13 Hawkeye wrestlers are in Miami—how can we help get them home to IC?

The problem is, that we are in the acceleration phase of the infection.
Today 1748 new cases
Yesterday 983 new cases
Day before 737 new cases
Before 696 new cases
before 550 new cases
It is partly because we are testing more, but also partly because we are just now starting to take this seriously.
South Korea and Japan are the two countries that did immediate "draconian" measures, and both have flattened the curve.
We need to look at their model, vs Italy and China's model.
A great website run by WHO contributors with updated information broken down

worldometers? Are you being serious?

CDC report. Please note “includes confirmed and presumptive cases”. Every report states this. This includes the death numbers. Most deaths have not been confirmed covid19.
  • Total cases: 7,038
  • Total deaths: 97
  • Jurisdictions reporting cases: 54 (50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands)
* Data include both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 reported to CDC or tested at CDC since January 21, 2020, with the exception of testing results for persons repatriated to the United States from Wuhan, China and Japan.

Between Oct 2019 and a day ago, estimated 40 million to 50 million cases of seasonal flu in the US.
Nearly 50,000 deaths. Seasonal flu. Also from CDC report. Not all flu is reported so the numbers a low average to actual. Where was the toilet paper hoarding 3 months ago?

I am in the business as well. You should know better.
I can get behind this as long as we all understand the virus is not as dangerous as others. (H1M1 comes to mind and we did relatively nothing).

the changes coming are a reaction and PR. While the right thing to do....still more public reaction than fact.
10 days after H1N1 started in this country, a national emergency was called, a vaccine began to be tested, and the vaccine became available several months later. Also, flu drugs were available. Even so, this virus is at least 10x more dangerous than flu viruses.
The OP (me) said I am working with a group of epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists (some from UI) to try to stop the ongoing and rampant SPREAD of Coronavirus in Iowa City right now. I agree it will not be stopped until a vaccine is developed and widely distributed, a la smallpox.

Is it so hard to believe that there are a group of coordinated Hawkeyes from a range of fields out here busting our asses to try to save as many of our fellow Hawkeyes’ lives as we can?

You guys would do the exact same thing if you were in my shoes right now. It’s gonna be effin bad, boys....
it's hard to believe you're posting on hawkeye report all day while your busting your ass to save lives.
10 days after H1N1 started in this country, a national emergency was called, a vaccine began to be tested, and the vaccine became available several months later. Also, flu drugs were available. Even so, this virus is at least 10x more dangerous than flu viruses.

And 15k died in the US by the time the state of emergency was called. H1N1 was nasty and quite deadly. Much, much worse than covid. Remember any social isolation.
10 days after H1N1 started in this country, a national emergency was called, a vaccine began to be tested, and the vaccine became available several months later. Also, flu drugs were available. Even so, this virus is at least 10x more dangerous than flu viruses.

H1N1 was. This one is not “10x” worse than flu.
H1N1 was. This one is not “10x” worse than flu.
You are correct, it might be 30x worse. If covid 19 spreads as predicted( no treatment and no vaccine), as many as 100 million may get sick. That would leave some 1 million dead or even more if the disease is not slowed down and spreading out the sick who need hospitalization. If this virus overwhelms the number of hospital beds and icu beds the death rate will rise dramatically. This has occurred in Italy.
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You are correct, it might be 30x worse. If covid 19 spreads as predicted( no treatment and no vaccine), as many as 100 million may get sick. That would leave some 10 million dead or even more if the disease is not slowed down and spreading out the sick who need hospitalization. If this virus overwhelms the number of hospital beds and icu beds the death rate will rise dramatically. This has occurred in Italy.

Your not in the business.
Don’t know your motivation here but you are part of the problem.
All flu is serious, your just pimping fear. Google happy people like you cause others to panic. People like you are why the hospitals are filling with scared people with minor illnesses to be checked out and take beds while people with flu sit in waiting rooms. Why people are losing hours at work, income, investments and preventing many from doing what they can to better themselves.

Your references are from click bait and your statements are flat wrong except one. We should all be mindful of how our health affects others. Most people shake flu off but many are vulnerable due to other conditions.

You, or anyone, wants to chicken little your my guest. The only way what I have been trying to say comes off as dismissive is only by comparison to the panic you and others are preaching. Where were you with the first 5,000 died this year from a strain in the same envelope? You waited for a second strain to record 90, confirmed or not, because it is fashionable.

