“I look at a white nationalist as a Trump Republican.”

It's not. You're an idiot.

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."
Wait! You mean there was no clear condemnation of Neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Trump's comments?

Was that part just made up by @Scruddy ?

In the transcript linked below, even when Trump is pinned down on neo-Nazis, he waffles and conflates them with lefties. And he wants to excuse the alt-right protestors because, he asserts, not everyone there was a neo-Nazi or white supremacist. Sure, both sides use that logic sometimes, but it should never be allowed to pass. And besides, how does he know?

How anyone can believe Trump genuinely condemns neo-Nazis or white supremacists is beyond my understanding. Can someone explain it?

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So, you're one of those klots kooks, huh? ROTFLMAO.

"Klots! Klots! OMG, Klots!" Those people were dying all around me here in ruby red Trumperland.

I hope you're not betting on sports because you certainly don't understand odds and probabilities.

You're dumb enough to fall for the horse dewormer narrative. I have nothing else to discuss with a smooth brain like yourself. Just know you're in a cult.
Wait! You mean there was no clear condemnation of Neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Trump's comments?

Was that part just made up by @Scruddy ?

In the transcript linked below, even when Trump is pinned down on neo-Nazis, he waffles and conflates them with lefties. And he wants to excuse the alt-right protestors because, he asserts, not everyone there was a neo-Nazi or white supremacist. Sure, both sides use that logic sometimes, but it should never be allowed to pass. And besides, how does he know?

How anyone can believe Trump genuinely condemns neo-Nazis or white supremacists is beyond my understanding. Can someone explain it?

If you believe those people were anything other than a staged event, you sir are a bigger idiot than I already thought.
Staged by whom?

Are you saying there isn't a group of white nationalists going by the name of Patriot Front?

Lol is right. From the article you posted. You are an abject moron.

According to a transcript from the White House, the Trump quote in question was in response to a reporter who asked, "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump responded: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
Lol is right. From the article you posted. You are an abject moron.

According to a transcript from the White House, the Trump quote in question was in response to a reporter who asked, "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump responded: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."

"There were very fine people on both sides, & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

Weird that you quit reading as soon as you saw what you wanted to see.
That's hilarious to someone with a science background who lives in deep red north Florida and watched MAGA attack masking and vaccines when they weren't attending covid funerals.

Lots of Ivermectin and needless death down here in Trumperland. Not much ability to smartly assess risk.
O look a leftist who still believes wearing cloth mask over ones face did anything to prevent the spread of Covid. Anytime someone mentions that they instantly lose credibility.

Most of the arguments made against masking and vaccines were against mandates specifically with the vaccines. Those people have since proven to be correct that vaccines do nothing to stop the spread.
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O look a leftist who still believes wearing cloth mask over ones face did anything to prevent the spread of Covid. Anytime someone mentions that they instantly lose credibility.

Most of the arguments made against masking and vaccines were against mandates specifically with the vaccines. Those people have since proven to be correct that vaccines do nothing to stop the spread.
You may be the biggest moran on this board.
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You may be the biggest moran on this board.

You and gladeskat are apparently suffering from mass formation psychosis still. Masks didn't do anything. The vaccines didn't stop the spread as was promised by fauci, biden, walensky, Maddow, etc. Ivermectin worked as a treatment when properly prescribed. Need I go on? The left got literally everything about covid wrong.

I bet you two also think some men can get pregnant 🤣
You and gladeskat are apparently suffering from mass formation psychosis still. Masks didn't do anything. The vaccines didn't stop the spread as was promised by fauci, biden, walensky, Maddow, etc. Ivermectin worked as a treatment when properly prescribed. Need I go on? The left got literally everything about covid wrong.

I bet you two also think some men can get pregnant 🤣
The person that got everything wrong about COVID was Lying Donnie the Sexual Abuser. Hell he was going to have you drinking bleach and taken horse pills to combat it. He was a buffoon through the whole thing. And totally incompetent. That's why millions and millions and millions died. His watch. His fiasco. Oh wait, it's going to go away when it gets hot. Oh wait it's going to go away when it gets cold. Oh wait it's just going to go away. Oh wait, millions of dead don't count because it came from China. Total. Incompetent. Moron.
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"There were very fine people on both sides, & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

Weird that you quit reading as soon as you saw what you wanted to see.
Didn't quit reading - I posted what he said. What he said later, trying to reel it back in, doesn't negate what he said in the moment.

