RNC panel approves new Trump-backed platform softening abortion and same-sex marriage language

The fact that Trump is trying to walk back the Republican platform that marriage is defined as being between one man and one woman frankly scares the shit out of me. One, why was it in there to begin with? And two, what moron would believe that Trump won't go right back to gay bashing just as soon as he gets back in power?
The fact that Trump is trying to walk back the Republican platform that marriage is defined as being between one man and one woman frankly scares the shit out of me. One, why was it in there to begin with? And two, what moron would believe that Trump won't go right back to gay bashing just as soon as he gets back in power?

I wouldn't take them on their word at anything. This is just marketing and damage control because Project 2025 isn't too appealing to the masses.
Imagine all those pro-lifers who thought he was their ordained guy. Oh well. Only thing they can do is give him a second chance
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To sum this up. Trump's team invented 25, he cheered it on, and now that it's tanking in the polls, suddenly he pretends he's against it?

Donald Trump Idk GIF by Election 2016
The fact that Trump is trying to walk back the Republican platform that marriage is defined as being between one man and one woman frankly scares the shit out of me. One, why was it in there to begin with? And two, what moron would believe that Trump won't go right back to gay bashing just as soon as he gets back in power?
We wondered what the Republican party was about anymore. Reaganism on the decline.

You could argue beating the Dems was about it.

It seems the extreme social conservatives have stepped up to the plate.

Trump is mostly about grievance politics and brawling with the Dems. Toss in a dash of nationalism around immigration and a bit of economic fiddling and that's about it.

Seems like a lot of the people around him, the best ass kissers, are the extreme social conservatives.

It'll be interesting to see how much he capitulates to their ideas. Whether or not he does draw a hard line in the sand with some of their ideas.

Maintain he's not cut from the same cloth as them.
We wondered what the Republican party was about anymore. Reaganism on the decline.

You could argue beating the Dems was about it.

It seems the extreme social conservatives have stepped up to the plate.

Trump is mostly about grievance politics and brawling with the Dems. Toss in a dash of nationalism around immigration and a bit of economic fiddling and that's about it.

Seems like a lot of the people around him, the best ass kissers, are the extreme social conservatives.

It'll be interesting to see how much he capitulates to their ideas. Whether or not he does draw a hard line in the sand with some of their ideas.

Maintain he's not cut from the same cloth as them.
Trump is a domestic terrorist, Putin loving, life long conman, 34 felonies and counting, liable for rape tax evading joke.
The fact that Trump is trying to walk back the Republican platform that marriage is defined as being between one man and one woman frankly scares the shit out of me. One, why was it in there to begin with? And two, what moron would believe that Trump won't go right back to gay bashing just as soon as he gets back in power?

He just doesn't have a history of gay bashing.

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Those ideas don't come from Trump. Trump keeps shitting company. Trump may capitulate if he thinks it's in his best interest, and I don't think he'll fight for anyone's rights if things are going well for him because he's purely self centered. Surely you agree with that.

To an extent, yes
I personally don't think Trump is anti LGBTQ or abortion or anything but some in his party for sure are.
Let anyone marry anyone as long as it's not an inanimate object and give women a realistic time window for an abortion. I find it sad that some find those two "issues" that difficult.
Will the collect prison calls from Bannon appear on the campaign finance releases as he doles out more platform and strategy?
I personally don't think Trump is anti LGBTQ or abortion or anything but some in his party for sure are.
Let anyone marry anyone as long as it's not an inanimate object and give women a realistic time window for an abortion. I find it sad that some find those two "issues" that difficult.
Obergefell is vulnerable. But the american public is still up at 70 percent or so approval on gay marriage.
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Do you know the approval for abortion before the overturning of Roe v Wade?
Seems like a little bump for pro choice. (!)

The fact that Trump is trying to walk back the Republican platform that marriage is defined as being between one man and one woman frankly scares the shit out of me. One, why was it in there to begin with? And two, what moron would believe that Trump won't go right back to gay bashing just as soon as he gets back in power?
So you’re fine when Biden does it?
To an extent, yes
My main point is that a lot of you guys are getting your wires crossed on where the extremely socially conservative stuff is coming from.

It's Trump's terrible company, not him. Trump has had every opportunity to rant about gays or abortion or whatever socially conservative issue you might care about. But he doesn't. And he's not a man that's known for keeping his mouth shut.
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My main point is that a lot of you guys are getting your wires crossed on where the extremely socially conservative stuff is coming from.

It's Trump's terrible company, not him. Trump has had every opportunity to rant about gays or abortion or whatever socially conservative issue you might care about. But he doesn't. And he's not a man that's known for keeping his mouth shut.

He went with their Federalist Society judges, he will go along with their other stuff too. He is surrounded by all of the worst sorts of people.
My main point is that a lot of you guys are getting your wires crossed on where the extremely socially conservative stuff is coming from.

It's Trump's terrible company, not him. Trump has had every opportunity to rant about gays or abortion or whatever socially conservative issue you might care about. But he doesn't. And he's not a man that's known for keeping his mouth shut.

The company you keep....
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The company you keep....
I really don't think you guys understand Trump properly.

How I see him:

He's relatively amoral and uninterested in many moral questions. That's in part because he's a rather uninterested unintellectual person with low empathy. There's not much there at all. This in part likely stems from the fact that he is extremely narcissistic. His opinion of gay marriage, for example, is decided by how it affects him personally -- not his moral philosophy, which basically doesn't exist in an intellectual sense.

While his narcissistic amorality allows for him to keep terrible company, the silver lining is that it also allows him to ditch said company (or values emanating from said company) if it doesn't suit his own personal interest.

Which is why I think he could quash some of the extreme social conservative stuff.
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He went with their Federalist Society judges, he will go along with their other stuff too. He is surrounded by all of the worst sorts of people.
I think he's completely uninterested in items like judicial philosophy and the like. He's happy to outsource all that. Intellectual stuff.

Except when he think's it's not in his best interest. The more simplified, tangible, headline making an item is, the more likely he's to render an opinion.
That's a big part of what makes him seem so dangerous to me.
I totally agree. I've maintained that for a while.

The insane but somehow still perceptive Steve Bannon even referred to him as a vessel.

I think for a bunch of opportunists on the right he's essentially a useful idiot, just have to play his narcissism right.
I totally agree. I've maintained that for a while.

The insane but somehow still perceptive Steve Bannon even referred to him as a vessel.

I think for a bunch of opportunists on the right he's essentially a useful idiot, just have to play his narcissism right.

Hard to argue that one.
I think the link you posted points out a danger with Trump. I was just saying I don't the ideas flow from him or that he's strongly attached to them.
He's extremely racist and so sexist he's a rapist. Sometimes ideas flow through him. Other times they flow right from him.