47 says CIA killed JFKJr

That is absurd. The angles where Oswald's shots were fired are well documented.

This book is good:

Read about the difference between frangible ammo - as was used in the AR-15 - and what Oswald used, which was full metal jacket. And look at the kill shot to JFK, vs the initial wounds to JFK (neck) and Connally.

Not at all implausible. You laughing it off doesn’t make it any less so.
Read about the difference between frangible ammo - as was used in the AR-15 - and what Oswald used, which was full metal jacket. And look at the kill shot to JFK, vs the initial wounds to JFK (neck) and Connally.

Not at all implausible. You laughing it off doesn’t make it any less so.

Do you think that hasn't been studied for 50+ years?

It has.

Do you think that hasn't been studied for 50+ years?

It has.

You believe in a work of fiction cobbled together by men 2,000 years ago that frames your entire moral code.

No surprise that you gobble up the Warren Commission report as gospel as well.

Men are fallible, Brian. And make very big mistakes. And also try to cover them up. Bigly.
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You believe in a work of fiction cobbled together by men 2,000 years ago that frames your entire moral code.

No surprise that you gobble up the Warren Commission report as gospel as well.

Men are fallible, Brian. And make very big mistakes. And also try to cover them up. Bigly.

The Gospels aren't fiction, FYI. You make up your moral code yourself and it's sorely lacking.

Men are indeed fallible.

Why don't you prove your conclusions about the JFK asassination to the media, government or academia?

You would be world famous and rich.

Unfortunately, there's 0 chance you can.
The Gospels aren't fiction, FYI. You make up your moral code yourself and it's sorely lacking.

Men are indeed fallible.

Why don't you prove your conclusions about the JFK asassination to the media, government or academia?

You would be world famous and rich.

Unfortunately, there's 0 chance you can.

Oh Brian. So gullible and naive. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
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So, why didn’t Trump declassify everything when he was president?

Another for the conspiracy crowd who eats whatever they fed (cool, but not me)
If you are so grounded, rational, and open minded, why can’t you keep one handle?
You can't prove anything because the facts show Oswald killed JFK.

It's easier to embrace ignorance and conspiracy theories for some people.

Watch this:

Oswald was certainly involved in the assassination attempt. I never said he wasn’t. Doesn’t take a great leap to say the kill shot came from another weapon fired behind JFK.

Secret Service were notorious for their late night drinking escapades and were running ragged in Texas. This is well documented.

Mistakes certainly happened with their watch over JFK while in Texas. Not as cut and dried as “Oswald acted alone”. Warren Commission and LBJ needed to tie a tight ribbon about a single gunman/theory while leaving plausible gaps in their conclusions.
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Oswald was certainly involved in the assassination attempt. I never said he wasn’t. Doesn’t take a great leap to say the kill shot came from another weapon fired behind JFK.

Secret Service were notorious for their late night drinking escapades and were running ragged in Texas. This is well documented.

Mistakes certainly happened with their watch over JFK while in Texas. Not as cut and dried as “Oswald acted alone”. Warren Commission and LBJ needed to tie a tight ribbon about a single gunman/theory while leaving plausible gaps in their conclusions.


Are you insinuating that LBJ killed JFK and used the Secret Service to cover it up??

No serious historian believes that.

I've read books by Clint Hill. He's still alive. There's no conspiracy that wouldn't have been exposed in a week.


Are you insinuating that LBJ killed JFK and used the Secret Service to cover it up??

No serious historian believes that.

I've read books by Clint Hill. He's still alive. There's no conspiracy that wouldn't have been exposed in a week.

Your reading comprehension sucks. I didn’t say LBJ killed Kennedy.

LBJ - and the country - needed a neatly tied summary of the assassination and, thus, we got the Warren Report.
Your reading comprehension sucks. I didn’t say LBJ killed Kennedy.

LBJ - and the country - needed a neatly tied summary of the assassination and, thus, we got the Warren Report.

Who killed JFK and covered it up, in your conspiracy theory?
I pretty much figured they were involved from the beginning. After the Bay of Pigs disaster, the CIA was 100% anti JFK.
Telling them he planned to dismantle might be a slight motive plus the MIP wanted to go to Vietnam to “stop the spread of communism” which he wasn’t about and that just wasn’t going to work for the war pigs.

Same theme now with “Putin won’t stop at Ukraine” yada yada. CIA learned a long time ago throw radio and messaging they could control the majority (sheep) Not hard to spot them
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Reaction scores are a way of life around here. You need to assimilate.
Star Trek Borg GIF
The Gospels aren't fiction, FYI. You make up your moral code yourself and it's sorely lacking.

Men are indeed fallible.

Why don't you prove your conclusions about the JFK asassination to the media, government or academia?

You would be world famous and rich.

Unfortunately, there's 0 chance you can.
Welp the gospel was written by those of power and influence. The low class didn’t start to read and write as a majority in the 1900s. Before that history and facts/stories told and written by those who wanted to control a narrative. But that’s just my opinion I respect that you believe differently
You believe in a work of fiction cobbled together by men 2,000 years ago that frames your entire moral code.

