Because in the building blocks of ALL mammal life on earth you have a male and female. This isn't god speaking, it's not bigotry, it's kindergarten science. There's only 2 sexes, 2 genders, and you can't change them through modern medicine.
You can wear the opposite gender's clothes, you can speak, act, and think like the opposite gender, you can use medicine to change your appearance, and surgery to add and remove parts (sort of).. but after you have turned yourself into a clown, at the end of your days you will still be male or female because it's in your DNA.. it's in your bones.
There is an overlap of personality traits between men and women. 30% of women may be more masculine than some men and vice versa. The WPATH would have you believe that this 30% were born in the wrong body (and actually are the opposite sex), but in reality they are perfectly normal people, they just don't fit the masculine or feminine stereotype. In the name of "acceptance", we have told our kids that they were born in the wrong body because they do not meet traditional male/female stereotypes. Its pretty messed up.
"What is being called “gender identity” is likely an individual’s perception of how their own sex-related and environmentally influenced personality compares to same and opposite sexed people. Put another way, it’s a self-assessment of one’s stereotypical degree of “masculinity” or “femininity,” and it’s wrongly being conflated with biological sex. This conflation stems from a cultural failure to understand the broad distribution of personalities and preferences
within sexes and the overlap
between sexes."
"there is a lack of understanding when it comes to the distribution of sex-related personality and behavioral differences. This lack of understanding has led to confusion. That confusion impacts children who fall at the extreme tail-ends of the distribution, who are statistically more likely to grow up to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual adults if allowed to experience uninterrupted puberty.n Additionally, telling a child that he or she was born in the wrong body pathologizes “gender non-conforming” behavior and makes gender dysphoria less likely to resolve."
"no child is born in the wrong body. Adults should expand their understanding of what normal male and female behavior and preferences look like. They should understand that being male and being female both come with a wide range of personalities, preferences, and possibilities."
"Developmental studies show that children have only a superficial understanding of sex and gender at best. For instance, up until age 7, children often believe that if a boy puts on a dress, he
becomes a girl.
[d] This gives us reason to doubt whether a coherent concept of gender identity exists
at all in young children. Additionally, the concept relies on stereotypes that encourage the conflation of gender with sex."
by William J. Malone, M.D., endocrinologist (Twitter: @will_malone). with contributions from Colin M. Wright, Ph.D., (Twitter: @SwipeWright), biologist and Eberly Research Fellow at Penn State Univ…