A father pushes past his own LGBTQ bigotry as he raises a trans child

I don’t think guys with dicks should be in women’s locker room and winning national championships in women’s sports.

I don’t think hormones or surgery should be done on minors for gender.

Changes nothing for me.

Ridiculous to permanently alter somebody’s life when they have likely only lived about 15% of it and are physically healthy.
Well huey is our resident perv and he's totes cool with dudes in women's spaces, because he doesn't care about women, he cares about the letter people. Now if the women fall into one of his precious categories he MIGHT care.
Threads like this are always great because occasionally brand new posters that haven't posted yet will react to certain posts and out themselves as pieces of shit before they even post a single word. A couple new additions to the ignore list from this one. Thank you OP!
Interesting story about one man and his evolution as a parent. Read it before you go to your set positions about gender and which bathroom a citizen uses to expel waste from their bodies.
Anyone that has children knows you will love your kid unconditionally. If my kids told me they were gay I wouldn’t love them any less. My problem is letting kids decide before their mind is fully developed. Parents need to guide those decisions.
Why is the right so overly simplistic in expressing their thoughts? Yes, they chop their balls off. Some of you are beyond dumb. It would help if you got out of rural Iowa once in a while.
Because in the building blocks of ALL mammal life on earth you have a male and female. This isn't god speaking, it's not bigotry, it's kindergarten science. There's only 2 sexes, 2 genders, and you can't change them through modern medicine.

You can wear the opposite gender's clothes, you can speak, act, and think like the opposite gender, you can use medicine to change your appearance, and surgery to add and remove parts (sort of).. but after you have turned yourself into a clown, at the end of your days you will still be male or female because it's in your DNA.. it's in your bones.
Well huey is our resident perv and he's totes cool with dudes in women's spaces, because he doesn't care about women, he cares about the letter people. Now if the women fall into one of his precious categories he MIGHT care.
just functionally, isn't it easier to keep dudes out of women's spaces if those women's spaces don't have trans men in them (and vice versa)?

you're advocating for a situation in which people like kaitlyn jenner would use the mens room and the person in picture earlier (with the beard) would be using the women's room. that's a better, more comfortable arrangement for all involved? as a whole, there would be people who look like men using women's bathrooms in this situation...that doesn't seem like an improvement
Here are a few resources if anyone is interested in learning more. The first one is a review of all the current literature and their analysis from those studies. This report was commissioned by NHS England to make recommendations on how to improve NHS gender identity services, and ensure that children and young people who are questioning their gender identity or experiencing gender dysphoria receive a high standard of care, that meets their needs, is safe, holistic and effective.

The second is a report of leaked documents and conversations from gender care providers that details how little care was given for the long term outcome of their patients and the debilitating and potentially fatal side effects of gender affirming treatment.

Both of these are long, but they are worth reading if you know someone who is trans or you genuinely want to learn more.
just functionally, isn't it easier to keep dudes out of women's spaces if those women's spaces don't have trans men in them (and vice versa)?

you're advocating for a situation in which people like kaitlyn jenner would use the mens room and the person in picture earlier (with the beard) would be using the women's room. that's a better, more comfortable arrangement for all involved? as a whole, there would be people who look like men using women's bathrooms in this situation...that doesn't seem like an improvement
I am not advocating for any of that. Frankly, I don't care what people "look like" I care that dudes with C&Bs stay out of women's spaces. I don't care if they wear a dress to leave the house or not, let your inner freak fly!
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I am not advocating for any of that. Frankly, I don't care what people "look like" I care that dudes with C&Bs stay out of women's spaces. I don't care if they wear a dress to leave the house or not, let your inner freak fly!
you can say you don't care or you're not advocating for it, but in reality...that's what this means

if you're saying bathroom use goes by 'C&Bs' and not what people "look like", that means that you'll have people that "look like" men using womens rooms and people that "look like" women using mens rooms

because whether like it or care about it or approve of it, there are going to be people have C&Bs but look like women and people who don't have C&Bs but look like men
Because in the building blocks of ALL mammal life on earth you have a male and female. This isn't god speaking, it's not bigotry, it's kindergarten science. There's only 2 sexes, 2 genders, and you can't change them through modern medicine.

