
Okay,reached out to a couple of friends for feedback and they said that they are hearing that the property is beautiful and clean(I'm sure being brand new helps with that), food is very good, great pools, beach so so. They also felt the service was very good. Let me know if you have any specific questions.
HROT will award 3boysmom "The Citizen Of The
Month" for March 2015. Her efforts to answer
questions on her day off (Sunday) is above and
beyond the call of duty.
Thank you so much. You are truly a great resource. Now let's talk turkey. You plan these trips right? Give me a number I can reach you at if so. Otherwise I will call travel by Jen since I have used them before. Thanks.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
My question is why is it so much cheaper to fly into Vienna than Munich? Answer me that one 3boys!!

It's $123 cheaper (per ticket) to fly 300 miles further.....and its non-stop, as opposed to an hour lay-over in Berlin (and another chance to miss a connection!)
To fly "non-stop" (the cheaper ticket above), the difference would be over $350/ticket!
Originally posted by joelbc1:
My question is why is it so much cheaper to fly into Vienna than Munich? Answer me that one 3boys!!  

It's $123 cheaper (per ticket) to fly 300 miles further.....and its non-stop, as opposed to an hour lay-over in Berlin (and another chance to  miss a connection!)
   To fly "non-stop" (the cheaper ticket above), the difference would be over $350/ticket! 
Part of that difference are the taxes at those airports. It was double the last time I checked
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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