“I look at a white nationalist as a Trump Republican.”

There is an active cult propagating lies and deception, and all of 'Merica know it is led by Lying Donnie the Sexual Abuser. Well, anyone with a brain and not a racist.
So, you can find assholes who aren't white supremacists. BFD. The difference is that MAGAs tend to defend the white supremacists. Are liberals rushing to defend this guy?

Why lie so brazenly?

There is an active cult propagating lies and deception, and all of 'Merica know it is led by Lying Donnie the Sexual Abuser. Well, anyone with a brain and not a racist.

Joe Biden, definitely known for not being accused of being a rapist. Oh wait..
This seems a tad ironic.

Ironic how? I've said many times on this forum I don't think trump should even be allowed to run for president again. That doesn't mean I think people should lie about him or what he's said. Now tell me what cult I'm in. The one that cares about the truth? Give me a break.
Ironic how? I've said many times on this forum I don't think trump should even be allowed to run for president again. That doesn't mean I think people should lie about him or what he's said. Now tell me what cult I'm in. The one that cares about the truth? Give me a break.
Wait, are you still trying to claim Trump didn't say "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."?
Ironic how? I've said many times on this forum I don't think trump should even be allowed to run for president again. That doesn't mean I think people should lie about him or what he's said. Now tell me what cult I'm in. The one that cares about the truth? Give me a break.
Based on this thread, you seem to have a very similar mindset.

And you are correct that Trump was most likely referring to people on both sides of the issue of tearing down those statues and not white supremacists. Still doesn’t mean your point of view is less cult-like than those whom you seem to have so much contempt for.
Wait, are you still trying to claim Trump didn't say "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."?
Scruddy is most likely right. Given the full statement, Trump was probably just talking about those for and against the removal of the statues. However, Trump isn’t always clear in his messaging so who knows.
Two questions:

1. How is it that you blame Biden for the divisiveness? Of all the things that are dividing us and raising hostility in the nation, which of them did Biden cause?

Saying Biden is "incredibly divisive" sounds like something that gets repeated on Fox and elsewhere on the right, regardless of evidence, because it sells to their audience.

2. While I'm sure there are some MAGA supporters who are not white nationalists, don't you think most are, and by a pretty clear margin?
I know a lot of trump supporters and I don’t think any of them are white nationalists by any standard definition.

“one of a group of militant white people who espouse white supremacy (see WHITE SUPREMACY sense 1) and advocate enforced racial segregation”
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"There were very fine people on both sides, & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

This is the full quote. Seems pretty clear to me what he's saying.
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Fact is Lying Donnie the Sexual Abuser lies daily multiple times about everything big and small. And then lies about his lies. Everybody in the world knows that except for the cult and the racists, who know it but are too embarrassed to admit they support someone like that. How anybody can support someone so poor in character, full of lies I'll never know. And I'm not even going to talk about incompetency when he was president.
Fact is Lying Donnie the Sexual Abuser lies daily multiple times about everything big and small. And then lies about his lies. Everybody in the world knows that except for the cult and the racists, who know it but are too embarrassed to admit they support someone like that. How anybody can support someone so poor in character, full of lies I'll never know. And I'm not even going to talk about incompetency when he was president.
At this point, even if the cult members aren’t racist a personally they are all in on protecting and promoting white supremacy. Look at the two loathsome numpties getting abused in this thread for examples.
I know a lot of trump supporters and I don’t think any of them are white nationalists by any standard definition.

“one of a group of militant white people who espouse white supremacy (see WHITE SUPREMACY sense 1) and advocate enforced racial segregation”
"A lot"?

I know 2 Trump supporters and at least one of them isn't an overt white supremacist (or white nationalist - I see this thread is using both terms and, frankly, I'm not sure of the difference).

So . . . anecdotally, most MAGAs aren't, um, let's call them racists.

Yeah, our feelings about personal acquaintances are probably not a good way to measure.

This kind of seat-of-the-pants estimating has limited, but not zero value. And it can be done a couple of ways.

If you had to guess, would you think most racists support Trump? I sure would.

The flip side is whether most supporters of Trum are racists. That's a closer call, but I'm inclined to say yes to that one, too. Maybe not overt racists. But how hard can you defend racism without being a racist?
"There were very fine people on both sides, & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

This is the full quote. Seems pretty clear to me what he's saying.
Trump occasionally says things that he knows normal, decent people are supposed to say.

Are you saying that you think because he occasionally (rarely and unconvincingly) condemns racism and fascism that means he actually opposes racism and fascism?

In the Charlottesville case, it was clear he was mainly encouraging and defending and covering for the specific racists and anti-semites involved there. That coddling behavior isn't cancelled out by a throwaway line condemning generic bad guys.
Trump occasionally says things that he knows normal, decent people are supposed to say.

Are you saying that you think because he occasionally (rarely and unconvincingly) condemns racism and fascism that means he actually opposes racism and fascism?

In the Charlottesville case, it was clear he was mainly encouraging and defending and covering for the specific racists and anti-semites involved there. That coddling behavior isn't cancelled out by a throwaway line condemning generic bad guys.

The entire point of sharing the quote was that other posters were outright lying about what was said. Whether or not they did it by choice or because they were parroting the lies of leftist media I don't know, but now the record has at least been set straight.

Your last paragraph is what you want to believe. There's nothing of substance to validate that stance as fact, though. Keep in mind trump is also the president who declared the KKK a terrorist group. Not exactly white supremacist behavior..
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But white supremacy isn’t a dealbreaker for them. They vote with them. I wouldn’t.

We know racism isn't a deal breaker for you either
"A lot"?

I know 2 Trump supporters and at least one of them isn't an overt white supremacist (or white nationalist - I see this thread is using both terms and, frankly, I'm not sure of the difference).

So . . . anecdotally, most MAGAs aren't, um, let's call them racists.

Yeah, our feelings about personal acquaintances are probably not a good way to measure.

This kind of seat-of-the-pants estimating has limited, but not zero value. And it can be done a couple of ways.

If you had to guess, would you think most racists support Trump? I sure would.

The flip side is whether most supporters of Trum are racists. That's a closer call, but I'm inclined to say yes to that one, too. Maybe not overt racists. But how hard can you defend racism without being a racist?
Most racists support trump but most of his supporters aren’t racists. That’s my opinion anyway.
Most racists support trump but most of his supporters aren’t racists. That’s my opinion anyway.

Why do you suspect more racists support trump than biden? Biden was endorsed by prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer. Was friends with exalted cyclops KKK member Robert Byrd and has a long history of racist rhetoric. Meanwhile here is a write up of awards trump has received:

Doesn't exactly scream racist bigot..
The record of statements is clear. You have nothing to back up his conclusion.
Three strikes and now you're out. Again can provide no facts to support your position other than "my facts are right." Must have bought that line of thinking from Lying Donnie the Sexual Abuser. That's his standard line to his cult and they lap it up...without thinking of course.
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Three strikes and now you're out. Again can provide no facts to support your position other than "my facts are right." Must have bought that line of thinking from Lying Donnie the Sexual Abuser. That's his standard line to his cult and they lap it up...without thinking of course.

Tara Reade says hi
Three strikes and now you're out. Again can provide no facts to support your position other than "my facts are right." Must have bought that line of thinking from Lying Donnie the Sexual Abuser. That's his standard line to his cult and they lap it up...without thinking of course.

That's not how it works. WWJD made a claim. You have indicated that he is spot on. Yet neither of you has provided anything to back up that claim.

Why won't you provide evidence?