You can wear the opposite gender's clothes, you can speak, act, and think like the opposite gender, you can use medicine to change your appearance, and surgery to add and remove parts (sort of).. but after you have turned yourself into a clown, at the end of your days you will still be male or female because it's in your DNA.. it's in your bones.
There is an overlap of personality traits between men and women. 30% of women may be more masculine than some men and vice versa. The WPATH would have you believe that this 30% were born in the wrong body (and actually are the opposite sex), but in reality they are perfectly normal people, they just don't fit the masculine or feminine stereotype. In the name of "acceptance", we have told our kids that they were born in the wrong body because they do not meet traditional male/female stereotypes. Its pretty messed up.

"What is being called “gender identity” is likely an individual’s perception of how their own sex-related and environmentally influenced personality compares to same and opposite sexed people. Put another way, it’s a self-assessment of one’s stereotypical degree of “masculinity” or “femininity,” and it’s wrongly being conflated with biological sex. This conflation stems from a cultural failure to understand the broad distribution of personalities and preferences within sexes and the overlap between sexes."

"there is a lack of understanding when it comes to the distribution of sex-related personality and behavioral differences. This lack of understanding has led to confusion. That confusion impacts children who fall at the extreme tail-ends of the distribution, who are statistically more likely to grow up to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual adults if allowed to experience uninterrupted puberty.n Additionally, telling a child that he or she was born in the wrong body pathologizes “gender non-conforming” behavior and makes gender dysphoria less likely to resolve."

"no child is born in the wrong body. Adults should expand their understanding of what normal male and female behavior and preferences look like. They should understand that being male and being female both come with a wide range of personalities, preferences, and possibilities."

"Developmental studies show that children have only a superficial understanding of sex and gender at best. For instance, up until age 7, children often believe that if a boy puts on a dress, he becomes a girl.[d] This gives us reason to doubt whether a coherent concept of gender identity exists at all in young children. Additionally, the concept relies on stereotypes that encourage the conflation of gender with sex."
Read the article.

Glad the father is still loving and genuinely cares about his child. No issue there. All good stuff.

But, overall still do not believe that loving your child means you have to affirm each of their beliefs. Affirmation has been equated with love and that is absolutely not the truth.

Real love is speaking truth to falsehood.
Anyone that has children knows you will love your kid unconditionally. If my kids told me they were gay I wouldn’t love them any less. My problem is letting kids decide before their mind is fully developed. Parents need to guide those decisions.

You might want to talk to some parents who have gay children. They will tell you that they knew when the child was still quite young.

A family we know, a large Catholic family, have one brother who is gay. His younger sister said “You don’t choose to be gay. Gay chooses you.”
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I don’t think guys with dicks should be in women’s locker room and winning national championships in women’s sports.

I don’t think hormones or surgery should be done on minors for gender.

Changes nothing for me.

Ridiculous to permanently alter somebody’s life when they have likely only lived about 15% of it and are physically healthy.
They're not guys. They're trans women. The fact that you can't admit that trans people exist is messed up. It's bigoted.
you can say you don't care or you're not advocating for it, but in reality...that's what this means

if you're saying bathroom use goes by 'C&Bs' and not what people "look like", that means that you'll have people that "look like" men using womens rooms and people that "look like" women using mens rooms

because whether like it or care about it or approve of it, there are going to be people have C&Bs but look like women and people who don't have C&Bs but look like men
Ill break it down for you:
Transgender female using elementary school female bathroom = wrong and creepy
Transgender female (who looks like a real woman) using a public restroom private stall at target = not a huge deal
Transgender female (who looks like a guy with a beard who has boobs and makeup) using the target bathroom = weird and creepy
Transgender male or female changing in an open locker room at the gym or pool = wrong and creepy
Transgender male/female (who looks convincing) using a trans appropriate bathroom at a professional conference = probably not a big deal.

