***2024 Presidential Debate Thread****

This conversation only occurs when the life expectancy is 0. Usually no lungs, partially developed brain or heart, some vital organ that is not there than they cannot fix with surgeries, and anymore they can fix a lot. Classmate of mines son has basically had a heart completely rebuilt. Have no idea how or why. In either case they can do some magical stuff. This is just crazy.
And assuming they’ve been seeing a doctor all along, it doesn’t happen too often that they don’t have some idea something is wrong before the due date.
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And assuming they’ve been seeing a doctor all along, it doesn’t happen too often that they don’t have some idea something is wrong before the due date.
Exactly. my wife and I had all the tests done and checked (she usually did an additional test) to verify the child was healthy and there were no major issues in development. We had always talked about the possibility of abortion and kind of the range of what we would be willing to handle if there were other diagnosis to pop up. I don't think this is normal conversation for most, but I found this to be very good in general. It gave us a guideline on what we do in specific instances. I have had one of my good friends almost bleed out at the University of Iowa, basically used up the entire allotment of blood, and had she been at another hospital may not have made it. My brothers nephew has severe development issues, will require 24/7 medical care. Likely will have a short life expectancies. Those are the types of cases we were discussing, severe risk to the mother or baby with no good long term outlook.
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Exactly. my wife and I had all the tests done and checked (she usually did an additional test) to verify the child was healthy and there were no major issues in development. We had always talked about the possibility of abortion and kind of the range of what we would be willing to handle if there were other diagnosis to pop up. I don't think this is normal conversation for most, but I found this to be very good in general. It gave us a guideline on what we do in specific instances. I have had one of my good friends almost bleed out at the University of Iowa, basically used up the entire allotment of blood, and had she been at another hospital may not have made it. My brothers nephew has severe development issues, will require 24/7 medical care. Likely will have a short life expectancies. Those are the types of cases we were discussing, severe risk to the mother or baby with no good long term outlook.
I can’t imagine a worse moment than something like that.
Trump was talking about abortion. Post birth it’s not abortion. So you see this? There is no abortion after birth. Why can’t you understand that?
Correct what he is implying is murder not abortion. He and Trump both have the mental aptitude of a 3rd grader, and I may have to rethink that. My daughter (no pics) 3rd grader came in and said "Trump said people are eating cats and dogs??? What a wierdo. " LOL, made me laugh.
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If they do another debate. I’d say October 15th on CNN. Since the consensus is they were nearly perfect in June.
The infamous quote Trump throws around about aborting a baby post birth.

I provided the direct quote earlier.
"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam says in a video from the 2019 interview being shared online. “The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

The quote clearly states that the baby would be delivered. It is stating that abortion is not an option in this scenario.

The situation described here is an infant being placed on life support for example a ventilator. This does happen and parents may choose to not pursue certain life sustaining options.
You know that right now, in every state, family could conceivably ask that there baby not be resuscitated. The physicians might not go along, but they could ask. And there are always discussions between the family and physician about the extent of resuscitation. What’s wrong with you?

As far as full term abortions here is the story. They don’t happen except in extreme cases. The baby is dead or dying with a non survivable condition. The mother’s dying. If the baby is able to survive it’s not an abortion it’s not an abortion it’s a delivery.

What you and your ilk want is for late term abortions to be outlawed. Then, when a mother dies because of her pregnancy, you will shrug your shoulders and congratulate yourself on how pro life you are.

Late term abortions are the only card pro-lifers have left to play. 70% pf the public favor choice. The Orange Turd makes a fool of himself every day, now on a nationally televised debate claiming the public wants the issue to go states. Bullshit. He fcked up everything with his SCOTUS moves and the push back by the public will eventually catch up with the arcane, dinosaur state legislators.
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“I can’t say voters are better off today than they were 4 years ago.”
“I can’t say I’m against month 9 abortions.”
“I can’t say I made the border better but I promise to do it later.”

Empty suit extremist. No one has any real idea where she stands on any issue. No one knows.

Voting for Kamala is voting for Big Government, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex, Big Agriculture interests, Big Tech Companies like Google and Microsoft, Every Spy Agency, and furtherance of the unelected no representation Globalist design for the future of the world.

Fun times.

You zip line "quotes" without context or substance. Of course, you or me or anyone else can find anything at any time.

Your Orange Puke can't speak coherently long enough to piece anything together to form a quote. Biden found himself challenged and had the grace and fortitude to withdraw. You can ridicule and berate him and the Democratic party, but it was remarkable show of humility.

Instead of your constant MAGA attack you should consider: do you sincerely think this incoherent, irrational Orange piece of shit is what America needs for leadership? And, while you're at it, throw in an incompetent rube for a VP.

Leadership of the free world.
Thumb on the Nuke button.
Making rational decisions.
Filling cabinet positions with capable, non-criminal personnel.

Let's park his criminal aspect for now, particularly the forthcoming election conspiracy charges.

You use extremist to characterize Harris. You have no concept of ideology if you run a side-by-side comparison and believe Harris is more extreme than the Orange Turd.
"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam says in a video from the 2019 interview being shared online. “The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

The quote clearly states that the baby would be delivered. It is stating that abortion is not an option in this scenario.

The situation described here is an infant being placed on life support for example a ventilator. This does happen and parents may choose to not pursue certain life sustaining options.
You’re being entirely too reasonable for people who believe the baby would be taken away and smothered with a pillow.