17th out of 18 BIG schools in recruiting...that's killing it! Our sales pitch and/or NIL must suck to be that bad. 250 2025 4*s and we have ONE!!!

You won't stop it....nor should it be stopped. If people donate then great....let that be something they want to do, enjoy doing and feel good about doing it. If others don't, that is their choice but it does not make them any less of a fan. Everyone has a right to donate/not donate. Everyone has 1A rights as well. You won't shut that down.
You have a choice to impact recruiting for the better by joining SWARM or you can choose to not help improve recruiting by not joining, that's your choice. However, to not join then bitch about the product on the field makes you a hypocrite. So be prepared to be called that, you earned it!!!
You have a choice to impact recruiting for the better by joining SWARM or you can choose to not help improve recruiting by not joining, that's your choice. However, to not join then bitch about the product on the field makes you a hypocrite. So be prepared to be called that, you earned it!!!
At this point there is little to no evidence that donating to the SWARM impacts recruiting for the better.
Serious question: Since BF is no longer part of the U, couldn't he help booster organizations with donations?

Seems like a better (i.e. more realistic) idea than shaming people just getting by to donate.
Serious question: Since BF is no longer part of the U, couldn't he help booster organizations with donations?

Seems like a better (i.e. more realistic) idea than shaming people just getting by to donate.
So you want one of the least popular ex-coaches in the last 30 years of Iowa football to help with donations?

Makes sense I guess. Let's roll with it.