Having worked sex crimes for years I can say with 100% accuracy that the overwhelming majority of sex crimes allegations end up being unfounded for a variety of reasons. Investigators are taught and trained to investigate all allegations at face value but in my experience in LA County handling hundreds of sexual assault cases only a handful end up having probable cause to charge the “suspect” with a crime. Not politically correct, but a reality in most big cities.Well, let's say he assaults some unsuspecting Iowa student and fails the experiment. Could you explain to her and her parents that put their trust in The Univeristy of Iowa how it wasn't a bad idea?
Add in all the actual victims of these kind of crimes that do NOT press charges against the assailant and the 99% is wayyyyyyy low. And that is a fact.
None of that has any bearing on AJ’s situation, he could be guilty as sin or not, the allegations coupled with his pattern of undesirable behavior should be enough for Iowa to back away from him. Angelo’s a different story.