My definition of a good season is 7-8 wins.
My definition of "elite" season is 10-12 wins.
We have had good seasons and elite seasons since 2004. Iowa is a development program and will never string together 4-5 years stretches of 10+ wins. Its just not how its done here and sorry but we are not a "top tier" program as OSU, Bama, MICH, PSU, and others. Those teams don't replace, they reload. Iowa on the other hand has to replace and then develop talent.
7 wins is an average season, and really mediocre considering the schedules they ususlly come agaimst. When you play 2 cupcakes, Isu, Minnesota, NW, every year. Then throw in Illinios, Indiana, Purdue Rutgets and Maryland on a rotating basis.
Those are teams that recruit lesser players than Iowa.
We usually only play 2 or 3 good teams a year.
Who asked for 4-5 years in a row of 10 wins. Show me this? Where?
Iowas only managed it twice in 13 years. You need to accept the reality of that. Thats not very good. Its not worth the money and its not difficult to do for a ton of other coaches. Mark Farley and Matt Campbell could probably do it.
Iowa is mediocre and boring to watch.