I come here to celebrate the hawks and listen to very entrenched people share knowledge of the sport I love. I have fallen into your trap and invested in this. Bad on me. I am done with this topic.

congrats. You get the last word.

wash your hands, be mindful but above all and live free.
Well I live in Iowa City. My wife works in the ICU at the university as a provider. I asked her to rate the org temp on a scale from 0 to 10...0 being "What virus?" to Dagboi's "We're all gonna die!!" She said she would rate it at a 4...they are taking precautions/screening but it was of the same type when H1N1 and other viruses were floating around. She was taking care of a flu patient last week who they pretty much assume has the 'Rona. Right now, she just started 7 days off because she had arranged to work extra and not take leave for the NCAAs since she is new to the hospital. All providers, nurses etc leave were canceled and they were asked to be in the local area just in case. She will be back on Tuesday next week. If anything changes, such as her getting recalled and having to go into daily 12 hour shifts IAW Dagboi's scenario, I'll let you all know.
Well I live in Iowa City. My wife works in the ICU at the university as a provider. I asked her to rate the org temp on a scale from 0 to 10...0 being "What virus?" to Dagboi's "We're all gonna die!!" She said she would rate it at a 4...they are taking precautions/screening but it was of the same type when H1N1 and other viruses were floating around. She was taking care of a flu patient last week who they pretty much assume has the 'Rona. Right now, she just started 7 days off because she had arranged to work extra and not take leave for the NCAAs since she is new to the hospital. All providers, nurses etc leave were canceled and they were asked to be in the local area just in case. She will be back on Tuesday next week. If anything changes, such as her getting recalled and having to go into daily 12 hour shifts IAW Dagboi's scenario, I'll let you all know.

Thanks, Chief. Her perspective will be invaluable for understanding the day-to-day impact on the hospitals. Median onset of the problematic bi-lateral pneumonia complications (requiring ventilator support) that lead to fatality has reliably been 14 days from infection, based on epidemiological case reports emerging from Asia.

They can expect to see those who fall into the 15% that require hospitalization category hitting the hospitals about two weeks after their infectious exposure occurred.

Be well
Perhaps due to the complexity of the issue and my own poor ability to express myself the point was lost. The point was simply that at some point the cost of not going back on with our lives would exceed the cost of trying to save a very small part of the population made up of the sick and elderly. Because at some point the masses will need work, food on the shelves, etc. Not saying we are close to that but hopefully good decisions are made when that time comes.

Keep up the good work.
Sorry, buddy....I misunderstood in my haste. Be well.
You are correct, it might be 30x worse. If covid 19 spreads as predicted( no treatment and no vaccine), as many as 100 million may get sick. That would leave some 10 million dead or even more if the disease is not slowed down and spreading out the sick who need hospitalization. If this virus overwhelms the number of hospital beds and icu beds the death rate will rise dramatically. This has occurred in Italy.
Projections based on median estimates of projected infection rate and projected mortality rate (from pandemics experts and emerging case report analysis) are even higher.

Assuming 50% infection rate and 2% mortality rate gives you:

3,337,000 deaths in US
70 million deaths worldwide.

If you disagree with the assumptions, do your own research of expert opinion and find assumptions that you are more comfortable with. But do the math.
I have one correction. Epidemiologists and infectious disease researchers are not the ones asking to shut things down. It is the government and local authorities that are driving that.

All the rest I can live with. At the end of the day, one life save makes it worth it.
And Ben Askren made a great point. Where do you think it’s nonsense or not, if people are staying home to read books, spend time with her kids and family, not a bad thing at all.

as frustrated as I am with the reaction versus the facts of the actual pathogen, I can agree that the world slowing down for a period of time could actually be a benefit.
If only they could shut off the internet while we are all home.
10 days after H1N1 started in this country, a national emergency was called, a vaccine began to be tested, and the vaccine became available several months later. Also, flu drugs were available. Even so, this virus is at least 10x more dangerous than flu viruses.

you mean it wasn’t called hoax at Obama’s rallies?
You are incredibly lucky to be in Ohio. Your governor and State Health Dept. Director (Amy Acton) are the ONLY government that has taken the pandemic specialists’ advice seriously. They saved thousands of lives in Ohio and will be lauded as heroes for the courage, vision, and flexible thinking they showed.
Please provide data that shows the actions taken by the state of Ohio saved Thousands of lives. I would normally wait for a response but since I already know no such data exists I won't. Hyperbole like this is one of the reasons people panic. If you don't have the facts, then please refrain from making them up. Oh, and by no means try to say this is just an opinion as your sentence structure, and word choice belies that defense.
Well I live in Iowa City. My wife works in the ICU at the university as a provider. I asked her to rate the org temp on a scale from 0 to 10...0 being "What virus?" to Dagboi's "We're all gonna die!!" She said she would rate it at a 4...they are taking precautions/screening but it was of the same type when H1N1 and other viruses were floating around. She was taking care of a flu patient last week who they pretty much assume has the 'Rona. Right now, she just started 7 days off because she had arranged to work extra and not take leave for the NCAAs since she is new to the hospital. All providers, nurses etc leave were canceled and they were asked to be in the local area just in case. She will be back on Tuesday next week. If anything changes, such as her getting recalled and having to go into daily 12 hour shifts IAW Dagboi's scenario, I'll let you all know.