No surprise that you gobble up the Warren Commission report as gospel as well.

Men are fallible, Brian. And make very big mistakes. And also try to cover them up. Bigly.
What if I believe in the Bible and the CIA killing J FK? Would that blow your mind? I'm not saying that's what I believe but what if...
Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

Differing views are hard for some to take and they approve the government censoring (TikTok ban/Restrict act) because thinking for self or differing views needs to be shut down.
Gotta love the hypocrisy. Take their ball and go home when anyone else but a radical liberal has a differing view.
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Regardless, Oswald acted alone. If it was a conspiracy, it would have been exposed in a week.

Humans are bad at keeping secrets on a huge level like that.

I agree that Oswald acted alone. But the investigation was so bad and a lot of important evidence got lost, I can't entirely blame someone for questioning that.

However I look at it via Hanlon's Razor "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"
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I mean duh but let’s discuss
This is the guy who publicly mused about the efficacy of putting disinfectant in a human body to combat COVID, made fascinating claims about aviation during the Revolutionary War, and is so knowledgeable about the Civil War even Ken Burns is impressed, and this is whom you trust to unlock the 60-year-old mystery of the JFK assassination?

Well, as long as you’re not deep in your feelings while adulting and 420ing, more power to you. 🤡
the MIP wanted to go to Vietnam to “stop the spread of communism”

America had already sent military advisors, money, and equipment to Vietnam in the early 1950s.

So, the question was to escalation, not involvement. Truman had already gotten America involved.

While it is true JFK was opposed to further involvement in Vietnam, what evidence do you have that LBJ was in the war hawks’ back pocket at the time of the Kennedy assassination? Johnson didn’t escalate the war until 1965 after a couple US ships had been fired upon.
what evidence do you have that LBJ was in the war hawks’ back pocket at the time of the Kennedy assassination?
The Internet Bro.

All you have to do is type in what you believe into the search bar and you WILL find "evidence" to corroborate your belief. It really doesn't matter what the discussion argument is, you can find a link to support it. So, then it just comes down to laughing at each other's "sources".

sarcastic willy wonka GIF

;) :cool:
The Internet Bro.

All you have to do is type in what you believe into the search bar and you WILL find "evidence" to corroborate your belief. It really doesn't matter what the discussion argument is, you can find a link to support it. So, then it just comes down to laughing at each other's "sources".

sarcastic willy wonka GIF

;) :cool:
Not new.

On my 10th username.

Just trying to keep pace with “Ryan.”
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So....the modern re-enactments with precise measurements and timing, matched many times over with the same rifle, rounds, distances and time. By multiple shooters of varying ability. LHO acted alone. It's stupid to suggest otherwise anymore. Yes, I know. What about the Umbrella Man? What about the Three Tramps? What about the sewers? What about the Babushka Lady?
That Warren Commison report was flawed. They ignored several witnesses that smelled gunpowder at street level .
Two different types of injuries suggest two different types of weapons. One was a full metal jacket bullet that traveled thru Kennedy and bullet that killed him was an exploding shell found in assault rifles.
No one may give it much credence but I actually believe it was an accidental shooting by the secret service traveling behind Kennedy. Just my .02$ worth.
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That Warren Commison report was flawed. They ignored several witnesses that smelled gunpowder at street level .
Two different types of injuries suggest two different types of weapons. One was a full metal jacket bullet that traveled thru Kennedy and bullet that killed him was an exploding shell found in assault rifles.
No one may give it much credence but I actually believe it was an accidental shooting by the secret service traveling behind Kennedy. Just my .02$ worth.
I assume you believe Oswald, a military dropout handling an antiquated Carcano rifle got off those shots that quick? Sorry don’t see it. And if you believe what the “government “ tells you in a report I have some beach front property in Arizona to sell ya
I assume you believe Oswald, a military dropout handling an antiquated Carcano rifle got off those shots that quick? Sorry don’t see it. And if you believe what the “government “ tells you in a report I have some beach front property in Arizona to sell ya

Are you quoting yourself?

Yes, Oswald, a former Marine sniper, hit a slow moving target in a wide open area.

It wasn't a difficult shot for him at all. The physical evidence proves Oswald was the shooter.

One thing is for certain. Two things. #1. Oliver Stone's idea via Donald Sutherland (RIP) that Kennedy got whacked because he was pushing for peace with the Soviets is maybe the silliest reimagination of who Kennedy was in the Camelot canon. #2. It's baffling how much shorter it feels to read Don DeLillo's JFK book than it feels to watch the Oliver Stone movie.
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Are you quoting yourself?

Yes, Oswald, a former Marine sniper, hit a slow moving target in a wide open area.

It wasn't a difficult shot for him at all. The physical evidence proves Oswald was the shooter.

You’re a sheep because you know everything the government tells u is truth. Care to explain how the bullets used behaved so differently ?
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