crime?
All you do is create word salad. Immunity is necessary for official acts of a president. Picking up a paperweight and hitting the vice president over the head clearly and as stupid as Sotomayer got would not be an official act. The Supreme Court opinion left conversations with cabinet members open to a lower court to decipher. The decision as written protects Biden more than Trump if one were to look at riots, the withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan and actually the southern border.
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Hate to say it but our democracy is fvcked. Democracies only survive so long as the vast majority agree by it's rules. Rs are no longer interested in living under these rules. Even if the Dems win in November it won't matter. 40 percent of the country wants to live under Kings and make Trump supreme ruler. They'll just keep pushing to erode checks and balances every judicial session.

We don't have a traditional democracy, never did,... Get over it.
Except the things he was convicted of happened before he became president.
He was convicted of the same twisted statute repetitively. He has never been "convicted" in a criminal court before. The court decision will be overturned on appeal by a predominately democrat appeals court, but pundits will still thump chests and fist bump about how they took a statute and perverted it to fit a narrative. Hate Trump like Trump doesn't matter as the U.S. has started the downfall of Democracy in an accelerated pace.
Bill Clinton half joked that he is lucky to have been president when he was. I agree with him. Just think of Clinton having a cell phone with a camera as one astute media type pointed out.
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How about the legal mouthpiece for the Democrats? His opinion matter??

He told Obama in 2009.

whoa....tribe actually wrote that?

Tribe, like Turley, is really no longer a practicing lawyer. But i would have thought that in 2009 he wouldn't have been dumb enough to commit something like that to paper, let alone harvard stationery
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Based on SCOTUS’ opinion, the answer would appear to be yes.

Tho of course this involved an unusual circumstance as well, where the American involved had joined a terrorist group.
I agree.

I agree that it was a crappy SCOTUS ruling and can’t help but wondering where the outrage was 15 years ago.