You are an ignorant rube.
The person that got everything wrong about COVID was Lying Donnie the Sexual Abuser. Hell he was going to have you drinking bleach and taken horse pills to combat it. He was a buffoon through the whole thing. And totally incompetent. That's why millions and millions and millions died. His watch. His fiasco. Oh wait, it's going to go away when it gets hot. Oh wait it's going to go away when it gets cold. Oh wait it's just going to go away. Oh wait, millions of dead don't count because it came from China. Total. Incompetent. Moron.

Tara Reade says what? More people died under biden than trump. Biden tried forcing the clot shot on everybody and got bitch slapped by the Supreme Court. Biden also lied and said the vaccine prevented transmission. Idiot democrats gobbled it up.
The white nationalist bullhorn has been sounding now for the past 6 years, no one is going to hear it come 2024. Save those marketing bullets. Democrats have entered the Boy Who Cried Wolf territory, they should not be talking about white nationalist right now, start using that pitch again summer of 2024.

That is if you want to win instead of just "being right" in the current moment.
The white nationalist bullhorn has been sounding now for the past 6 years, no one is going to hear it come 2024. Save those marketing bullets. Democrats have entered the Boy Who Cried Wolf territory, they should not be talking about white nationalist right now, start using that pitch again summer of 2024.

That is if you want to win instead of just "being right" in the current moment.

They're definitely not going to talk about the economy, inflation, energy prices, global military conflicts or BRICS because those are all democrat Ls. Projected racism is all they have.
They're definitely not going to talk about the economy, inflation, energy prices, global military conflicts or BRICS because those are all democrat Ls. Projected racism is all they have.
Man you got some serious obsession jollies for that Tara Reade person. You need to get yourself a woman... Or man... whatever trips your obviously untripped trigger there son.
You and gladeskat are apparently suffering from mass formation psychosis still. Masks didn't do anything. The vaccines didn't stop the spread as was promised by fauci, biden, walensky, Maddow, etc. Ivermectin worked as a treatment when properly prescribed. Need I go on? The left got literally everything about covid wrong.

I bet you two also think some men can get pregnant 🤣
Holy. Shit.

Why would you say falsely accused? What evidence is there to prove she is a liar? What happened to believe all women? Is that only when they accuse a republican? Ford wasn't remotely credible in hee Kavanaugh allegations yet she was celebrated as a truth teller by the left despite even her friends calling her a liar. I'm not surprised she had to run away from Joe's retribution though, tbh.
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He didn't say "the greatest threat", he said:

“To stand up against the poison of white supremacy … to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland.”

Are you suggesting that white supremacy in the US is not an issue worthy of addressing?

Northern is a fool. Not an opinion. An observation based on multiple posts over years.
You and gladeskat are apparently suffering from mass formation psychosis still. Masks didn't do anything. The vaccines didn't stop the spread as was promised by fauci, biden, walensky, Maddow, etc. Ivermectin worked as a treatment when properly prescribed. Need I go on? The left got literally everything about covid wrong.

I bet you two also think some men can get pregnant 🤣
You pretty much broke the record for most untrue things in a single post with this comment.

You trolling, right?

Nothing that ever came out of the mouths of Fauci or the CDC was intended to mislead. We were dealing with something no one had ever experienced.
The biggest problem during Covid was that WH trying to hide or deny the virus in the earliest stages. Four or five months that could have saved probably 1000s of lives.
You pretty much broke the record for most untrue things in a single post with this comment.

You trolling, right?

Nothing that ever came out of the mouths of Fauci or the CDC was intended to mislead. We were dealing with something no one had ever experienced.
The biggest problem during Covid was that WH trying to hide or deny the virus in the earliest stages. Four or five months that could have saved probably 1000s of lives.
Remember when Cuomo jammed all the infected senior citizens into a home together with the healthy ones leading to thousands of deaths in new York? Totally disagree on fauci statement. CDC did itself no favors either.

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