and my wife works in a rural, Iowa ER and we went to Lowe’s today to buy extra gloves and glasses and shitty masks because invariably they will run out. Please keep in mind that most hospitals in the US aren’t world class like the UIHC. On a scale of 1-10 I’d put them at a 7, because 1 COVID patient would overwhelm them and the limited resources they have. 1 sick staff member and they won’t have backups. I hope Trump enacting that War Act today will get basic PPE manufactured quickly.
I’m spearheading some local grassroots efforts to help contain the now-proven Coronavirus spread in Iowa City, lobbying local and state officials and working with global epidemiologists to get their evidence shared with local govt officials. It’s looking like we will be in lockdown in Iowa City soon (world-wide, soon enough), as it’s the only way to stop the virus’s spread (according to world-wide experts working together through their professional social media channels).

I’m really just trying to see if there’s anything we can do in our fan community to get these boys home before the lockdown starts. Private jet? Charter jet? What resources do we have at hand? B Nichols? Others?

Just spitballing but I am guessing Alex probably wouldn't like his name thrown around like this. If you do indeed text with AM, that probably should be kept private cause it just reeks of namedropping. Also, I am guessing our guys (to include Terry's son) probably have access to resources etc without having to resort to a straw poll on HR. Good luck with your spearheading the grassroots effort combating the virus here in IC.
Projections based on median estimates of projected infection rate and projected mortality rate (from pandemics experts and emerging case report analysis) are even higher.

Assuming 50% infection rate and 2% mortality rate gives you:

3,337,000 deaths in US
70 million deaths worldwide.

If you disagree with the assumptions, do your own research of expert opinion and find assumptions that you are more comfortable with. But do the math.
...if what you say is true in the above, then. China has 1.338 billion people. China should have 13.7 million dead based on a 50% infection rate. Number of dead now at 3600. Your numbers don't hold water. India has 1.3 billion. India should have 13 million dead. India has reported 3 dead reported. You told me to do the math.
...if what you say is true in the above, then. China has 1.338 billion people. China should have 13.7 million dead based on a 50% infection rate. Number of dead now at 3600. Your numbers don't hold water. India has 1.3 billion. India should have 13 million dead. India has reported 3 dead reported. You told me to do the math.

All countries lie.
China lies a lot.
I wouldn’t trust their numbers.
To control the virus China took steps we can’t in the US. Dragging sick against their will and freezing millions of bank accounts to prevent travel. Half the country thinks bars should still be open. We have hurdles China doesn’t.
and my wife works in a rural, Iowa ER and we went to Lowe’s today to buy extra gloves and glasses and shitty masks because invariably they will run out. Please keep in mind that most hospitals in the US aren’t world class like the UIHC. On a scale of 1-10 I’d put them at a 7, because 1 COVID patient would overwhelm them and the limited resources they have. 1 sick staff member and they won’t have backups. I hope Trump enacting that War Act today will get basic PPE manufactured quickly.

Reported yesterday by an ICU doctor at a small New York Hospital that they are already out of ventilators and are putting 2 people at a time on one ventilator.
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...if what you say is true in the above, then. China has 1.338 billion people. China should have 13.7 million dead based on a 50% infection rate. Number of dead now at 3600. Your numbers don't hold water. India has 1.3 billion. India should have 13 million dead. India has reported 3 dead reported. You told me to do the math.

China reporting no new cases, yet pictures outside of some Wuhan Hospitals show long lines trying to get in to be seen. China has been lying, is still lying and covering up for Political reason.

One Chinese Dr. reported people being released from his hospital that were not over the illness, but being released by CCP for political reason he called it.

Get back to us in several months with the numbers from India and Africa. It is just now getting to those countries.

And of course with very few medical resources for those poor countries the numbers will grow exponentially if they can even Test cases or it will all blow over like "just the flu" and life can go back to normal.
Your not in the business.
Don’t know your motivation here but you are part of the problem.
All flu is serious, your just pimping fear. Google happy people like you cause others to panic. People like you are why the hospitals are filling with scared people with minor illnesses to be checked out and take beds while people with flu sit in waiting rooms. Why people are losing hours at work, income, investments and preventing many from doing what they can to better themselves.

Your references are from click bait and your statements are flat wrong except one. We should all be mindful of how our health affects others. Most people shake flu off but many are vulnerable due to other conditions.

You, or anyone, wants to chicken little your my guest. The only way what I have been trying to say comes off as dismissive is only by comparison to the panic you and others are preaching. Where were you with the first 5,000 died this year from a strain in the same envelope? You waited for a second strain to record 90, confirmed or not, because it is fashionable.