It seems like common sense to be respectful to others. If you are trans and you are getting naked or going in a bathroom where kids are, then you might want to choose a different bathroom.
Read the article.

Glad the father is still loving and genuinely cares about his child. No issue there. All good stuff.

But, overall still do not believe that loving your child means you have to affirm each of their beliefs. Affirmation has been equated with love and that is absolutely not the truth.

Real love is speaking truth to falsehood.
Again, another poster who refuses to admit that trans people exist.
Again, another poster who refuses to admit that trans people exist.
Do you find it weird that the only "treatment" for trans is affirming what the person thinks? You think the adults on this board are idiots, why do you think kids are so smart and are able to self diagnose themself? How do you think a kid who made the wrong choice feels when the realize they were not really trans?
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Again, another poster who refuses to admit that trans people exist.
Trans people exist, I for one believe they do. If you are born Michael and want me to call you Michelle or Megatron I'm fine with it i'll call you whatever. A lot of people just don't agree doing it to children. Would you allow your 11 year old to get a tattoo? My 6 year old last year liked playing with his mom's makeup and liked rainbows but a year later he's obsessed with wrestling, legos and dinosaurs.
Not once did I think because of playing with makeup that he needs to be labeled gay or potentially trans and then to be taken to the doctor to affirm it.
A bigot is someone who is unreasonably attached to a belief. Are you one for not seeing why some are against it?
Do you find it weird that the only "treatment" for trans is affirming what the person thinks? You think the adults on this board are idiots, why do you think kids are so smart and are able to self diagnose themself? How do you think a kid who made the wrong choice feels when the realize they were not really trans?
This has all been covered. Uro has delved deeply into all of these questions.
Trans people exist, I for one believe they do. If you are born Michael and want me to call you Michelle or Megatron I'm fine with it i'll call you whatever. A lot of people just don't agree doing it to children. Would you allow your 11 year old to get a tattoo? My 6 year old last year liked playing with his mom's makeup and liked rainbows but a year later he's obsessed with wrestling, legos and dinosaurs.
Not once did I think because of playing with makeup that he needs to be labeled gay or potentially trans and then to be taken to the doctor to affirm it.
A bigot is someone who is unreasonably attached to a belief. Are you one for not seeing why some are against it?
We affirm all sorts of medical things for kids. What you're arguing is that kids shouldn't have access to healthcare.
This has all been covered. Uro has delved deeply into all of these questions.
Unless I missed it, he has not covered this. He completely buys into the WPATH guidelines and he does whatever they say. The WPATH is a bunch of trans activists and not a real science based standard of care. He has never once been able to give diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria because it doesn't exist.

Do you deny that affirmative gender care gives kids the ability to self diagnose?
Do you find it weird that the only "treatment" for trans is affirming what the person thinks? You think the adults on this board are idiots, why do you think kids are so smart and are able to self diagnose themself? How do you think a kid who made the wrong choice feels when the realize they were not really trans?
Oh, I absolutely think YOU'RE an idiot.
But I have no idea if you're an adult or not based on your posting history.
Again, another poster who refuses to admit that trans people exist.
Trans people exist, sure. But affirming their beliefs (especially those of a child) is not required to love them. Unconditional love is simply that, love based on no conditions.

Again, affirmation does not = love. Love speaks truth even when it hurts.

I usually pride myself knowing I have the exact core opposite belief as you. Today is no exception.
you can say you don't care or you're not advocating for it, but in reality...that's what this means

if you're saying bathroom use goes by 'C&Bs' and not what people "look like", that means that you'll have people that "look like" men using womens rooms and people that "look like" women using mens rooms

because whether like it or care about it or approve of it, there are going to be people have C&Bs but look like women and people who don't have C&Bs but look like men
if the penises stay out of women's bathrooms and girl's locker rooms... the rest of it doesn't matter to me.
Ill break it down for you:
Transgender female using elementary school female bathroom = wrong and creepy
Transgender female (who looks like a real woman) using a public restroom private stall at target = not a huge deal
Transgender female (who looks like a guy with a beard who has boobs and makeup) using the target bathroom = weird and creepy
Transgender male or female changing in an open locker room at the gym or pool = wrong and creepy
Transgender male/female (who looks convincing) using a trans appropriate bathroom at a professional conference = probably not a big deal.

