2020 Senior Nationals-Results

Taylor, Snyder, Cassar, Berge all seriously injured in freestyle in the last couple years from NLWC. Something not right in the room. Seriously I am worried about Gilman.

clark, Desanto, Spencer, Marinelli.. and more have been banged up .. it’s a tough sport . I hope you were joking but you did put ‘seriously’ in your post.
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Taylor, Snyder, Cassar, Berge all seriously injured in freestyle in the last couple years from NLWC. Something not right in the room. Seriously I am worried about Gilman.
How many times has this been said about the Hawkeyes? Injuries happen.
All I know is before the injury Gadson was making Snyder look more then mortal. I was watching his other matches against lower ranked opponents expecting to see some more diverse attacks. This is what they have been talking about since he headed over to NLWC, if anything by the looks Of these few matches he has digressed.
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Eireman started hot, and went out with a whimper. Dominated by both Henderson and McKenna.
Bradley and Hemida went full wwe. First went through the table then a hard check into the boards.
Eierman looks under-powered and his defense is pretty bad. Too dependent on funk. I have not noticed much of a gut or lace offense either which ties into being under-powered.
Eierman looks under-powered and his defense is pretty bad. Too dependent on funk. I have not noticed much of a gut or lace offense either which ties into being under-powered.
He got plenty of turns this tournament.
All I know is before the injury Gadson was making Snyder look more then mortal. I was watching his other matches against lower ranked opponents expecting to see some more diverse attacks. This is what they have been talking about since he headed over to NLWC, if anything by the looks Of these few matches he has digressed.
Synder doesn't look unbeatable since he started getting beat.
Well If that didn’t fly right over my head then. Maybe reading it from every non-iowa poster made me numb to the sarcasm 🤦🏻‍♂️

For years, Brands was tagged with the “he’s overtraining” them label....burning guys out and causing injuries etc. Now they are seen as “ducking” (especially when it comes to Lee) when it comes to picking their spots for rest during the season.
For years, Brands was tagged with the “he’s overtraining” them label....burning guys out and causing injuries etc. Now they are seen as “ducking” (especially when it comes to Lee) when it comes to picking their spots for rest during the season.

The “ducking” drove me nuts with Lee last year. My God, he wrestled an almost full schedule while still going to Dallas mid season to wrestle way better competition in a different style and crushing it. It just happened to overlap with the Glory match. The same guy he has teched. I get people want to see all wrestlers go all the time. But Tom always does what is best for the kids. Period. And Chief you are 100 percent right. It went from Brands grinding the wrestlers down too much to then ducking. JFC. Brands can’t win.
All I know is before the injury Gadson was making Snyder look more then mortal. I was watching his other matches against lower ranked opponents expecting to see some more diverse attacks. This is what they have been talking about since he headed over to NLWC, if anything by the looks Of these few matches he has digressed.
I agree with every word of this post except the last one...but I digress.
The “ducking” drove me nuts with Lee last year. My God, he wrestled an almost full schedule while still going to Dallas mid season to wrestle way better competition in a different style and crushing it. It just happened to overlap with the Glory match. The same guy he has teched. I get people want to see all wrestlers go all the time. But Tom always does what is best for the kids. Period. And Chief you are 100 percent right. It went from Brands grinding the wrestlers down too much to then ducking. JFC. Brands can’t win.

Even worse, the “ducking” stuff was based on the prior season. When Lee was clearly struggling with something...yet wrestled nearly every match.
Even worse, the “ducking” stuff was based on the prior season. When Lee was clearly struggling with something...yet wrestled nearly every match.

Exactly. It actually (the rumor) came from someone who I am not fond of and who is a proven liar and has never seen a mat which is sickening. But the fact is Tom does what is right for the kids. And all decisions are discussed with the athlete and their families I have been told. And Spooner to answer what you said, how did SL look winning the championship versus getting stuck by Picc. SL was not close to 100 percent and this goes to what Chief said about putting people out there that Tom wrestles through with the kids. I would bet Tom would say now SL should not have wrestled against Picc. Once again, though would that be ducking? SL at 50 percent beats Picc. Thankfully, SL got healthy and won a Championship.
What's the point of requiring masks if it's not going to be enforced?
They have to cover their butt, so they "require" masks. How do you enforce it? People who are going to wrestling tournaments are not worried about covid. The ones who stay home may be worried, but the ones who go, for the most part think it is a joke.
What's the point of requiring masks if it's not going to be enforced?

