“Dr” Fauci admitted that he didn’t care for a single COVID patient during the entire pandemic.

Just to clarify the premise of this thread...

Fauci was in the midst of answering whether he had treated a patient when he was rudely cut off by the congressman who asked the question. Now, it was pretty clear he hadn't, because it felt like he was stumbling trying to find a graceful way to say "no."

But I wouldn't say he admitted it fully.

But seriously, why would he have treated patients directly? I'd probably be more concerned if he had...
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He’s not a provider. He’s a researcher who works in a laboratory.
When do you think Fauci actually did any lab research? He was an administrator since 1984. Yes, his background was in research, which gave him the ability to understand what other researchers were doing, but his job was to hand out grant money.

That said, being a provider isn't necessary to understand diseases. As far as that goes, most providers have to rely on researchers to know how to treat novel diseases. I'd guess they sometimes rely on researchers a little too much.
weren’t there, I don’t remember, healthcare provider shortages? Caretaker burnout?

Was he too busy coming up with Bullshit to spoon feed us to care for any actual human being?

I think Dr Fauci research days should be over. One gain of function worldwide pandemic was enough.
WTF happened to you?

There was a day when you were semi reasonable.
When do you think Fauci actually did any lab research?

Pretty good bet it's back to when he got a bunch of patents that the US government ended up owning...
And when he was in school for his degrees, etc.

You do realize that most university professors have grad students who do most of the hands-on lab work, right? And the professors direct them in what to do, and oversee the work.

No, of course you don't know that.
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Just to clarify the premise of this thread...

Fauci was in the midst of answering whether he had treated a patient when he was rudely cut off by the congressman who asked the question. Now, it was pretty clear he hadn't, because it felt like he was stumbling trying to find a graceful way to say "no."

He was in the middle of informing the congressman that he was on a team overseeing treatments in the early phases.

Just like things work at UIHC - you'll have one attending, and you may have a team of people who never meet the actual patient, but review the myriad of testing/imaging data, particularly in complex cases.

I'm sure someone like @JWolf74 can 'splain how this works for you in large hospitals.
When do you think Fauci actually did any lab research? He was an administrator since 1984. Yes, his background was in research, which gave him the ability to understand what other researchers were doing, but his job was to hand out grant money.

That said, being a provider isn't necessary to understand diseases. As far as that goes, most providers have to rely on researchers to know how to treat novel diseases. I'd guess they sometimes rely on researchers a little too much.

What should they rely upon other than research? Homeopathy?
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Nobody would have or should have expected him to. That wasn't his job. This doesn't mean he wasn't a total fvck up and likely partial progenitor to the pandemic in the first place. Why don't we stick to discussing his funding of gain of function research in China? He's trying to hide behind technicalities (that he's wrong about regardless) to protect himself from scrutiny but he's guilty of many, many crimes. What about bio labs in Ukraine?
Nobody would have or should have expected him to. That wasn't his job. This doesn't mean he wasn't a total fvck up and likely partial progenitor to the pandemic in the first place. Why don't we stick to discussing his funding of gain of function research in China? He's trying to hide behind technicalities (that he's wrong about regardless) to protect himself from scrutiny but he's guilty of many, many crimes. What about bio labs in Ukraine?
While the 'crimes' thing is just political theater, I actually think he currently understands quite well that some of his choices are very much causally related to some of the 25 million global deaths. That'll be his thing to think about during retirement.
While the 'crimes' thing is just political theater, I actually think he currently understands quite well that some of his choices are very much causally related to some of the 25 million global deaths. That'll be his thing to think about during retirement.
If he was actively funding the research that let to covid then I don't think him spending his retirement pondering his role is an acceptable end point for that story. It needs to be fully investigated. The evidence currently suggests our tax dollars funded the creation of covid. If that is true then fauci and the federal government have a LOT to answer for beyond the currently discussed abuses of the constitution. The crimes thing is absolutely not political theater. At least it should not be.
I have a good did you know for you guys.
Did you know that a clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics - General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the University of Iowa who they used as a Covid spokes person and the university. Used to travel to the surrounding trash maga towns an hour or more away from Iowa city so she could go out without having to wear a mask and bitch about how much BS all the Covid stuff was?
I wonder why so many people are skeptical about the shit our government shoved down our throats at the time and still today.
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They told us if you get the vaccine it would prevent infection. That was a lie.

They told us if you get the vaccine you wouldn’t be able to spread the virus. That was a lie.

Fauci was at the epicenter of the lies. Ground zero.

Yet bears no responsibility. Ok ok. Right.
You never learned how viruses work did you? Dealing with a pandemic on the fly?