It seems like common sense to be respectful to others. If you are trans and you are getting naked or going in a bathroom where kids are, then you might want to choose a different bathroom.
How many trans, or even cisgender people have you seen getting naked in the last 3 years? This subject has much more meaning to you than anyone else I've ever met, including my trans child. You are one of about 3 or 4 posters here that can't seem to not focus on naked trans people.
trans women with penises = Men
trans women who had their penis chopped off = still men
so, your answer to my original question is "yes".

you generally think the better situation is that people who look like women use the mens room and people who look like men use the women's room.

you might not like to think your position through or acknowldege that part, but that is clearly what you think the better situation is
if the penises stay out of women's bathrooms and girl's locker rooms... the rest of it doesn't matter to me.
Do you feel a gay trans born male is a bigger threat in a girls locker than a lesbian trans born female?

What went on in the locker room when you were a child? This might help us understand your obsession.
so, your answer to my original question is "yes".

you generally think the better situation is that people who look like women use the mens room and people who look like men use the women's room.

you might not like to think your position through or acknowldege that part, but that is clearly what you think the better situation is
Sure, I suppose that's the case, as long as young girls aren't put in compromising positions because some dude with C&Bs feels pretty then yeah... just because a girl cuts her hair and wears boys clothes is in the girls room that's fine with me.

If a dude cross dresses in women's clothes and has feminine features, he's still a dude.
Sure, I suppose that's the case, as long as young girls aren't put in compromising positions because some dude with C&Bs feels pretty then yeah... just because a girl cuts her hair and wears boys clothes is in the girls room that's fine with me.

If a dude cross dresses in women's clothes and has feminine features, he's still a dude.
so, to ensure no one with C&Bs enters a womens room, you want to require some people who look like men (but don't have C&Bs) use the women's room.

you can see how some people think that's a dumb position to take, right?

i don't even want to think about how you think enforcement of these policies should work
How many trans, or even cisgender people have you seen getting naked in the last 3 years? This subject has much more meaning to you than anyone else I've ever met, including my trans child. You are one of about 3 or 4 posters here that can't seem to not focus on naked trans people.
I'm sorry you missed the point of my post.

This topic does mean a lot to me. I have seen this trans ideology destroy the lives of too many kids. I have seen the medical community support an ideology rather than search for evidence based medicine.
so, to ensure no one with C&Bs enters a womens room, you want to require some people who look like men (but don't have C&Bs) use the women's room.

you can see how some people think that's a dumb position to take, right?

i don't even want to think about how you think enforcement of these policies should work
pretty simple, we're going to do things the way we've done them for the last I don't know 100 plus years. I mean if a dude needs to hike up his skirt to piss in the urinal it's whatever. But if the same dude wants to walk around naked in a girl's locker room, he's got issues.
I'm sorry you missed the point of my post.

This topic does mean a lot to me. I have seen this trans ideology destroy the lives of too many kids. I have seen the medical community support an ideology rather than search for evidence based medicine.

I’d like to hear more about all this first hand knowledge and experience you have. Spin me a yarn friend…
Trans people exist, I for one believe they do. If you are born Michael and want me to call you Michelle or Megatron I'm fine with it i'll call you whatever. A lot of people just don't agree doing it to children. Would you allow your 11 year old to get a tattoo? My 6 year old last year liked playing with his mom's makeup and liked rainbows but a year later he's obsessed with wrestling, legos and dinosaurs.
Not once did I think because of playing with makeup that he needs to be labeled gay or potentially trans and then to be taken to the doctor to affirm it.
A bigot is someone who is unreasonably attached to a belief. Are you one for not seeing why some are against it?
Can you provide some statistics on the number of sex reassignment surgeries that have been performed on minors?

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