It really would not be hard to enforce it. There are plenty of security/arena employees to roam around and ask people to put their masks on or leave. While the people that attend may not be worried about getting Covid, it would be nice if they also cared about giving Covid to others - including other fans, athletes, and coaches.

Most people wore masks in the hallways and other open spaces, but took them off or didn’t wear them properly when in their seats. While I am not particularly scared of getting Covid, I am also trying my best (within reason- I went to Senior Nationals (wearing about N95), eat at restaurants that practice social distancing, etc.) not to get it or spread it.

When people attend and don’t wear masks at events like this, they kind of ruin it for everyone. I cannot see how the NCAA will allow fans in an indoor arena when people won’t wear masks. Could you imagine having fans at the Big Ten Tournament that don’t wear masks and turn it into a superspreader event and infect many of the wrestlers - who are then not able to wrestle at Nationals?

I am not a big alarmist, but I would like to watch wrestling in person. When people won’t wear masks, that isn’t going to happen.
It really would not be hard to enforce it. There are plenty of security/arena employees to roam around and ask people to put their masks on or leave. While the people that attend may not be worried about getting Covid, it would be nice if they also cared about giving Covid to others - including other fans, athletes, and coaches.

Most people wore masks in the hallways and other open spaces, but took them off or didn’t wear them properly when in their seats. While I am not particularly scared of getting Covid, I am also trying my best (within reason- I went to Senior Nationals (wearing about N95), eat at restaurants that practice social distancing, etc.) not to get it or spread it.

When people attend and don’t wear masks at events like this, they kind of ruin it for everyone. I cannot see how the NCAA will allow fans in an indoor arena when people won’t wear masks. Could you imagine having fans at the Big Ten Tournament that don’t wear masks and turn it into a superspreader event and infect many of the wrestlers - who are then not able to wrestle at Nationals?

I am not a big alarmist, but I would like to watch wrestling in person. When people won’t wear masks, that isn’t going to happen.
If you’re social distancing and only sitting with those you came with, why do you need to wear it at your seat?

Also nobody wore masks at Big Tens last year. Was it a cause of many people getting the virus? I don’t know that answer but it happened 4 days before everything shut down.
If you’re social distancing and only sitting with those you came with, why do you need to wear it at your seat?

Also nobody wore masks at Big Tens last year. Was it a cause of many people getting the virus? I don’t know that answer but it happened 4 days before everything shut down.

6 feet is a general rule of thumb - grossly oversimplified . Certainly 6 feet away outdoors for relatively short periods of time is certainly safe. 6 feet indoors without great ventilation for 3+ hours is by no means “safe”. Aerosols can be present much more than 6 feet. Sitting 6 feet away was generally applied over the weekend, but not always by any means - and the arena was only about 1/4 full (if that).

During Big Tens last year, the incidence of Covid was very, very low. There is a reasonably good chance that no one at Big Tens had Covid. The incidence now is much, much higher. Hopefully there is a vaccine by next March or the incidence plunges, because I already have my hotel in St Louis and plan on being there if it is allowed.
For the love of Gable could we please keep one frickin post about wrestling. It isn’t necessary to post your beliefs on masks, covid, or politics in every damn post.

Now that is well said! I mentioned this in a football thread. Don’t we have an off topic board for politics, etc.? At a minimum, keep it contained to one thread and not infect all threads (maybe a bad term use with Covid but you know what I mean).
Now that is well said! I mentioned this in a football thread. Don’t we have an off topic board for politics, etc.? At a minimum, keep it contained to one thread and not infect all threads (maybe a bad term use with Covid but you know what I mean).

COVID is super contagious that even with good intentions, it spreads to other forums/threads.
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For the love of Gable could we please keep one frickin post about wrestling. It isn’t necessary to post your beliefs on masks, covid, or politics in every damn post.

Sorry for the distraction and I agree. I just want to watch wrestling in person. When people don’t follow the rules, that won’t happen.
Sorry for the distraction and I agree. I just want to watch wrestling in person. When people don’t follow the rules, that won’t happen.

And I guess I should clarify. I fully realize Covid gets into sports threads. Be it the athletes being safe or whether there will fans, etc. That is understandable. But it just seems inevitably to then bring politics into a discussion.
All I know is before the injury Gadson was making Snyder look more then mortal. I was watching his other matches against lower ranked opponents expecting to see some more diverse attacks. This is what they have been talking about since he headed over to NLWC, if anything by the looks Of these few matches he has digressed.
Gadson has taken down Snyder before....