2 Stories: Ed Horton


Dec 28, 2014
Cedar Rapids
#1 If some of you old people like me remember the first game at the Dean Dome Ed was fouled late in the game. He was a terrible free throw shooter and somehow it was Roy Marble who got to shoot the free throws. Quite the switch-a-roo. Hawks win!
#2 When his high school team won the state championship game (Kevin Gamble was on that team as well) Horton threw a towel around his shoulders and ran around screaming, "I'm superman! I'm superman!" Priceless.
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I don't know about # 2, but I remember #1 quite well. Outfoxing Dean Smith was a real riot. He even had a bit of a grin on his face at the end of the game when it seemed like he realized what had just happened to he and his team. Such a trick now would keep the talking heads chattering about morality for maybe 10 to 15 seconds and of course Wilbon would rant about what a "bully" Fran is.
a few Hortons' ...with my own eyes. That's all I will say about that.;)

Cook has some similar play...actually I think Cook is quicker than big Ed.
I remember a story about Horton having a confrontation with a group of Iowa wrestlers downtown one night during which he supposedly held his own.

There was also a game with Ohio St. where he gave a hard foul (not particularly dirty) at the rim on a breakaway and actually broke a young man's neck, who was never the same after that.
I remember a story about Horton having a confrontation with a group of Iowa wrestlers downtown one night during which he supposedly held his own.

There was also a game with Ohio St. where he gave a hard foul (not particularly dirty) at the rim on a breakaway and actually broke a young man's neck, who was never the same after that.

That is how Gerry Wright ended up with a broken hand that year if I'm not mistaken.
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a few Hortons' ...with my own eyes. That's all I will say about that.;)

Cook has some similar play...actually I think Cook is quicker than big Ed.
Cook is much more explosive off the floor. I love the look on his face when he dunks! His eyes get as big as saucers, and he has that,"did you see that" look on his face!
"Cornbread" Eddie Horton, sure. Bruiser/enforcer type on those teams. Actually played in the NBA with I believe the Sixers and Bullets too.
Yes later on they showed Jay Burson on TV with his head in traction. Don't hurt the children Crusher!
I remember a story about Horton having a confrontation with a group of Iowa wrestlers downtown one night during which he supposedly held his own.

I believe it was with Royce Alger, an all American wrestler who certainly was a bad ass. There was some bad blood between the teams for a while.
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Horton was well known to have a lot of issues, and was damned lucky he wasn't thrown off the team or out of school.
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Ed's Dad was notorious in Downstate Illinois. Went to the Iowa-Illlinois game years ago and talked to a state trooper who had arrested him. Pretty sure he did federal time.
Gerry Wright sliced his hand open walking thru a plate glass door at the physics building. Was there at the time. He was going to class & talking with friends and bam.
I'm sorry but I find this very hard to believe
I always find it hard to believe that people find it hard to believe. Ed was 6'8 240 pounds. The only guys close in size would be HWs. If the guys were lower weights it would be like a grown man fighting children.
I always find it hard to believe that people find it hard to believe. Ed was 6'8 240 pounds. The only guys close in size would be HWs. If the guys were lower weights it would be like a grown man fighting children.

Fighting children lol...yeah you're right there. But man have you ever messed with a good wrestler? They are strong as hell and have them dang wrestling moves. How did the fight go down? Would love the details. I'm sure Ed was probably a very strong guy himself.
Fighting children lol...yeah you're right there. But man have you ever messed with a good wrestler? They are strong as hell and have them dang wrestling moves. How did the fight go down? Would love the details. I'm sure Ed was probably a very strong guy himself.
Im a former wrestler and a season ticket holder. I know how tough they are. Thats a lot of size to give up though. And Ed Horton was tough SOB. I have no problem believing it.

I dont know the details but enough people have reported it so it must be true right? ;)
It was sophomore year 1987. Royce Alger was one of the four wrestlers. I don't remember who the other 3 where.
I worked out with Royce in the old field house when they turned it into the rec center.
I was 6'1 220 at the time. Royce liked working out with bigger dudes because guys his size had trouble spotting him. He was strong as a bull! It didn't surprise me when he was 158lb National Champion.

BJ, Roy and Ed were frequent visitors to the field house bar downtown.
This fight was legendary and the one night I'm not there, it goes down. I'm still pissed, I missed it.
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I remember a story about Horton having a confrontation with a group of Iowa wrestlers downtown one night during which he supposedly held his own.

There was also a game with Ohio St. where he gave a hard foul (not particularly dirty) at the rim on a breakaway and actually broke a young man's neck, who was never the same after that.

That story with Ed and the wrestling team is true, he more than held his own.

Amazingly, no arrests and nothing on the paper.

Then there was the pool balls taken from one dorm and thrown at the other dorm a couple days later. A few broken windows, no big deal. Wrestling team was at Slater and Bb was t the dorm accross the street.

Horton was a bad ass MF.
Sitting under the basket at Carver vs. Michigan...Michigan guard (iirc Antoine Jourbert) drives the lane and Horton blocks his shot into the 3rd row, and looks down at him on the floor and says "Don't bring none of that pussy shit in here boy!" Classic.
"Cornbread" Eddie Horton, sure. Bruiser/enforcer type on those teams. Actually played in the NBA with I believe the Sixers and Bullets too.
Played one year with Bullets. Got in 45 games and started 10. I think he then went to Israel to play.
Horton was well known to have a lot of issues, and was damned lucky he wasn't thrown off the team or out of school.

A friend was a neighbor of Horton. He said Eddie liked to party with him and his friends. If I remember correctly he called him "Snortin Eddie Horton"

Its college and kids party. No big deal to me.
Horton knew how to use his big butt to create position and had a nasty chicken wing that he usually got away with going to the basket. Rumors that both Horton and Roy Sr. both liked to party a little too much and Dr.Tom looked the other way.
Horton knew how to use his big butt to create position and had a nasty chicken wing that he usually got away with going to the basket. Rumors that both Horton and Roy Sr. both liked to party a little too much and Dr.Tom looked the other way.
Rumor? We paid for both of them to go to rehab.
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I believe Curtis Cuthpert joined the two of them for a trip up to Minnesota near a famed golf course?


This is Ed Horton stuff is reminding me of the SNL skit from the mid/late '90's where four guys would sit at a bar, drink, and talk about the tales of Bill Brasky!
Ed Horton once went full court, ran through Kent Hill, took from the free throw line, did a line off the top of the backboard, and slammed the ball so hard he shattered the back board...all with Mark Jewell on his back. Its the only dunk in hisyory more badass than Gerry Wrights cartwheel jam.
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I remember a story about Horton having a confrontation with a group of Iowa wrestlers downtown one night during which he supposedly held his own.

There was also a game with Ohio St. where he gave a hard foul (not particularly dirty) at the rim on a breakaway and actually broke a young man's neck, who was never the same after that.

That was Kent Hill. The OSU player was Jay Burson. It ended his BB career.
#1 If some of you old people like me remember the first game at the Dean Dome Ed was fouled late in the game. He was a terrible free throw shooter and somehow it was Roy Marble who got to shoot the free throws. Quite the switch-a-roo. Hawks win!
#2 When his high school team won the state championship game (Kevin Gamble was on that team as well) Horton threw a towel around his shoulders and ran around screaming, "I'm superman! I'm superman!" Priceless.
It's funny because out of all the many games Carolina fans have to remember that moment when Marble won the Oscar is one of them. Grew up watching Roy. He is my favorite Hawk.