I come here to celebrate the hawks and listen to very entrenched people share knowledge of the sport I love. I have fallen into your trap and invested in this. Bad on me. I am done with this topic.

congrats. You get the last word.

wash your hands, be mindful but above all and live free.
Please don't you balance out the constant worst case doomsday posts.
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Why did Obama leave this country with a shortage of hospital beds and ventilators? Can you grow up and leave politics out of your posts?
3 years is plenty of time to address it but it never happened.Easy to look back and blame the past in situations like this but that doesn't help anything.We live and learn everyday
...if what you say is true in the above, then. China has 1.338 billion people. China should have 13.7 million dead based on a 50% infection rate. Number of dead now at 3600. Your numbers don't hold water. India has 1.3 billion. India should have 13 million dead. India has reported 3 dead reported. You told me to do the math.
Oh and China is about to resume their professional basketball leagues. The mass hysteria around this is totally overblown!! We should take precautions but totally ruining our economy and making 20-30% of our country unemployed (long term) is just ridiculous.
Annual checkup at my Dr. yesterday. He told me of 13 cases here in Missouri including one 36 year old here in St. Louis that is on a ventilator and in very bad condidtion. Younger people can get this and get it bad. Not just older folks. Oldsters are just dying quicker. Younger ones hang on longer. Their numbers will go up.

Today's paper reports cases up to 24 in MO. and Illinois went from 160 to 288.

2 Doctors here in St. Louis just tested positive for the virus.

Governor postponed April elections to June.
3 years is plenty of time to address it but it never happened.Easy to look back and blame the past in situations like this but that doesn't help anything.We live and learn everyday
Good friend of mine is a pretty big shot in the high line power industry.. We was sent an official government letter and was instructed to carry it at all times so he could continue to travel for work. The quarantine, shut down, travel ban, or whatever you want to call it is coming.

And it won’t come from Trump.. It will be announced state by state as the governing bodies from each state hold that power.
Good friend of mine is a pretty big shot in the high line power industry.. We was sent an official government letter and was instructed to carry it at all times so he could continue to travel for work. The quarantine, shut down, travel ban, or whatever you want to call it is coming.

And it won’t come from Trump.. It will be announced state by state as the governing bodies from each state hold that power.
I have that same letter. I'm assuming that all utility and communication company's were issued this in the event that curfew and travel restrictions go into effect. It was issued on the 16th. It came from a dept I never heard of before and must be part of the D.O.H.S. The Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency's (CISA) National Communications Coordination Branch (NCC). Gotta keep the infrastructure going.
Good friend of mine is a pretty big shot in the high line power industry.. We was sent an official government letter and was instructed to carry it at all times so he could continue to travel for work. The quarantine, shut down, travel ban, or whatever you want to call it is coming.

And it won’t come from Trump.. It will be announced state by state as the governing bodies from each state hold that power.
Can't say I'd be shocked, that's for sure. Non-essential occupations, take a breather.
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Annual checkup at my Dr. yesterday. He told me of 13 cases here in Missouri including one 36 year old here in St. Louis that is on a ventilator and in very bad condidtion. Younger people can get this and get it bad. Not just older folks. Oldsters are just dying quicker. Younger ones hang on longer. Their numbers will go up.

Today's paper reports cases up to 24 in MO. and Illinois went from 160 to 288.

2 Doctors here in St. Louis just tested positive for the virus.

Governor postponed April elections to June.

Italian doctors and other researchers connected online reporting that roughly half of the patients on ventilator support are under 65, many in 40’s and 30’s.....real data shows this is not just an “old person’s disease”. Only the very young (0-19) are spared the worst complications (bi-lateral pneumonia) that lead to death.

Of course, in those Italian hospitals, doctors are having to choose to ventilate (for example) a mom in her 40’s with 3 kids, instead of a person over 65 with lower chances of surviving with intact lung function. Those people are compassionately told “all is well, you’re fine,” then left to die drowning in their own accumulating lung fluid.

The places 7-10 days ahead of us are a war zone. Do everything you can to help your local hospitals avoid the impending ventilator shortages that lead to unnecessary loss of life. For most of us, that just means stay at home and stop infecting/getting infected.
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it's hard to believe you're posting on hawkeye report all day while your busting your ass to save lives.
I keep coming back here because I legit care about this community and want you guys to know what’s coming our way. I’m lucky to get two hours sleep a day and going full bore, but so are many many others. Get ready, America. The epidemiology of this virus is stealthy, efficient, and brutal.
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By the way, if anyone here still cares, Warnerov’s mom reached out on FB and said the rest are headed home tonight on a flight. Hope they make it before travel restrictions are enacted.

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