Search results for query: echo

  1. Franisdaman

    UPDATE: FBI confirms Trump was struck by Bullet. Why are Posters on here Downplaying the Assassination Attempt by saying Trump didn't get shot?

    the echo chamber on here (some would call it a cult) is fascinating.... do you ever leave the echo chamber and think for yourself? Are you even capable?
  2. Franisdaman

    Kamala Harris met w/ & showed support for Jacob Blake, who was Wanted on a Felony Warrant, Fought Officers & tried to Drive Off w/ Kids in Back Seat

    this left wing echo chamber on HBOT really is cult like. the cult members attack anyone with a differing opinion with a bunch of child like nonsense.
  3. Franisdaman

    Kamala Harris met w/ & showed support for Jacob Blake, who was Wanted on a Felony Warrant, Fought Officers & tried to Drive Off w/ Kids in Back Seat

    LOL, says a member of the echo chamber. The truth? I am on the outside looking in on 2 very shitty parties.
  4. Franisdaman

    Kamala Harris met w/ & showed support for Jacob Blake, who was Wanted on a Felony Warrant, Fought Officers & tried to Drive Off w/ Kids in Back Seat

    You should leave the echo chamber on here (some would call it a cult) and think for yourself.
  5. Franisdaman

    Kamala Harris met w/ & showed support for Jacob Blake, who was Wanted on a Felony Warrant, Fought Officers & tried to Drive Off w/ Kids in Back Seat

    Of course the dumb ass, @Funky Bunch, does. He can't saying anything negative about a Democrat; the echo chamber won't allow it!
  6. Franisdaman

    POLITICO: Democrats are Panicking over Biden's Debate Performance. Democrat operative texted this: “Time for an open convention.”

    They knew. It should not be a shock to them.... And note the words "echo chamber." From a longtime Biden adviser:
  7. Franisdaman

    Kamala Harris met w/ & showed support for Jacob Blake, who was Wanted on a Felony Warrant, Fought Officers & tried to Drive Off w/ Kids in Back Seat

    So, Kamala making an incredibly dumb mistake by supporting a felon and not law enforcement is nonsense? Incredible. The echo chamber on here is cult like.
  8. Franisdaman

    UPDATE: FBI confirms Trump was struck by Bullet. Why are Posters on here Downplaying the Assassination Attempt by saying Trump didn't get shot?

    The echo chamber on here (some would call it a cult) is very real....
  9. Franisdaman

    Trump looks forward to the RNC convention in Milwaukee

    LOL The echo chamber seems upset tonight....
  10. Franisdaman

    Trump looks forward to the RNC convention in Milwaukee

    The echo chamber on this forum is like a cult. The irony.
  11. Franisdaman

    Trump looks forward to the RNC convention in Milwaukee

    thin skinned echo chamber
  12. Franisdaman

    Congressman Greg Steube to introduce a very important piece of legislation

    Reported! LOL this echo chamber, man....
  13. Franisdaman

    Kamala Harris met w/ & showed support for Jacob Blake, who was Wanted on a Felony Warrant, Fought Officers & tried to Drive Off w/ Kids in Back Seat the country and say Biden was fit for office? Kamala isn't exactly a good choice, either; the D's had no choice but to line up & support her with just a few months before the election. People should step out of the echo chamber of HBOT and understand that both parties are being run by...
  14. Franisdaman

    Arrests of the Traitors coming in now

    What echo chamber, you ask? Good God, you're dumb. It's fascinating how you clowns can never say anything bad about a Democrat and automatically assume anyone who disagrees with you on an issue is a Trump supporter. But, again, the echo chamber in here is full of dumb asses like you and Chis...
  15. Franisdaman

    President Biden addressing the nation from the Oval Office at 7pm CDT

    Amen, sir?? My god, you are clearly mesmerized. This echo chamber that exists on HBOT is fascinating. Ironically, it is almost cult like. How many Democrats lied to the country and insisted that Biden was mentally and physically able to serve 4 more years? Trump is a joke but Democrats...
  16. Franisdaman

    UPDATE: FBI confirms Trump was struck by Bullet. Why are Posters on here Downplaying the Assassination Attempt by saying Trump didn't get shot?

    LOL....Do you have spell check on your device, dumb ass? You're clearly too stupid & don't even realize it exists. You, and other members of the the echo chamber that exist on here, clearly have an agenda by discounting what happened during the assassination attempt.
  17. Franisdaman

    Trump looks forward to the RNC convention in Milwaukee

    Sadly, you are extremely nuts. You are in an echo chamber and don't realize it. Get out while you can and seek help immediately!!! See, I can play this game too. Dumb ass.
  18. Franisdaman

    Congressman Greg Steube to introduce a very important piece of legislation

    No, you are a little nuts! LOL I am very relaxed; this echo chamber, like I said, is interesting....
  19. Franisdaman

    I had coffee with 2 friends yesterday, both liberals & both think Trump is going to win in November

    And your thoughts on Chis' threads that last forever? The echo chamber and hypocrisy in this forum is fascinating.
  20. Franisdaman

    Trump looks forward to the RNC convention in Milwaukee

    You're such a dumb ass. Anyone with a brain understands that he wasn't posting on this site under his real name the echo chamber on here, man.... no wonder crazy ass candidates like Trump have a chance....